Revonzy Mini Shell

Revonzy Mini Shell

Şuanki Dizin: /lib64/python3.9/site-packages/setools/__pycache__/
Dosya Yükle :
Şuanki Dosya : //lib64/python3.9/site-packages/setools/__pycache__/devicetreeconquery.cpython-39.pyc


q�qe��@sRddlZddlmZmZddlmZddlmZddlm	Z	Gdd�dee	�Z
dS)	�N)�Iterable�Optional�)�MatchContext)�
Devicetreecon)�PolicyQuerycsJeZdZUdZdZeeed<dd��fdd�Ze	e
d�dd�Z�ZS)	�DevicetreeconQuerya�
    Devicetreecon context query.

    policy          The policy to query.

    Keyword Parameters/Class attributes:
    path             A single devicetree path.

    user            The criteria to match the context's user.
    user_regex      If true, regular expression matching
                    will be used on the user.

    role            The criteria to match the context's role.
    role_regex      If true, regular expression matching
                    will be used on the role.

    type_           The criteria to match the context's type.
    type_regex      If true, regular expression matching
                    will be used on the type.

    range_          The criteria to match the context's range.
    range_subset    If true, the criteria will match if it is a subset
                    of the context's range.
    range_overlap   If true, the criteria will match if it overlaps
                    any of the context's range.
    range_superset  If true, the criteria will match if it is a superset
                    of the context's range.
    range_proper    If true, use proper superset/subset operations.
                    No effect if not using set operations.
    N�path)�returncs(tt|�j|fi|��t�t�|_dS)N)�superr�__init__�loggingZ	getLogger�__name__�log)�self�policy�kwargs��	__class__��@/usr/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/setools/devicetreeconquery.pyr1szDevicetreeconQuery.__init__ccsl|j�d�|��|j�d�|��|�|j�|j��D],}|jrR|j|jkrRq:|�|j	�s`q:|Vq:dS)z3Generator which yields all matching devicetreecons.z"Generating results from {0.policy}zPath: {0.path!r}N)
r�info�format�debugZ_match_context_debugrZdevicetreeconsr	Z_match_context�context)rZ
devicetreeconrrr�results5szDevicetreeconQuery.results)
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__r	r�str�__annotations__rrrr�
�typingrrZmixinsrZ	policyrepr�queryrrrrrr�<module>s

Revonzy Mini Shell

Linux 5.14.0-284.11.1.el9_2.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue May 9 05:49:00 EDT 2023 x86_64