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Convenience mixin for classes who implement a :meth:`urlopen` method, such
as :class:`urllib3.HTTPConnectionPool` and
Provides behavior for making common types of HTTP request methods and
decides which type of request field encoding to use.
:meth:`.request_encode_url` is for sending requests whose fields are
encoded in the URL (such as GET, HEAD, DELETE).
:meth:`.request_encode_body` is for sending requests whose fields are
encoded in the *body* of the request using multipart or www-form-urlencoded
(such as for POST, PUT, PATCH).
:meth:`.request` is for making any kind of request, it will look up the
appropriate encoding format and use one of the above two methods to make
the request.
Initializer parameters:
:param headers:
Headers to include with all requests, unless other headers are given
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