Şuanki Dizin: /proc/self/root/usr/lib/rpm/lua/fedora/srpm/ |
Şuanki Dosya : //proc/self/root/usr/lib/rpm/lua/fedora/srpm/forge.lua |
-- Lua code used by macros.forge and derivatives -- Computes the suffix of a version string, removing vprefix if it matches -- For example with vprefix 1.2.3: 1.2.3.rc2 → .rc2 but 1.2.30 → 1.2.30 not 0 local function getversionsuffix(vstring,vprefix) if (string.sub(vstring, 1, #vprefix) == vprefix) and (not string.match(string.sub(vstring, #vprefix + 1), "^%.?%d")) then return string.sub(vstring, #vprefix + 1) else return vstring end end -- Check if an identified url is sane local function checkforgeurl(url, id, silent) local checkedurl = nil local checkedid = nil local urlpatterns = { gitlab = { pattern = 'https://[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/#?]+', description = 'https://(…[-.])gitlab[-.]…/owner/repo'}, pagure = { pattern = 'https://[^/]+/[^/#?]+', description = 'https://pagure.io/repo'}, pagure_ns = { pattern = 'https://[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/#?]+', description = 'https://pagure.io/namespace/repo'}, pagure_fork = { pattern = 'https://[^/]+/fork/[^/]+/[^/#?]+', description = 'https://pagure.io/fork/owner/repo'}, pagure_ns_fork = { pattern = 'https://[^/]+/fork/[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/#?]+', description = 'https://pagure.io/fork/owner/namespace/repo'}, ["gitea.com"] = { pattern = 'https://[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/#?]+', description = 'https://gitea.com/owner/repo'}, github = { pattern = 'https://[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/#?]+', description = 'https://(…[-.])github[-.]…/owner/repo'}, ["code.googlesource.com"] = { pattern = 'https://code.googlesource.com/[^#?]*[^/#?]+', description = 'https://code.googlesource.com/…/repo'}, ["bitbucket.org"] = { pattern = 'https://[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/#?]+', description = 'https://bitbucket.org/owner/repo'}} if (urlpatterns[id] ~= nil) then checkedurl = string.match(url,urlpatterns[id]["pattern"]) if (checkedurl == nil) then if not silent then rpm.expand("%{error:" .. id .. " URLs must match " .. urlpatterns[id]["description"] .. " !}") end else checkedid = id end end return checkedurl, checkedid end -- Check if an url matches a known forge local function idforge(url, silent) local forgeurl = nil local forge = nil if (url ~= "") then forge = string.match(url, "^[^:]+://([^/]+)/") if (forge == nil) then if not silent then rpm.expand("%{error:URLs must include a protocol such as https:// and a path starting with / !}") end else if (forge == "pagure.io") then if string.match(url, "[^:]+://pagure.io/fork/[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+") then forge = "pagure_ns_fork" elseif string.match(url, "[^:]+://pagure.io/fork/[^/]+/[^/]+") then forge = "pagure_fork" elseif string.match(url, "[^:]+://pagure.io/[^/]+/[^/]+") then forge = "pagure_ns" elseif string.match(url, "[^:]+://pagure.io/[^/]+") then forge = "pagure" end elseif (string.match(forge, "^gitlab[%.-]") or string.match(forge, "[%.-]gitlab[%.]")) then forge = "gitlab" elseif (string.match(forge, "^github[%.-]") or string.match(forge, "[%.-]github[%.]")) then forge = "github" end forgeurl, forge = checkforgeurl(url, forge, silent) end end return forgeurl, forge end -- The forgemeta macro main processing function -- See the documentation in the macros.forge file for argument description -- Also called directly by gometa local function meta(suffix, verbose, informative, silent) local fedora = require "fedora.common" local ismain = (suffix == "") or (suffix == "0") if ismain then fedora.zalias({"forgeurl", "forgesource", "forgesetupargs", "archivename", "archiveext", "archiveurl", "topdir", "extractdir", "repo", "owner", "namespace", "scm", "tag", "commit", "shortcommit", "branch", "version", "date", "distprefix"}, verbose) end local variables = { default = { scm = "git", archiveext = "tar.bz2", repo = '%{lua:print(string.match(rpm.expand("%{forgeurl' .. suffix .. '}"), "^[^:]+://[^/]+/[^/]+/([^/?#]+)"))}', archivename = "%{repo" .. suffix .. "}-%{ref" .. suffix .. "}", topdir = "%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}" }, gitlab = { archiveurl = "%{forgeurl" .. suffix .. "}/-/archive/%{ref" .. suffix .. "}/%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "}" }, pagure = { archiveext = "tar.gz", repo = '%{lua:print(string.match(rpm.expand("%{forgeurl' .. suffix .. '}"), "^[^:]+://[^/]+/([^/?#]+)"))}', archiveurl = "%{forgeurl" .. suffix .. "}/archive/%{ref" .. suffix .. "}/%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "}" }, pagure_ns = { archiveext = "tar.gz", namespace = '%{lua:print(string.match(rpm.expand("%{forgeurl' .. suffix .. '}"), "^[^:]+://[^/]+/([^/]+)/[^/?#]+"))}', repo = '%{lua:print(string.match(rpm.expand("%{forgeurl' .. suffix .. '}"), "^[^:]+://[^/]+/[^/]+/([^/?#]+)"))}', archivename = "%{namespace" .. suffix .. "}-%{repo" .. suffix .. "}-%{ref" .. suffix .. "}", archiveurl = "%{forgeurl" .. suffix .. "}/archive/%{ref" .. suffix .. "}/%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "}" }, pagure_fork = { archiveext = "tar.gz", owner = '%{lua:print(string.match(rpm.expand("%{forgeurl' .. suffix .. '}"), "https://[^/]+/fork/([^/]+)/[^/?#]+"))}', repo = '%{lua:print(string.match(rpm.expand("%{forgeurl' .. suffix .. '}"), "https://[^/]+/fork/[^/]+/([^/?#]+)"))}', archivename = "%{owner" .. suffix .. "}-%{repo" .. suffix .. "}-%{ref" .. suffix .. "}", archiveurl = "%{forgeurl" .. suffix .. "}/archive/%{ref" .. suffix .. "}/%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "}" }, pagure_ns_fork = { owner = '%{lua:print(string.match(rpm.expand("%{forgeurl' .. suffix .. '}"), "https://[^/]+/fork/([^/]+)/[^/]+/[^/?#]+"))}', namespace = '%{lua:print(string.match(rpm.expand("%{forgeurl' .. suffix .. '}"), "https://[^/]+/fork/[^/]+/([^/]+)/[^/?#]+")}', repo = '%{lua:print(string.match(rpm.expand("%{forgeurl' .. suffix .. '}"), "https://[^/]+/fork/[^/]+/[^/]+/([^/?#]+)")}', archivename = "%{owner" .. suffix .. "}-%{namespace" .. suffix .. "}-%{repo" .. suffix .. "}-%{ref" .. suffix .. "}", archiveurl = "%{forgeurl" .. suffix .. "}/archive/%{ref" .. suffix .. "}/%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "}" }, ["gitea.com"] = { archiveext = "tar.gz", archivename = "%{fileref" .. suffix .. "}", archiveurl = "%{forgeurl" .. suffix .. "}/archive/%{ref" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "}", topdir = "%{repo}" }, github = { archiveext = "tar.gz", archivename = "%{repo" .. suffix .. "}-%{fileref" .. suffix .. "}", archiveurl = "%{forgeurl" .. suffix .. "}/archive/%{ref" .. suffix .. "}/%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "}" }, ["code.googlesource.com"] = { archiveext = "tar.gz", repo = '%{lua:print(string.match(rpm.expand("%{forgeurl' .. suffix .. '}"), "^[^:]+://.+/([^/?#]+)"))}', archiveurl = "%{forgeurl" .. suffix .. "}/+archive/%{ref" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "}", topdir = "" }, ["bitbucket.org"] = { shortcommit = '%{lua:print(string.sub(rpm.expand("%{commit' .. suffix .. '}"), 1, 12))}', owner = '%{lua:print(string.match(rpm.expand("%{forgeurl' .. suffix .. '}"), "^[^:]+://[^/]+/([^/?#]+)"))}', archivename = "%{owner" .. suffix .. "}-%{repo" .. suffix .. "}-%{shortcommit" .. suffix .. "}", archiveurl = "%{forgeurl" .. suffix .. "}/get/%{ref" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "}" } } -- Packaging a moving branch is quite a bad idea, but since at least Gitlab -- will treat branches and tags the same way better support branches explicitly -- than have packagers hijack %{tag} to download branch states local spec = {} for _, v in ipairs({'forgeurl','tag','commit','branch','version'}) do spec[v] = rpm.expand("%{?" .. v .. suffix .. "}") end -- Compute the reference of the object to fetch local isrelease = false if (spec["tag"] ~= "") then ref = "%{?tag" .. suffix .. "}" elseif (spec["commit"] ~= "") then ref = "%{?commit" .. suffix .. "}" elseif (spec["branch"] ~= "") then ref = "%{?branch" .. suffix .. "}" else ref = "%{?version" .. suffix .. "}" isrelease = true end if (rpm.expand(ref) == "") then if (suffix == "") then rpm.expand("%{error:You need to define Version:, %{commit} or %{tag} before the macro invocation !}") else rpm.expand("%{error:You need to define %{version" .. suffix .. "}, %{commit" .. suffix .. "} or %{tag" .. suffix .. "} before the macro invocation !}") end end local forgeurl = spec["forgeurl"] -- For backwards compatibility only local expliciturl = rpm.expand("%{?-u*}") if (expliciturl ~= "") then rpm.expand("%{warn:-u use in %%forgemeta is deprecated, use -z instead to select a separate set of rpm variables!}") forgeurl = expliciturl end local forge forgeurl, forge = idforge(forgeurl, silent) if (forge ~= nil) then fedora.explicitset("forgeurl" .. suffix, forgeurl, verbose) -- Custom processing of quirky forges that can not be handled with simple variables if (forge == "github") then -- Workaround the way GitHub injects "v"s before some version strings (but not all!) -- To package one of the minority of sane GitHub projects that do not munge their version -- strings set tag to %{version} in your spec local fileref = ref if (ref == "%{?version" .. suffix .. "}") then ref = "v" .. ref elseif (fileref ~= "%{?commit" .. suffix .. "}") and string.match(rpm.expand(fileref), "^v[%d]") then fileref = string.gsub(rpm.expand(fileref), "^v", "") elseif (string.match(rpm.expand(fileref), "/")) then fileref = string.gsub(rpm.expand(fileref), "/", "-") end fedora.safeset("fileref" .. suffix, fileref, verbose) elseif (forge == "gitea.com") then -- Workaround the way gitea mangles /s in ref names local fileref = ref fileref = string.gsub(rpm.expand(fileref), "/", "-") fedora.safeset("fileref" .. suffix, fileref, verbose) elseif (forge == "code.googlesource.com") then if (ref == "%{?version" .. suffix .. "}") then ref = "v" .. ref end elseif (forge == "bitbucket.org") then if (spec["commit"] == "") then rpm.expand("%{error:All BitBucket URLs require commit value knowledge: you need to define %{commit}!}") end end fedora.safeset("ref" .. suffix, ref, verbose) -- Mass setting of the remaining variables for k,v in pairs(variables[forge]) do fedora.safeset(k .. suffix, variables[forge][k], verbose) end for k,v in pairs(variables["default"]) do if (variables[forge][k] == nil) then fedora.safeset(k .. suffix, variables["default"][k], verbose) end end end -- Generic rules for _, v in ipairs({'archiveurl','archivename','archiveext','topdir'}) do spec[v] = rpm.expand("%{?" .. v .. suffix .. "}") end -- Source URL processing (computing the forgesource spec variable) local forgesource = "%{archiveurl" .. suffix .. "}" if (string.match(spec["archiveurl"], "/([^/]+)$") ~= spec["archivename"] .. "." .. spec["archiveext"]) then forgesource = "%{?archiveurl" .. suffix .. "}#/%{?archivename" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "}" end fedora.safeset("forgesource" .. suffix, forgesource, verbose) -- Setup processing (computing the forgesetup and extractdir variables) local forgesetupargs = "-n %{extractdir" .. suffix .. "}" local extractdir = "%{topdir" .. suffix .. "}" if (spec["topdir"] == "") then forgesetupargs = "-c " .. forgesetupargs extractdir = "%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}" end if not ismain then if (spec["topdir"] ~= "") then forgesetupargs = "-T -D -b " .. suffix .. " " .. forgesetupargs else forgesetupargs = "-T -D -a " .. suffix .. " " .. forgesetupargs end end fedora.safeset("forgesetupargs" .. suffix, forgesetupargs, verbose) fedora.safeset("extractdir" .. suffix, extractdir, verbose) -- dist processing (computing the correct prefix for snapshots) local distprefix = "" if not isrelease then distprefix = string.lower(rpm.expand(ref)) if (ref == "%{?commit" .. suffix .. "}") then distprefix = string.sub(distprefix, 1, 7) elseif (ref ~= "%{?branch" .. suffix .. "}") then distprefix = string.gsub(distprefix, "[%p%s]+", ".") distprefix = string.gsub(distprefix, "^" .. string.lower(rpm.expand("%{?repo}")) .. "%.?", "") local v = string.gsub(rpm.expand("%{version}"), "[%p%s]+", ".") for _, p in ipairs({'','v','v.','version','version.','tags.v', 'tags.v.'}) do distprefix = getversionsuffix(distprefix, p .. v) end distprefix = string.gsub(distprefix, "^%.", "") end if (distprefix ~= "") then distprefix = "%{scm" .. suffix .. "}" .. distprefix date = rpm.expand("%{?date" .. suffix .. "}") if (date ~= "") then distprefix = date .. distprefix else distprefix = "%([ -r %{_sourcedir}/%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "} ] && date +%Y%m%d -u -r %{_sourcedir}/%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "})" .. distprefix end distprefix = "." .. distprefix end end if (spec["version"] ~= "") and (spec["version"] ~= "0") and (spec["version"] ~= rpm.expand("%{?version}")) then distprefix = ".%{version" .. suffix .. "}" .. distprefix end if (rpm.expand(distprefix) ~= "") then if not ismain then distprefix = string.gsub(distprefix, "^%.", ".s") end fedora.safeset ("distprefix" .. suffix, distprefix, verbose) end if ismain then fedora.zalias({"forgeurl", "forgesource", "forgesetupargs", "archivename", "archiveext", "archiveurl", "topdir", "extractdir", "repo", "owner", "namespace", "scm", "shortcommit", "distprefix"}, verbose) end -- Final spec variable summary if the macro was called with -i if informative then rpm.expand("%{echo:Packaging variables read or set by %%forgemeta}") fedora.echovars({"forgeurl", "forgesource", "forgesetupargs", "archivename", "archiveext", "archiveurl", "topdir", "extractdir", "repo", "owner", "namespace", "scm", "tag", "commit", "shortcommit", "branch", "version", "date", "distprefix"}, suffix) fedora.echovars({"dist"},"") rpm.expand("%{echo: (snapshot date is either manually supplied or computed once %%{_sourcedir}/%%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}.%%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "} is available)}") end end return { meta = meta, }
Linux 65-254-81-4.cprapid.com 5.14.0-284.11.1.el9_2.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue May 9 05:49:00 EDT 2023 x86_64