Şuanki Dizin: /proc/self/root/usr/share/wireplumber/scripts/ |
Şuanki Dosya : //proc/self/root/usr/share/wireplumber/scripts/policy-node.lua |
-- WirePlumber -- -- Copyright © 2020 Collabora Ltd. -- @author Julian Bouzas <julian.bouzas@collabora.com> -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT -- Receive script arguments from config.lua local config = ... or {} -- ensure config.move and config.follow are not nil config.move = config.move or false config.follow = config.follow or false config.filter_forward_format = config["filter.forward-format"] or false local self = {} self.scanning = false self.pending_rescan = false self.events_skipped = false self.pending_error_timer = nil function rescan() for si in linkables_om:iterate() do handleLinkable (si) end end function scheduleRescan () if self.scanning then self.pending_rescan = true return end self.scanning = true rescan () self.scanning = false if self.pending_rescan then self.pending_rescan = false Core.sync(function () scheduleRescan () end) end end function parseBool(var) return var and (var:lower() == "true" or var == "1") end function createLink (si, si_target, passthrough, exclusive) local out_item = nil local in_item = nil local si_props = si.properties local target_props = si_target.properties local si_id = si.id -- break rescan if tried more than 5 times with same target if si_flags[si_id].failed_peer_id ~= nil and si_flags[si_id].failed_peer_id == si_target.id and si_flags[si_id].failed_count ~= nil and si_flags[si_id].failed_count > 5 then Log.warning (si, "tried to link on last rescan, not retrying") return end if si_props["item.node.direction"] == "output" then -- playback out_item = si in_item = si_target else -- capture in_item = si out_item = si_target end local passive = parseBool(si_props["node.passive"]) or parseBool(target_props["node.passive"]) Log.info ( string.format("link %s <-> %s passive:%s, passthrough:%s, exclusive:%s", tostring(si_props["node.name"]), tostring(target_props["node.name"]), tostring(passive), tostring(passthrough), tostring(exclusive))) -- create and configure link local si_link = SessionItem ( "si-standard-link" ) if not si_link:configure { ["out.item"] = out_item, ["in.item"] = in_item, ["passive"] = passive, ["passthrough"] = passthrough, ["exclusive"] = exclusive, ["out.item.port.context"] = "output", ["in.item.port.context"] = "input", ["is.policy.item.link"] = true, } then Log.warning (si_link, "failed to configure si-standard-link") return end si_link:connect("link-error", function (_, error_msg) local ids = {si_id} if si_flags[si_id] ~= nil then table.insert (ids, si_flags[si_id].peer_id) end for _, id in ipairs (ids) do local si = linkables_om:lookup { Constraint { "id", "=", id, type = "gobject" }, } if si then local node = si:get_associated_proxy ("node") local client_id = node.properties["client.id"] if client_id then local client = clients_om:lookup { Constraint { "bound-id", "=", client_id, type = "gobject" } } if client then Log.info (node, "sending client error: " .. error_msg) client:send_error (node["bound-id"], -32, error_msg) end end end end end) -- register si_flags[si_id].peer_id = si_target.id si_flags[si_id].failed_peer_id = si_target.id if si_flags[si_id].failed_count ~= nil then si_flags[si_id].failed_count = si_flags[si_id].failed_count + 1 else si_flags[si_id].failed_count = 1 end si_link:register () -- activate si_link:activate (Feature.SessionItem.ACTIVE, function (l, e) if e then Log.info (l, "failed to activate si-standard-link: " .. tostring(e)) if si_flags[si_id] ~= nil then si_flags[si_id].peer_id = nil end l:remove () else if si_flags[si_id] ~= nil then si_flags[si_id].failed_peer_id = nil si_flags[si_id].failed_count = 0 end Log.info (l, "activated si-standard-link") end scheduleRescan() end) end function isLinked(si_target) local target_id = si_target.id local linked = false local exclusive = false for l in links_om:iterate() do local p = l.properties local out_id = tonumber(p["out.item.id"]) local in_id = tonumber(p["in.item.id"]) linked = (out_id == target_id) or (in_id == target_id) if linked then exclusive = parseBool(p["exclusive"]) or parseBool(p["passthrough"]) break end end return linked, exclusive end function canPassthrough (si, si_target) -- both nodes must support encoded formats if not parseBool(si.properties["item.node.supports-encoded-fmts"]) or not parseBool(si_target.properties["item.node.supports-encoded-fmts"]) then return false end -- make sure that the nodes have at least one common non-raw format local n1 = si:get_associated_proxy ("node") local n2 = si_target:get_associated_proxy ("node") for p1 in n1:iterate_params("EnumFormat") do local p1p = p1:parse() if p1p.properties.mediaSubtype ~= "raw" then for p2 in n2:iterate_params("EnumFormat") do if p1:filter(p2) then return true end end end end return false end function canLink (properties, si_target) local target_properties = si_target.properties -- nodes must have the same media type if properties["media.type"] ~= target_properties["media.type"] then return false end -- nodes must have opposite direction, or otherwise they must be both input -- and the target must have a monitor (so the target will be used as a source) local function isMonitor(properties) return properties["item.node.direction"] == "input" and parseBool(properties["item.features.monitor"]) and not parseBool(properties["item.features.no-dsp"]) and properties["item.factory.name"] == "si-audio-adapter" end if properties["item.node.direction"] == target_properties["item.node.direction"] and not isMonitor(target_properties) then return false end -- check link group local function canLinkGroupCheck (link_group, si_target, hops) local target_props = si_target.properties local target_link_group = target_props["node.link-group"] if hops == 8 then return false end -- allow linking if target has no link-group property if not target_link_group then return true end -- do not allow linking if target has the same link-group if link_group == target_link_group then return false end -- make sure target is not linked with another node with same link group -- start by locating other nodes in the target's link-group, in opposite direction for n in linkables_om:iterate { Constraint { "id", "!", si_target.id, type = "gobject" }, Constraint { "item.node.direction", "!", target_props["item.node.direction"] }, Constraint { "node.link-group", "=", target_link_group }, } do -- iterate their peers and return false if one of them cannot link for silink in links_om:iterate() do local out_id = tonumber(silink.properties["out.item.id"]) local in_id = tonumber(silink.properties["in.item.id"]) if out_id == n.id or in_id == n.id then local peer_id = (out_id == n.id) and in_id or out_id local peer = linkables_om:lookup { Constraint { "id", "=", peer_id, type = "gobject" }, } if peer and not canLinkGroupCheck (link_group, peer, hops + 1) then return false end end end end return true end local link_group = properties["node.link-group"] if link_group then return canLinkGroupCheck (link_group, si_target, 0) end return true end function getTargetDirection(properties) local target_direction = nil if properties["item.node.direction"] == "output" or (properties["item.node.direction"] == "input" and parseBool(properties["stream.capture.sink"])) then target_direction = "input" else target_direction = "output" end return target_direction end function getDefaultNode(properties, target_direction) local target_media_class = properties["media.type"] .. (target_direction == "input" and "/Sink" or "/Source") return default_nodes:call("get-default-node", target_media_class) end -- Try to locate a valid target node that was explicitly requsted by the -- client(node.target) or by the user(target.node) -- Use the target.node metadata, if config.move is enabled, -- then use the node.target property that was set on the node -- `properties` must be the properties dictionary of the session item -- that is currently being handled function findDefinedTarget (properties) local metadata = config.move and metadata_om:lookup() local target_direction = getTargetDirection(properties) local target_key local target_value local node_defined = false if properties["target.object"] ~= nil then target_value = properties["target.object"] target_key = "object.serial" node_defined = true elseif properties["node.target"] ~= nil then target_value = properties["node.target"] target_key = "node.id" node_defined = true end if metadata then local id = metadata:find(properties["node.id"], "target.object") if id ~= nil then target_value = id target_key = "object.serial" node_defined = false else id = metadata:find(properties["node.id"], "target.node") if id ~= nil then target_value = id target_key = "node.id" node_defined = false end end end if target_value == "-1" then return nil, false, node_defined end if target_value and tonumber(target_value) then local si_target = linkables_om:lookup { Constraint { target_key, "=", target_value }, } if si_target and canLink (properties, si_target) then return si_target, true, node_defined end end if target_value then for si_target in linkables_om:iterate() do local target_props = si_target.properties if (target_props["node.name"] == target_value or target_props["object.path"] == target_value) and target_props["item.node.direction"] == target_direction and canLink (properties, si_target) then return si_target, true, node_defined end end end return nil, (target_value ~= nil), node_defined end function parseParam(param, id) local route = param:parse() if route.pod_type == "Object" and route.object_id == id then return route.properties else return nil end end function arrayContains(a, value) for _, v in ipairs(a) do if v == value then return true end end return false end -- Does the target device have any active/available paths/routes to -- the physical device(spkr/mic/cam)? function haveAvailableRoutes (si_props) local card_profile_device = si_props["card.profile.device"] local device_id = si_props["device.id"] local device = device_id and devices_om:lookup { Constraint { "bound-id", "=", device_id, type = "gobject"}, } if not card_profile_device or not device then return true end local found = 0 local avail = 0 -- First check "SPA_PARAM_Route" if there are any active devices -- in an active profile. for p in device:iterate_params("Route") do local route = parseParam(p, "Route") if not route then goto skip_route end if (route.device ~= tonumber(card_profile_device)) then goto skip_route end if (route.available == "no") then return false end do return true end ::skip_route:: end -- Second check "SPA_PARAM_EnumRoute" if there is any route that -- is available if not active. for p in device:iterate_params("EnumRoute") do local route = parseParam(p, "EnumRoute") if not route then goto skip_enum_route end if not arrayContains(route.devices, tonumber(card_profile_device)) then goto skip_enum_route end found = found + 1; if (route.available ~= "no") then avail = avail +1 end ::skip_enum_route:: end if found == 0 then return true end if avail > 0 then return true end return false end function findDefaultLinkable (si) local si_props = si.properties local target_direction = getTargetDirection(si_props) local def_node_id = getDefaultNode(si_props, target_direction) return linkables_om:lookup { Constraint { "node.id", "=", tostring(def_node_id) } } end function checkPassthroughCompatibility (si, si_target) local si_must_passthrough = parseBool(si.properties["item.node.encoded-only"]) local si_target_must_passthrough = parseBool(si_target.properties["item.node.encoded-only"]) local can_passthrough = canPassthrough(si, si_target) if (si_must_passthrough or si_target_must_passthrough) and not can_passthrough then return false, can_passthrough end return true, can_passthrough end function findBestLinkable (si) local si_props = si.properties local target_direction = getTargetDirection(si_props) local target_picked = nil local target_can_passthrough = false local target_priority = 0 local target_plugged = 0 for si_target in linkables_om:iterate { Constraint { "item.node.type", "=", "device" }, Constraint { "item.node.direction", "=", target_direction }, Constraint { "media.type", "=", si_props["media.type"] }, } do local si_target_props = si_target.properties local si_target_node_id = si_target_props["node.id"] local priority = tonumber(si_target_props["priority.session"]) or 0 Log.debug(string.format("Looking at: %s (%s)", tostring(si_target_props["node.name"]), tostring(si_target_node_id))) if not canLink (si_props, si_target) then Log.debug("... cannot link, skip linkable") goto skip_linkable end if not haveAvailableRoutes(si_target_props) then Log.debug("... does not have routes, skip linkable") goto skip_linkable end local passthrough_compatible, can_passthrough = checkPassthroughCompatibility (si, si_target) if not passthrough_compatible then Log.debug("... passthrough is not compatible, skip linkable") goto skip_linkable end local plugged = tonumber(si_target_props["item.plugged.usec"]) or 0 Log.debug("... priority:"..tostring(priority)..", plugged:"..tostring(plugged)) -- (target_picked == NULL) --> make sure atleast one target is picked. -- (priority > target_priority) --> pick the highest priority linkable(node) -- target. -- (priority == target_priority and plugged > target_plugged) --> pick the -- latest connected/plugged(in time) linkable(node) target. if (target_picked == nil or priority > target_priority or (priority == target_priority and plugged > target_plugged)) then Log.debug("... picked") target_picked = si_target target_can_passthrough = can_passthrough target_priority = priority target_plugged = plugged end ::skip_linkable:: end if target_picked then Log.info(string.format("... best target picked: %s (%s), can_passthrough:%s", tostring(target_picked.properties["node.name"]), tostring(target_picked.properties["node.id"]), tostring(target_can_passthrough))) return target_picked, target_can_passthrough else return nil, nil end end function findUndefinedTarget (si) -- Just find the best linkable if default nodes module is not loaded if default_nodes == nil then return findBestLinkable (si) end -- Otherwise find the default linkable. If the default linkable is not -- compatible, we find the best one instead. We return nil if the default -- linkable does not exist. local si_target = findDefaultLinkable (si) if si_target then local passthrough_compatible, can_passthrough = checkPassthroughCompatibility (si, si_target) if canLink (si.properties, si_target) and passthrough_compatible then Log.info(string.format("... default target picked: %s (%s), can_passthrough:%s", tostring(si_target.properties["node.name"]), tostring(si_target.properties["node.id"]), tostring(can_passthrough))) return si_target, can_passthrough else return findBestLinkable (si) end end return nil, nil end function lookupLink (si_id, si_target_id) local link = links_om:lookup { Constraint { "out.item.id", "=", si_id }, Constraint { "in.item.id", "=", si_target_id } } if not link then link = links_om:lookup { Constraint { "in.item.id", "=", si_id }, Constraint { "out.item.id", "=", si_target_id } } end return link end function checkLinkable(si, handle_nonstreams) -- only handle stream session items local si_props = si.properties if not si_props or (si_props["item.node.type"] ~= "stream" and not handle_nonstreams) then return false end -- Determine if we can handle item by this policy if endpoints_om:get_n_objects () > 0 and si_props["item.factory.name"] == "si-audio-adapter" then return false end return true, si_props end si_flags = {} function checkPending () local pending_linkables = pending_linkables_om:get_n_objects () -- We cannot process linkables if some of them are pending activation, -- because linkables do not appear in the same order as nodes, -- and we cannot resolve target node references until all linkables -- have appeared. if self.pending_error_timer then self.pending_error_timer:destroy () self.pending_error_timer = nil end if pending_linkables ~= 0 then -- Wait for linkables to get it sync Log.debug(string.format("pending %d linkable not ready", pending_linkables)) self.events_skipped = true -- To make bugs in activation easier to debug, emit an error message -- if they occur. policy-node should never be suspended for 20sec. self.pending_error_timer = Core.timeout_add(20000, function() self.pending_error_timer = nil if pending_linkables ~= 0 then Log.message(string.format("%d pending linkable(s) not activated in 20sec. " .. "This should never happen.", pending_linkables)) end end) return true elseif self.events_skipped then Log.debug("pending linkables ready") self.events_skipped = false scheduleRescan () return true end return false end function checkFollowDefault (si, si_target, has_node_defined_target) -- If it got linked to the default target that is defined by node -- props but not metadata, start ignoring the node prop from now on. -- This is what Pulseaudio does. -- -- Pulseaudio skips here filter streams (i->origin_sink and -- o->destination_source set in PA). Pipewire does not have a flag -- explicitly for this, but we can use presence of node.link-group. if not has_node_defined_target then return end local si_props = si.properties local target_props = si_target.properties local reconnect = not parseBool(si_props["node.dont-reconnect"]) local is_filter = (si_props["node.link-group"] ~= nil) if config.follow and default_nodes ~= nil and reconnect and not is_filter then local def_id = getDefaultNode(si_props, getTargetDirection(si_props)) if target_props["node.id"] == tostring(def_id) then local metadata = metadata_om:lookup() -- Set target.node, for backward compatibility metadata:set(tonumber(si_props["node.id"]), "target.node", "Spa:Id", "-1") Log.info (si, "... set metadata to follow default") end end end function handleLinkable (si) if checkPending () then return end local valid, si_props = checkLinkable(si) if not valid then return end -- check if we need to link this node at all local autoconnect = parseBool(si_props["node.autoconnect"]) if not autoconnect then Log.debug (si, tostring(si_props["node.name"]) .. " does not need to be autoconnected") return end Log.info (si, string.format("handling item: %s (%s)", tostring(si_props["node.name"]), tostring(si_props["node.id"]))) ensureSiFlags(si) -- get other important node properties local reconnect = not parseBool(si_props["node.dont-reconnect"]) local exclusive = parseBool(si_props["node.exclusive"]) local si_must_passthrough = parseBool(si_props["item.node.encoded-only"]) -- find defined target local si_target, has_defined_target, has_node_defined_target = findDefinedTarget(si_props) local can_passthrough = si_target and canPassthrough(si, si_target) if si_target and si_must_passthrough and not can_passthrough then si_target = nil end -- if the client has seen a target that we haven't yet prepared, schedule -- a rescan one more time and hope for the best local si_id = si.id if has_defined_target and not si_target and not si_flags[si_id].was_handled and not si_flags[si_id].done_waiting then Log.info (si, "... waiting for target") si_flags[si_id].done_waiting = true scheduleRescan() return end -- find fallback target if not si_target and (reconnect or not has_defined_target) then si_target, can_passthrough = findUndefinedTarget(si) end -- Check if item is linked to proper target, otherwise re-link if si_flags[si_id].peer_id then if si_target and si_flags[si_id].peer_id == si_target.id then Log.debug (si, "... already linked to proper target") -- Check this also here, in case in default targets changed checkFollowDefault (si, si_target, has_node_defined_target) return end local link = lookupLink (si_id, si_flags[si_id].peer_id) if reconnect then if link ~= nil then -- remove old link if ((link:get_active_features() & Feature.SessionItem.ACTIVE) == 0) then -- Link not yet activated. We don't want to remove it now, as that -- may cause problems. Instead, give up for now. A rescan is scheduled -- once the link activates. Log.info (link, "Link to be moved was not activated, will wait for it.") return end si_flags[si_id].peer_id = nil link:remove () Log.info (si, "... moving to new target") end else if link ~= nil then Log.info (si, "... dont-reconnect, not moving") return end end end -- if the stream has dont-reconnect and was already linked before, -- don't link it to a new target if not reconnect and si_flags[si.id].was_handled then si_target = nil end -- check target's availability if si_target then local target_is_linked, target_is_exclusive = isLinked(si_target) if target_is_exclusive then Log.info(si, "... target is linked exclusively") si_target = nil end if target_is_linked then if exclusive or si_must_passthrough then Log.info(si, "... target is already linked, cannot link exclusively") si_target = nil else -- disable passthrough, we can live without it can_passthrough = false end end end if not si_target then Log.info (si, "... target not found, reconnect:" .. tostring(reconnect)) local node = si:get_associated_proxy ("node") if not reconnect then Log.info (si, "... destroy node") node:request_destroy() elseif si_flags[si.id].was_handled then Log.info (si, "... waiting reconnect") return end local client_id = node.properties["client.id"] if client_id then local client = clients_om:lookup { Constraint { "bound-id", "=", client_id, type = "gobject" } } if client then client:send_error(node["bound-id"], -2, "no node available") end end else createLink (si, si_target, can_passthrough, exclusive) si_flags[si.id].was_handled = true checkFollowDefault (si, si_target, has_node_defined_target) end end function unhandleLinkable (si) local valid, si_props = checkLinkable(si, true) if not valid then return end Log.info (si, string.format("unhandling item: %s (%s)", tostring(si_props["node.name"]), tostring(si_props["node.id"]))) -- remove any links associated with this item for silink in links_om:iterate() do local out_id = tonumber (silink.properties["out.item.id"]) local in_id = tonumber (silink.properties["in.item.id"]) if out_id == si.id or in_id == si.id then if out_id == si.id and si_flags[in_id] and si_flags[in_id].peer_id == out_id then si_flags[in_id].peer_id = nil elseif in_id == si.id and si_flags[out_id] and si_flags[out_id].peer_id == in_id then si_flags[out_id].peer_id = nil end silink:remove () Log.info (silink, "... link removed") end end si_flags[si.id] = nil end default_nodes = Plugin.find("default-nodes-api") metadata_om = ObjectManager { Interest { type = "metadata", Constraint { "metadata.name", "=", "default" }, } } endpoints_om = ObjectManager { Interest { type = "SiEndpoint" } } clients_om = ObjectManager { Interest { type = "client" } } devices_om = ObjectManager { Interest { type = "device" } } linkables_om = ObjectManager { Interest { type = "SiLinkable", -- only handle si-audio-adapter and si-node Constraint { "item.factory.name", "c", "si-audio-adapter", "si-node" }, Constraint { "active-features", "!", 0, type = "gobject" }, } } pending_linkables_om = ObjectManager { Interest { type = "SiLinkable", -- only handle si-audio-adapter and si-node Constraint { "item.factory.name", "c", "si-audio-adapter", "si-node" }, Constraint { "active-features", "=", 0, type = "gobject" }, } } links_om = ObjectManager { Interest { type = "SiLink", -- only handle links created by this policy Constraint { "is.policy.item.link", "=", true }, } } -- listen for default node changes if config.follow is enabled if config.follow and default_nodes ~= nil then default_nodes:connect("changed", function () scheduleRescan () end) end -- listen for target.node metadata changes if config.move is enabled if config.move then metadata_om:connect("object-added", function (om, metadata) metadata:connect("changed", function (m, subject, key, t, value) if key == "target.node" or key == "target.object" then scheduleRescan () end end) end) end function findAssociatedLinkGroupNode (si) local si_props = si.properties local node = si:get_associated_proxy ("node") local link_group = node.properties["node.link-group"] if link_group == nil then return nil end -- get the associated media class local assoc_direction = getTargetDirection(si_props) local assoc_media_class = si_props["media.type"] .. (assoc_direction == "input" and "/Sink" or "/Source") -- find the linkable with same link group and matching assoc media class for assoc_si in linkables_om:iterate() do local assoc_node = assoc_si:get_associated_proxy ("node") local assoc_link_group = assoc_node.properties["node.link-group"] if assoc_link_group == link_group and assoc_media_class == assoc_node.properties["media.class"] then return assoc_si end end return nil end function onLinkGroupPortsStateChanged (si, old_state, new_state) local new_str = tostring(new_state) local si_props = si.properties -- only handle items with configured ports state if new_str ~= "configured" then return end Log.info (si, "ports format changed on " .. si_props["node.name"]) -- find associated device local si_device = findAssociatedLinkGroupNode (si) if si_device ~= nil then local device_node_name = si_device.properties["node.name"] -- get the stream format local f, m = si:get_ports_format() -- unregister the device Log.info (si_device, "unregistering " .. device_node_name) si_device:remove() -- set new format in the device Log.info (si_device, "setting new format in " .. device_node_name) si_device:set_ports_format(f, m, function (item, e) if e ~= nil then Log.warning (item, "failed to configure ports in " .. device_node_name .. ": " .. e) end -- register back the device Log.info (item, "registering " .. device_node_name) item:register() end) end end function ensureSiFlags (si) -- prepare flags table if not si_flags[si.id] then si_flags[si.id] = {} end end function checkFiltersPortsState (si) local si_props = si.properties local node = si:get_associated_proxy ("node") local link_group = node.properties["node.link-group"] ensureSiFlags(si) -- only listen for ports state changed on audio filter streams if si_flags[si.id].ports_state_signal ~= true and si_props["item.factory.name"] == "si-audio-adapter" and si_props["item.node.type"] == "stream" and link_group ~= nil then si:connect("adapter-ports-state-changed", onLinkGroupPortsStateChanged) si_flags[si.id].ports_state_signal = true Log.info (si, "listening ports state changed on " .. si_props["node.name"]) end end linkables_om:connect("object-added", function (om, si) local si_props = si.properties -- Forward filters ports format to associated virtual devices if enabled if config.filter_forward_format then checkFiltersPortsState (si) end if si_props["item.node.type"] ~= "stream" then scheduleRescan () else handleLinkable (si) end end) linkables_om:connect("object-removed", function (om, si) unhandleLinkable (si) scheduleRescan () end) devices_om:connect("object-added", function (om, device) device:connect("params-changed", function (d, param_name) scheduleRescan () end) end) metadata_om:activate() endpoints_om:activate() clients_om:activate() linkables_om:activate() pending_linkables_om:activate() links_om:activate() devices_om:activate()
Linux 65-254-81-4.cprapid.com 5.14.0-284.11.1.el9_2.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue May 9 05:49:00 EDT 2023 x86_64