Şuanki Dizin: /proc/thread-self/root/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/Net/ |
Şuanki Dosya : //proc/thread-self/root/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/Net/SSLeay.pm |
# Net::SSLeay.pm - Perl module for using Eric Young's implementation of SSL # # Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Sampo Kellomäki <sampo@iki.fi> # Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Florian Ragwitz <rafl@debian.org> # Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Mike McCauley <mikem@airspayce.com> # Copyright (c) 2018 Tuure Vartiainen <vartiait@radiatorsoftware.com> # Copyright (c) 2018- Chris Novakovic <chris@chrisn.me.uk> # Copyright (c) 2018- Heikki Vatiainen <hvn@radiatorsoftware.com> # # All rights reserved. # # This module is released under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0. For # details, see the LICENSE file distributed with Net-SSLeay's source code. package Net::SSLeay; use 5.8.1; use strict; use Carp; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $AUTOLOAD $CRLF); use Socket; use Errno; require Exporter; use AutoLoader; # 0=no warns, 1=only errors, 2=ciphers, 3=progress, 4=dump data $Net::SSLeay::trace = 0; # Do not change here, use # $Net::SSLeay::trace = [1-4] in caller # 2 = insist on v2 SSL protocol # 3 = insist on v3 SSL # 10 = insist on TLSv1 # 11 = insist on TLSv1.1 # 12 = insist on TLSv1.2 # 13 = insist on TLSv1.3 # 0 or undef = guess (v23) # $Net::SSLeay::ssl_version = 0; # don't change here, use # Net::SSLeay::version=[2,3,0] in caller #define to enable the "cat /proc/$$/stat" stuff $Net::SSLeay::linux_debug = 0; # Number of seconds to sleep after sending message and before half # closing connection. Useful with antiquated broken servers. $Net::SSLeay::slowly = 0; # RANDOM NUMBER INITIALIZATION # # Edit to your taste. Using /dev/random would be more secure, but may # block if randomness is not available, thus the default is # /dev/urandom. $how_random determines how many bits of randomness to take # from the device. You should take enough (read SSLeay/doc/rand), but # beware that randomness is limited resource so you should not waste # it either or you may end up with randomness depletion (situation where # /dev/random would block and /dev/urandom starts to return predictable # numbers). # # N.B. /dev/urandom does not exist on all systems, such as Solaris 2.6. In that # case you should get a third party package that emulates /dev/urandom # (e.g. via named pipe) or supply a random number file. Some such # packages are documented in Caveat section of the POD documentation. $Net::SSLeay::random_device = '/dev/urandom'; $Net::SSLeay::how_random = 512; # When updating this, also update $VERSION in the following files: # inc/Test/Net/SSLeay.pm # inc/Test/Net/SSLeay/Socket.pm # lib/Net/SSLeay/Handle.pm $VERSION = '1.94'; @ISA = qw(Exporter); # This array is automatically generated - do not manually modify it. # To add or remove a constant, edit helper_script/constants.txt, then run # helper_script/update-exported-constants. my @constants = qw( AD_ACCESS_DENIED AD_BAD_CERTIFICATE AD_BAD_CERTIFICATE_HASH_VALUE AD_BAD_CERTIFICATE_STATUS_RESPONSE AD_BAD_RECORD_MAC AD_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED AD_CERTIFICATE_REQUIRED AD_CERTIFICATE_REVOKED AD_CERTIFICATE_UNKNOWN AD_CERTIFICATE_UNOBTAINABLE AD_CLOSE_NOTIFY AD_DECODE_ERROR AD_DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE AD_DECRYPTION_FAILED AD_DECRYPT_ERROR AD_EXPORT_RESTRICTION AD_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE AD_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER AD_INAPPROPRIATE_FALLBACK AD_INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY AD_INTERNAL_ERROR AD_MISSING_EXTENSION AD_NO_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL AD_NO_CERTIFICATE AD_NO_RENEGOTIATION AD_PROTOCOL_VERSION AD_RECORD_OVERFLOW AD_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE AD_UNKNOWN_CA AD_UNKNOWN_PSK_IDENTITY AD_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME AD_UNSUPPORTED_CERTIFICATE AD_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION AD_USER_CANCELLED ASN1_STRFLGS_ESC_CTRL ASN1_STRFLGS_ESC_MSB ASN1_STRFLGS_ESC_QUOTE ASN1_STRFLGS_RFC2253 ASYNC_NO_JOBS ASYNC_PAUSED CB_ACCEPT_EXIT CB_ACCEPT_LOOP CB_ALERT CB_CONNECT_EXIT CB_CONNECT_LOOP CB_EXIT CB_HANDSHAKE_DONE CB_HANDSHAKE_START CB_LOOP CB_READ CB_READ_ALERT CB_WRITE CB_WRITE_ALERT CLIENT_HELLO_CB CLIENT_HELLO_ERROR CLIENT_HELLO_RETRY CLIENT_HELLO_SUCCESS CONF_MFLAGS_DEFAULT_SECTION CONF_MFLAGS_IGNORE_ERRORS CONF_MFLAGS_IGNORE_MISSING_FILE CONF_MFLAGS_IGNORE_RETURN_CODES CONF_MFLAGS_NO_DSO CONF_MFLAGS_SILENT ERROR_NONE ERROR_SSL ERROR_SYSCALL ERROR_WANT_ACCEPT ERROR_WANT_ASYNC ERROR_WANT_ASYNC_JOB ERROR_WANT_CLIENT_HELLO_CB ERROR_WANT_CONNECT ERROR_WANT_READ ERROR_WANT_RETRY_VERIFY ERROR_WANT_WRITE ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP ERROR_ZERO_RETURN EVP_PKS_DSA EVP_PKS_EC EVP_PKS_RSA EVP_PKT_ENC EVP_PKT_EXCH EVP_PKT_EXP EVP_PKT_SIGN EVP_PK_DH EVP_PK_DSA EVP_PK_EC EVP_PK_RSA FILETYPE_ASN1 FILETYPE_PEM F_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE F_CLIENT_HELLO F_CLIENT_MASTER_KEY F_D2I_SSL_SESSION F_GET_CLIENT_FINISHED F_GET_CLIENT_HELLO F_GET_CLIENT_MASTER_KEY F_GET_SERVER_FINISHED F_GET_SERVER_HELLO F_GET_SERVER_VERIFY F_I2D_SSL_SESSION F_READ_N F_REQUEST_CERTIFICATE F_SERVER_HELLO F_SSL_CERT_NEW F_SSL_GET_NEW_SESSION F_SSL_NEW F_SSL_READ F_SSL_RSA_PRIVATE_DECRYPT F_SSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ENCRYPT F_SSL_SESSION_NEW F_SSL_SESSION_PRINT_FP F_SSL_SET_FD F_SSL_SET_RFD F_SSL_SET_WFD F_SSL_USE_CERTIFICATE F_SSL_USE_CERTIFICATE_ASN1 F_SSL_USE_CERTIFICATE_FILE F_SSL_USE_PRIVATEKEY F_SSL_USE_PRIVATEKEY_ASN1 F_SSL_USE_PRIVATEKEY_FILE F_SSL_USE_RSAPRIVATEKEY F_SSL_USE_RSAPRIVATEKEY_ASN1 F_SSL_USE_RSAPRIVATEKEY_FILE F_WRITE_PENDING GEN_DIRNAME GEN_DNS GEN_EDIPARTY GEN_EMAIL GEN_IPADD GEN_OTHERNAME GEN_RID GEN_URI GEN_X400 LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER MBSTRING_ASC MBSTRING_BMP MBSTRING_FLAG MBSTRING_UNIV MBSTRING_UTF8 MIN_RSA_MODULUS_LENGTH_IN_BYTES MODE_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER MODE_ASYNC MODE_AUTO_RETRY MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE MODE_NO_AUTO_CHAIN MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS NID_OCSP_sign NID_SMIMECapabilities NID_X500 NID_X509 NID_ad_OCSP NID_ad_ca_issuers NID_algorithm NID_authority_key_identifier NID_basic_constraints NID_bf_cbc NID_bf_cfb64 NID_bf_ecb NID_bf_ofb64 NID_cast5_cbc NID_cast5_cfb64 NID_cast5_ecb NID_cast5_ofb64 NID_certBag NID_certificate_policies NID_client_auth NID_code_sign NID_commonName NID_countryName NID_crlBag NID_crl_distribution_points NID_crl_number NID_crl_reason NID_delta_crl NID_des_cbc NID_des_cfb64 NID_des_ecb NID_des_ede NID_des_ede3 NID_des_ede3_cbc NID_des_ede3_cfb64 NID_des_ede3_ofb64 NID_des_ede_cbc NID_des_ede_cfb64 NID_des_ede_ofb64 NID_des_ofb64 NID_description NID_desx_cbc NID_dhKeyAgreement NID_dnQualifier NID_dsa NID_dsaWithSHA NID_dsaWithSHA1 NID_dsaWithSHA1_2 NID_dsa_2 NID_email_protect NID_ext_key_usage NID_ext_req NID_friendlyName NID_givenName NID_hmacWithSHA1 NID_id_ad NID_id_ce NID_id_kp NID_id_pbkdf2 NID_id_pe NID_id_pkix NID_id_qt_cps NID_id_qt_unotice NID_idea_cbc NID_idea_cfb64 NID_idea_ecb NID_idea_ofb64 NID_info_access NID_initials NID_invalidity_date NID_issuer_alt_name NID_keyBag NID_key_usage NID_localKeyID NID_localityName NID_md2 NID_md2WithRSAEncryption NID_md5 NID_md5WithRSA NID_md5WithRSAEncryption NID_md5_sha1 NID_mdc2 NID_mdc2WithRSA NID_ms_code_com NID_ms_code_ind NID_ms_ctl_sign NID_ms_efs NID_ms_ext_req NID_ms_sgc NID_name NID_netscape NID_netscape_base_url NID_netscape_ca_policy_url NID_netscape_ca_revocation_url NID_netscape_cert_extension NID_netscape_cert_sequence NID_netscape_cert_type NID_netscape_comment NID_netscape_data_type NID_netscape_renewal_url NID_netscape_revocation_url NID_netscape_ssl_server_name NID_ns_sgc NID_organizationName NID_organizationalUnitName NID_pbeWithMD2AndDES_CBC NID_pbeWithMD2AndRC2_CBC NID_pbeWithMD5AndCast5_CBC NID_pbeWithMD5AndDES_CBC NID_pbeWithMD5AndRC2_CBC NID_pbeWithSHA1AndDES_CBC NID_pbeWithSHA1AndRC2_CBC NID_pbe_WithSHA1And128BitRC2_CBC NID_pbe_WithSHA1And128BitRC4 NID_pbe_WithSHA1And2_Key_TripleDES_CBC NID_pbe_WithSHA1And3_Key_TripleDES_CBC NID_pbe_WithSHA1And40BitRC2_CBC NID_pbe_WithSHA1And40BitRC4 NID_pbes2 NID_pbmac1 NID_pkcs NID_pkcs3 NID_pkcs7 NID_pkcs7_data NID_pkcs7_digest NID_pkcs7_encrypted NID_pkcs7_enveloped NID_pkcs7_signed NID_pkcs7_signedAndEnveloped NID_pkcs8ShroudedKeyBag NID_pkcs9 NID_pkcs9_challengePassword NID_pkcs9_contentType NID_pkcs9_countersignature NID_pkcs9_emailAddress NID_pkcs9_extCertAttributes NID_pkcs9_messageDigest NID_pkcs9_signingTime NID_pkcs9_unstructuredAddress NID_pkcs9_unstructuredName NID_private_key_usage_period NID_rc2_40_cbc NID_rc2_64_cbc NID_rc2_cbc NID_rc2_cfb64 NID_rc2_ecb NID_rc2_ofb64 NID_rc4 NID_rc4_40 NID_rc5_cbc NID_rc5_cfb64 NID_rc5_ecb NID_rc5_ofb64 NID_ripemd160 NID_ripemd160WithRSA NID_rle_compression NID_rsa NID_rsaEncryption NID_rsadsi NID_safeContentsBag NID_sdsiCertificate NID_secretBag NID_serialNumber NID_server_auth NID_sha NID_sha1 NID_sha1WithRSA NID_sha1WithRSAEncryption NID_sha224 NID_sha224WithRSAEncryption NID_sha256 NID_sha256WithRSAEncryption NID_sha384 NID_sha384WithRSAEncryption NID_sha3_224 NID_sha3_256 NID_sha3_384 NID_sha3_512 NID_sha512 NID_sha512WithRSAEncryption NID_sha512_224 NID_sha512_224WithRSAEncryption NID_sha512_256 NID_sha512_256WithRSAEncryption NID_shaWithRSAEncryption NID_shake128 NID_shake256 NID_stateOrProvinceName NID_subject_alt_name NID_subject_key_identifier NID_surname NID_sxnet NID_time_stamp NID_title NID_undef NID_uniqueIdentifier NID_x509Certificate NID_x509Crl NID_zlib_compression NOTHING OCSP_RESPONSE_STATUS_INTERNALERROR OCSP_RESPONSE_STATUS_MALFORMEDREQUEST OCSP_RESPONSE_STATUS_SIGREQUIRED OCSP_RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL OCSP_RESPONSE_STATUS_TRYLATER OCSP_RESPONSE_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED OPENSSL_BUILT_ON OPENSSL_CFLAGS OPENSSL_CPU_INFO OPENSSL_DIR OPENSSL_ENGINES_DIR OPENSSL_FULL_VERSION_STRING OPENSSL_INFO_CONFIG_DIR OPENSSL_INFO_CPU_SETTINGS OPENSSL_INFO_DIR_FILENAME_SEPARATOR OPENSSL_INFO_DSO_EXTENSION OPENSSL_INFO_ENGINES_DIR OPENSSL_INFO_LIST_SEPARATOR OPENSSL_INFO_MODULES_DIR OPENSSL_INFO_SEED_SOURCE OPENSSL_INIT_ADD_ALL_CIPHERS OPENSSL_INIT_ADD_ALL_DIGESTS OPENSSL_INIT_ASYNC OPENSSL_INIT_ATFORK OPENSSL_INIT_ENGINE_AFALG OPENSSL_INIT_ENGINE_CAPI OPENSSL_INIT_ENGINE_CRYPTODEV OPENSSL_INIT_ENGINE_DYNAMIC OPENSSL_INIT_ENGINE_OPENSSL OPENSSL_INIT_ENGINE_PADLOCK OPENSSL_INIT_ENGINE_RDRAND OPENSSL_INIT_LOAD_CONFIG OPENSSL_INIT_LOAD_CRYPTO_STRINGS OPENSSL_INIT_LOAD_SSL_STRINGS OPENSSL_INIT_NO_ADD_ALL_CIPHERS OPENSSL_INIT_NO_ADD_ALL_DIGESTS OPENSSL_INIT_NO_ATEXIT OPENSSL_INIT_NO_LOAD_CONFIG OPENSSL_INIT_NO_LOAD_CRYPTO_STRINGS OPENSSL_INIT_NO_LOAD_SSL_STRINGS OPENSSL_MODULES_DIR OPENSSL_PLATFORM OPENSSL_VERSION OPENSSL_VERSION_MAJOR OPENSSL_VERSION_MINOR OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER OPENSSL_VERSION_PATCH OPENSSL_VERSION_STRING OP_ALL OP_ALLOW_CLIENT_RENEGOTIATION OP_ALLOW_NO_DHE_KEX OP_ALLOW_UNSAFE_LEGACY_RENEGOTIATION OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE OP_CISCO_ANYCONNECT OP_CLEANSE_PLAINTEXT OP_COOKIE_EXCHANGE OP_CRYPTOPRO_TLSEXT_BUG OP_DISABLE_TLSEXT_CA_NAMES OP_DONT_INSERT_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS OP_ENABLE_KTLS OP_ENABLE_MIDDLEBOX_COMPAT OP_EPHEMERAL_RSA OP_IGNORE_UNEXPECTED_EOF OP_LEGACY_SERVER_CONNECT OP_MICROSOFT_BIG_SSLV3_BUFFER OP_MICROSOFT_SESS_ID_BUG OP_MSIE_SSLV2_RSA_PADDING OP_NETSCAPE_CA_DN_BUG OP_NETSCAPE_CHALLENGE_BUG OP_NETSCAPE_DEMO_CIPHER_CHANGE_BUG OP_NETSCAPE_REUSE_CIPHER_CHANGE_BUG OP_NON_EXPORT_FIRST OP_NO_ANTI_REPLAY OP_NO_CLIENT_RENEGOTIATION OP_NO_COMPRESSION OP_NO_ENCRYPT_THEN_MAC OP_NO_EXTENDED_MASTER_SECRET OP_NO_QUERY_MTU OP_NO_RENEGOTIATION OP_NO_SESSION_RESUMPTION_ON_RENEGOTIATION OP_NO_SSL_MASK OP_NO_SSLv2 OP_NO_SSLv3 OP_NO_TICKET OP_NO_TLSv1 OP_NO_TLSv1_1 OP_NO_TLSv1_2 OP_NO_TLSv1_3 OP_PKCS1_CHECK_1 OP_PKCS1_CHECK_2 OP_PRIORITIZE_CHACHA OP_SAFARI_ECDHE_ECDSA_BUG OP_SINGLE_DH_USE OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE OP_SSLEAY_080_CLIENT_DH_BUG OP_SSLREF2_REUSE_CERT_TYPE_BUG OP_TLSEXT_PADDING OP_TLS_BLOCK_PADDING_BUG OP_TLS_D5_BUG OP_TLS_ROLLBACK_BUG READING RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN RETRY_VERIFY RSA_3 RSA_F4 R_BAD_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE R_BAD_CHECKSUM R_BAD_MAC_DECODE R_BAD_RESPONSE_ARGUMENT R_BAD_SSL_FILETYPE R_BAD_SSL_SESSION_ID_LENGTH R_BAD_STATE R_BAD_WRITE_RETRY R_CHALLENGE_IS_DIFFERENT R_CIPHER_TABLE_SRC_ERROR R_INVALID_CHALLENGE_LENGTH R_NO_CERTIFICATE_SET R_NO_CERTIFICATE_SPECIFIED R_NO_CIPHER_LIST R_NO_CIPHER_MATCH R_NO_PRIVATEKEY R_NO_PUBLICKEY R_NULL_SSL_CTX R_PEER_DID_NOT_RETURN_A_CERTIFICATE R_PEER_ERROR R_PEER_ERROR_CERTIFICATE R_PEER_ERROR_NO_CIPHER R_PEER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CERTIFICATE_TYPE R_PUBLIC_KEY_ENCRYPT_ERROR R_PUBLIC_KEY_IS_NOT_RSA R_READ_WRONG_PACKET_TYPE R_SHORT_READ R_SSL_SESSION_ID_IS_DIFFERENT R_UNABLE_TO_EXTRACT_PUBLIC_KEY R_UNKNOWN_REMOTE_ERROR_TYPE R_UNKNOWN_STATE R_X509_LIB SENT_SHUTDOWN SESSION_ASN1_VERSION SESS_CACHE_BOTH SESS_CACHE_CLIENT SESS_CACHE_NO_AUTO_CLEAR SESS_CACHE_NO_INTERNAL SESS_CACHE_NO_INTERNAL_LOOKUP SESS_CACHE_NO_INTERNAL_STORE SESS_CACHE_OFF SESS_CACHE_SERVER SESS_CACHE_UPDATE_TIME SSL2_MT_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE SSL2_MT_CLIENT_FINISHED SSL2_MT_CLIENT_HELLO SSL2_MT_CLIENT_MASTER_KEY SSL2_MT_ERROR SSL2_MT_REQUEST_CERTIFICATE SSL2_MT_SERVER_FINISHED SSL2_MT_SERVER_HELLO SSL2_MT_SERVER_VERIFY SSL2_VERSION SSL3_MT_CCS SSL3_MT_CERTIFICATE SSL3_MT_CERTIFICATE_REQUEST SSL3_MT_CERTIFICATE_STATUS SSL3_MT_CERTIFICATE_URL SSL3_MT_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY SSL3_MT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC SSL3_MT_CLIENT_HELLO SSL3_MT_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE SSL3_MT_ENCRYPTED_EXTENSIONS SSL3_MT_END_OF_EARLY_DATA SSL3_MT_FINISHED SSL3_MT_HELLO_REQUEST SSL3_MT_KEY_UPDATE SSL3_MT_MESSAGE_HASH SSL3_MT_NEWSESSION_TICKET SSL3_MT_NEXT_PROTO SSL3_MT_SERVER_DONE SSL3_MT_SERVER_HELLO SSL3_MT_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGE SSL3_MT_SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA SSL3_RT_ALERT SSL3_RT_APPLICATION_DATA SSL3_RT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE SSL3_RT_HEADER SSL3_RT_INNER_CONTENT_TYPE SSL3_VERSION SSLEAY_BUILT_ON SSLEAY_CFLAGS SSLEAY_DIR SSLEAY_PLATFORM SSLEAY_VERSION ST_ACCEPT ST_BEFORE ST_CONNECT ST_INIT ST_OK ST_READ_BODY ST_READ_HEADER TLS1_1_VERSION TLS1_2_VERSION TLS1_3_VERSION TLS1_VERSION TLSEXT_STATUSTYPE_ocsp TLSEXT_TYPE_application_layer_protocol_negotiation TLSEXT_TYPE_cert_type TLSEXT_TYPE_certificate_authorities TLSEXT_TYPE_client_authz TLSEXT_TYPE_client_cert_type TLSEXT_TYPE_client_certificate_url TLSEXT_TYPE_compress_certificate TLSEXT_TYPE_cookie TLSEXT_TYPE_early_data TLSEXT_TYPE_ec_point_formats TLSEXT_TYPE_elliptic_curves TLSEXT_TYPE_encrypt_then_mac TLSEXT_TYPE_extended_master_secret TLSEXT_TYPE_key_share TLSEXT_TYPE_max_fragment_length TLSEXT_TYPE_next_proto_neg TLSEXT_TYPE_padding TLSEXT_TYPE_post_handshake_auth TLSEXT_TYPE_psk TLSEXT_TYPE_psk_kex_modes TLSEXT_TYPE_quic_transport_parameters TLSEXT_TYPE_renegotiate TLSEXT_TYPE_server_authz TLSEXT_TYPE_server_cert_type TLSEXT_TYPE_server_name TLSEXT_TYPE_session_ticket TLSEXT_TYPE_signature_algorithms TLSEXT_TYPE_signature_algorithms_cert TLSEXT_TYPE_signed_certificate_timestamp TLSEXT_TYPE_srp TLSEXT_TYPE_status_request TLSEXT_TYPE_supported_groups TLSEXT_TYPE_supported_versions TLSEXT_TYPE_truncated_hmac TLSEXT_TYPE_trusted_ca_keys TLSEXT_TYPE_use_srtp TLSEXT_TYPE_user_mapping VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT VERIFY_NONE VERIFY_PEER VERIFY_POST_HANDSHAKE V_OCSP_CERTSTATUS_GOOD V_OCSP_CERTSTATUS_REVOKED V_OCSP_CERTSTATUS_UNKNOWN WRITING X509_CHECK_FLAG_ALWAYS_CHECK_SUBJECT X509_CHECK_FLAG_MULTI_LABEL_WILDCARDS X509_CHECK_FLAG_NEVER_CHECK_SUBJECT X509_CHECK_FLAG_NO_PARTIAL_WILDCARDS X509_CHECK_FLAG_NO_WILDCARDS X509_CHECK_FLAG_SINGLE_LABEL_SUBDOMAINS X509_CRL_VERSION_1 X509_CRL_VERSION_2 X509_FILETYPE_ASN1 X509_FILETYPE_DEFAULT X509_FILETYPE_PEM X509_LOOKUP X509_PURPOSE_ANY X509_PURPOSE_CRL_SIGN X509_PURPOSE_NS_SSL_SERVER X509_PURPOSE_OCSP_HELPER X509_PURPOSE_SMIME_ENCRYPT X509_PURPOSE_SMIME_SIGN X509_PURPOSE_SSL_CLIENT X509_PURPOSE_SSL_SERVER X509_PURPOSE_TIMESTAMP_SIGN X509_REQ_VERSION_1 X509_REQ_VERSION_2 X509_REQ_VERSION_3 X509_TRUST_COMPAT X509_TRUST_DEFAULT X509_TRUST_EMAIL X509_TRUST_OBJECT_SIGN X509_TRUST_OCSP_REQUEST X509_TRUST_OCSP_SIGN X509_TRUST_SSL_CLIENT X509_TRUST_SSL_SERVER X509_TRUST_TSA X509_VERSION_1 X509_VERSION_2 X509_VERSION_3 X509_V_ERR_AKID_ISSUER_SERIAL_MISMATCH X509_V_ERR_AKID_SKID_MISMATCH X509_V_ERR_APPLICATION_VERIFICATION X509_V_ERR_AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER_CRITICAL X509_V_ERR_CA_BCONS_NOT_CRITICAL X509_V_ERR_CA_CERT_MISSING_KEY_USAGE X509_V_ERR_CA_KEY_TOO_SMALL X509_V_ERR_CA_MD_TOO_WEAK X509_V_ERR_CERT_CHAIN_TOO_LONG X509_V_ERR_CERT_HAS_EXPIRED X509_V_ERR_CERT_NOT_YET_VALID X509_V_ERR_CERT_REJECTED X509_V_ERR_CERT_REVOKED X509_V_ERR_CERT_SIGNATURE_FAILURE X509_V_ERR_CERT_UNTRUSTED X509_V_ERR_CRL_HAS_EXPIRED X509_V_ERR_CRL_NOT_YET_VALID X509_V_ERR_CRL_PATH_VALIDATION_ERROR X509_V_ERR_CRL_SIGNATURE_FAILURE X509_V_ERR_DANE_NO_MATCH X509_V_ERR_DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT X509_V_ERR_DIFFERENT_CRL_SCOPE X509_V_ERR_EC_KEY_EXPLICIT_PARAMS X509_V_ERR_EE_KEY_TOO_SMALL X509_V_ERR_EMAIL_MISMATCH X509_V_ERR_EMPTY_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME X509_V_ERR_EMPTY_SUBJECT_SAN_NOT_CRITICAL X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_AFTER_FIELD X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_BEFORE_FIELD X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CRL_LAST_UPDATE_FIELD X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CRL_NEXT_UPDATE_FIELD X509_V_ERR_EXCLUDED_VIOLATION X509_V_ERR_EXTENSIONS_REQUIRE_VERSION_3 X509_V_ERR_HOSTNAME_MISMATCH X509_V_ERR_INVALID_CA X509_V_ERR_INVALID_CALL X509_V_ERR_INVALID_EXTENSION X509_V_ERR_INVALID_NON_CA X509_V_ERR_INVALID_POLICY_EXTENSION X509_V_ERR_INVALID_PURPOSE X509_V_ERR_IP_ADDRESS_MISMATCH X509_V_ERR_ISSUER_NAME_EMPTY X509_V_ERR_KEYUSAGE_NO_CERTSIGN X509_V_ERR_KEYUSAGE_NO_CRL_SIGN X509_V_ERR_KEYUSAGE_NO_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE X509_V_ERR_KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN_INVALID_FOR_NON_CA X509_V_ERR_MISSING_AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER X509_V_ERR_MISSING_SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER X509_V_ERR_NO_EXPLICIT_POLICY X509_V_ERR_NO_ISSUER_PUBLIC_KEY X509_V_ERR_NO_VALID_SCTS X509_V_ERR_OCSP_CERT_UNKNOWN X509_V_ERR_OCSP_VERIFY_FAILED X509_V_ERR_OCSP_VERIFY_NEEDED X509_V_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM X509_V_ERR_PATHLEN_INVALID_FOR_NON_CA X509_V_ERR_PATHLEN_WITHOUT_KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN X509_V_ERR_PATH_LENGTH_EXCEEDED X509_V_ERR_PATH_LOOP X509_V_ERR_PERMITTED_VIOLATION X509_V_ERR_PROXY_CERTIFICATES_NOT_ALLOWED X509_V_ERR_PROXY_PATH_LENGTH_EXCEEDED X509_V_ERR_PROXY_SUBJECT_NAME_VIOLATION X509_V_ERR_SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN X509_V_ERR_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM_INCONSISTENCY X509_V_ERR_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM_MISMATCH X509_V_ERR_STORE_LOOKUP X509_V_ERR_SUBJECT_ISSUER_MISMATCH X509_V_ERR_SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_CRITICAL X509_V_ERR_SUBJECT_NAME_EMPTY X509_V_ERR_SUBTREE_MINMAX X509_V_ERR_SUITE_B_CANNOT_SIGN_P_384_WITH_P_256 X509_V_ERR_SUITE_B_INVALID_ALGORITHM X509_V_ERR_SUITE_B_INVALID_CURVE X509_V_ERR_SUITE_B_INVALID_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM X509_V_ERR_SUITE_B_INVALID_VERSION X509_V_ERR_SUITE_B_LOS_NOT_ALLOWED X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_DECODE_ISSUER_PUBLIC_KEY X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_DECRYPT_CERT_SIGNATURE X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_DECRYPT_CRL_SIGNATURE X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_CRL X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_CRL_ISSUER X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE X509_V_ERR_UNHANDLED_CRITICAL_CRL_EXTENSION X509_V_ERR_UNHANDLED_CRITICAL_EXTENSION X509_V_ERR_UNNESTED_RESOURCE X509_V_ERR_UNSPECIFIED X509_V_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_CONSTRAINT_SYNTAX X509_V_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_CONSTRAINT_TYPE X509_V_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION_FEATURE X509_V_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_NAME_SYNTAX X509_V_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM X509_V_FLAG_ALLOW_PROXY_CERTS X509_V_FLAG_CB_ISSUER_CHECK X509_V_FLAG_CHECK_SS_SIGNATURE X509_V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK X509_V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK_ALL X509_V_FLAG_EXPLICIT_POLICY X509_V_FLAG_EXTENDED_CRL_SUPPORT X509_V_FLAG_IGNORE_CRITICAL X509_V_FLAG_INHIBIT_ANY X509_V_FLAG_INHIBIT_MAP X509_V_FLAG_LEGACY_VERIFY X509_V_FLAG_NOTIFY_POLICY X509_V_FLAG_NO_ALT_CHAINS X509_V_FLAG_NO_CHECK_TIME X509_V_FLAG_PARTIAL_CHAIN X509_V_FLAG_POLICY_CHECK X509_V_FLAG_POLICY_MASK X509_V_FLAG_SUITEB_128_LOS X509_V_FLAG_SUITEB_128_LOS_ONLY X509_V_FLAG_SUITEB_192_LOS X509_V_FLAG_TRUSTED_FIRST X509_V_FLAG_USE_CHECK_TIME X509_V_FLAG_USE_DELTAS X509_V_FLAG_X509_STRICT X509_V_OK XN_FLAG_COMPAT XN_FLAG_DN_REV XN_FLAG_DUMP_UNKNOWN_FIELDS XN_FLAG_FN_ALIGN XN_FLAG_FN_LN XN_FLAG_FN_MASK XN_FLAG_FN_NONE XN_FLAG_FN_OID XN_FLAG_FN_SN XN_FLAG_MULTILINE XN_FLAG_ONELINE XN_FLAG_RFC2253 XN_FLAG_SEP_COMMA_PLUS XN_FLAG_SEP_CPLUS_SPC XN_FLAG_SEP_MASK XN_FLAG_SEP_MULTILINE XN_FLAG_SEP_SPLUS_SPC XN_FLAG_SPC_EQ ); my @functions = qw( BIO_eof BIO_f_ssl BIO_free BIO_new BIO_new_file BIO_pending BIO_read BIO_s_mem BIO_wpending BIO_write CTX_free CTX_get_cert_store CTX_new CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_file CTX_use_certificate_file CTX_v23_new CTX_v2_new CTX_v3_new ERR_error_string ERR_get_error ERR_load_RAND_strings ERR_load_SSL_strings PEM_read_bio_X509_CRL RSA_free RSA_generate_key SESSION_free SESSION_get_master_key SESSION_new SESSION_print X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID X509_NAME_oneline X509_STORE_add_cert X509_STORE_add_crl X509_check_email X509_check_host X509_check_ip X509_check_ip_asc X509_free X509_get_issuer_name X509_get_subject_name X509_load_cert_crl_file X509_load_cert_file X509_load_crl_file accept clear connect copy_session_id d2i_SSL_SESSION die_if_ssl_error die_now do_https dump_peer_certificate free get_cipher get_cipher_list get_client_random get_fd get_http get_http4 get_https get_https3 get_https4 get_httpx get_httpx4 get_peer_certificate get_peer_cert_chain get_rbio get_read_ahead get_server_random get_shared_ciphers get_time get_timeout get_wbio i2d_SSL_SESSION load_error_strings make_form make_headers new peek pending post_http post_http4 post_https post_https3 post_https4 post_httpx post_httpx4 print_errs read rstate_string rstate_string_long set_bio set_cert_and_key set_cipher_list set_fd set_read_ahead set_rfd set_server_cert_and_key set_session set_time set_timeout set_verify set_wfd ssl_read_CRLF ssl_read_all ssl_read_until ssl_write_CRLF ssl_write_all sslcat state_string state_string_long tcp_read_CRLF tcp_read_all tcp_read_until tcp_write_CRLF tcp_write_all tcpcat tcpxcat use_PrivateKey use_PrivateKey_ASN1 use_PrivateKey_file use_RSAPrivateKey use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1 use_RSAPrivateKey_file use_certificate use_certificate_ASN1 use_certificate_file write d2i_OCSP_RESPONSE i2d_OCSP_RESPONSE OCSP_RESPONSE_free d2i_OCSP_REQUEST i2d_OCSP_REQUEST OCSP_REQUEST_free OCSP_cert2ids OCSP_ids2req OCSP_response_status OCSP_response_status_str OCSP_response_verify OCSP_response_results ); @EXPORT_OK = ( @constants, @functions ); sub AUTOLOAD { # This AUTOLOAD is used to 'autoload' constants from the constant() # XS function. If a constant is not found then control is passed # to the AUTOLOAD in AutoLoader. my $constname; ($constname = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://; my $val = constant($constname); if ($! != 0) { if ($! =~ /((Invalid)|(not valid))/i || $!{EINVAL}) { $AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD = $AUTOLOAD; goto &AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD; } else { croak "Your vendor has not defined SSLeay macro $constname"; } } eval "sub $AUTOLOAD { $val }"; goto &$AUTOLOAD; } eval { require XSLoader; XSLoader::load('Net::SSLeay', $VERSION); 1; } or do { require DynaLoader; push @ISA, 'DynaLoader'; bootstrap Net::SSLeay $VERSION; }; # Preloaded methods go here. $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n is not fully portable ### Print SSLeay error stack sub print_errs { my ($msg) = @_; my ($count, $err, $errs, $e) = (0,0,''); while ($err = ERR_get_error()) { $count ++; $e = "$msg $$: $count - " . ERR_error_string($err) . "\n"; $errs .= $e; warn $e if $Net::SSLeay::trace; } return $errs; } # Death is conditional to SSLeay errors existing, i.e. this function checks # for errors and only dies in affirmative. # usage: Net::SSLeay::write($ssl, "foo") or die_if_ssl_error("SSL write ($!)"); sub die_if_ssl_error { my ($msg) = @_; die "$$: $msg\n" if print_errs($msg); } # Unconditional death. Used to print SSLeay errors before dying. # usage: Net::SSLeay::connect($ssl) or die_now("Failed SSL connect ($!)"); sub die_now { my ($msg) = @_; print_errs($msg); die "$$: $msg\n"; } # Perl 5.6.* unicode support causes that length() no longer reliably # reflects the byte length of a string. This eval is to fix that. # Thanks to Sean Burke for the snippet. BEGIN{ eval 'use bytes; sub blength ($) { defined $_[0] ? length $_[0] : 0 }'; $@ and eval ' sub blength ($) { defined $_[0] ? length $_[0] : 0 }' ; } # Autoload methods go after __END__, and are processed by the autosplit program. 1; __END__ ### Some methods that are macros in C sub want_nothing { want(shift) == 1 } sub want_read { want(shift) == 2 } sub want_write { want(shift) == 3 } sub want_X509_lookup { want(shift) == 4 } ### ### Open TCP stream to given host and port, looking up the details ### from system databases or DNS. ### sub open_tcp_connection { my ($dest_serv, $port) = @_; my ($errs); $port = getservbyname($port, 'tcp') unless $port =~ /^\d+$/; my $dest_serv_ip = gethostbyname($dest_serv); unless (defined($dest_serv_ip)) { $errs = "$0 $$: open_tcp_connection: destination host not found:" . " `$dest_serv' (port $port) ($!)\n"; warn $errs if $trace; return wantarray ? (0, $errs) : 0; } my $sin = sockaddr_in($port, $dest_serv_ip); warn "Opening connection to $dest_serv:$port (" . inet_ntoa($dest_serv_ip) . ")" if $trace>2; my $proto = &Socket::IPPROTO_TCP; # getprotobyname('tcp') not available on android if (socket (SSLCAT_S, &PF_INET(), &SOCK_STREAM(), $proto)) { warn "next connect" if $trace>3; if (CORE::connect (SSLCAT_S, $sin)) { my $old_out = select (SSLCAT_S); $| = 1; select ($old_out); warn "connected to $dest_serv, $port" if $trace>3; return wantarray ? (1, undef) : 1; # Success } } $errs = "$0 $$: open_tcp_connection: failed `$dest_serv', $port ($!)\n"; warn $errs if $trace; close SSLCAT_S; return wantarray ? (0, $errs) : 0; # Fail } ### Open connection via standard web proxy, if one was defined ### using set_proxy(). sub open_proxy_tcp_connection { my ($dest_serv, $port) = @_; return open_tcp_connection($dest_serv, $port) if !$proxyhost; warn "Connect via proxy: $proxyhost:$proxyport" if $trace>2; my ($ret, $errs) = open_tcp_connection($proxyhost, $proxyport); return wantarray ? (0, $errs) : 0 if !$ret; # Connection fail warn "Asking proxy to connect to $dest_serv:$port" if $trace>2; #print SSLCAT_S "CONNECT $dest_serv:$port HTTP/1.0$proxyauth$CRLF$CRLF"; #my $line = <SSLCAT_S>; # *** bug? Mixing stdio with syscall read? ($ret, $errs) = tcp_write_all("CONNECT $dest_serv:$port HTTP/1.0$proxyauth$CRLF$CRLF"); return wantarray ? (0,$errs) : 0 if $errs; ($line, $errs) = tcp_read_until($CRLF . $CRLF, 1024); warn "Proxy response: $line" if $trace>2; return wantarray ? (0,$errs) : 0 if $errs; return wantarray ? (1,'') : 1; # Success } ### ### read and write helpers that block ### sub debug_read { my ($replyr, $gotr) = @_; my $vm = $trace>2 && $linux_debug ? (split ' ', `cat /proc/$$/stat`)[22] : 'vm_unknown'; warn " got " . blength($$gotr) . ':' . blength($$replyr) . " bytes (VM=$vm).\n" if $trace == 3; warn " got `$$gotr' (" . blength($$gotr) . ':' . blength($$replyr) . " bytes, VM=$vm)\n" if $trace>3; } sub ssl_read_all { my ($ssl,$how_much) = @_; $how_much = 2000000000 unless $how_much; my ($got, $rv, $errs); my $reply = ''; while ($how_much > 0) { ($got, $rv) = Net::SSLeay::read($ssl, ($how_much > 32768) ? 32768 : $how_much ); if (! defined $got) { my $err = Net::SSLeay::get_error($ssl, $rv); if ($err != Net::SSLeay::ERROR_WANT_READ() and $err != Net::SSLeay::ERROR_WANT_WRITE()) { $errs = print_errs('SSL_read'); last; } next; } $how_much -= blength($got); debug_read(\$reply, \$got) if $trace>1; last if $got eq ''; # EOF $reply .= $got; } return wantarray ? ($reply, $errs) : $reply; } sub tcp_read_all { my ($how_much) = @_; $how_much = 2000000000 unless $how_much; my ($n, $got, $errs); my $reply = ''; my $bsize = 0x10000; while ($how_much > 0) { $n = sysread(SSLCAT_S,$got, (($bsize < $how_much) ? $bsize : $how_much)); warn "Read error: $! ($n,$how_much)" unless defined $n; last if !$n; # EOF $how_much -= $n; debug_read(\$reply, \$got) if $trace>1; $reply .= $got; } return wantarray ? ($reply, $errs) : $reply; } sub ssl_write_all { my $ssl = $_[0]; my ($data_ref, $errs); if (ref $_[1]) { $data_ref = $_[1]; } else { $data_ref = \$_[1]; } my ($wrote, $written, $to_write) = (0,0, blength($$data_ref)); my $vm = $trace>2 && $linux_debug ? (split ' ', `cat /proc/$$/stat`)[22] : 'vm_unknown'; warn " write_all VM at entry=$vm\n" if $trace>2; while ($to_write) { #sleep 1; # *** DEBUG warn "partial `$$data_ref'\n" if $trace>3; $wrote = write_partial($ssl, $written, $to_write, $$data_ref); if (defined $wrote && ($wrote > 0)) { # write_partial can return -1 $written += $wrote; $to_write -= $wrote; } else { if (defined $wrote) { # check error conditions via SSL_get_error per man page if ( my $sslerr = get_error($ssl, $wrote) ) { my $errstr = ERR_error_string($sslerr); my $errname = ''; SWITCH: { $sslerr == constant("ERROR_NONE") && do { # according to map page SSL_get_error(3ssl): # The TLS/SSL I/O operation completed. # This result code is returned if and only if ret > 0 # so if we received it here complain... warn "ERROR_NONE unexpected with invalid return value!" if $trace; $errname = "SSL_ERROR_NONE"; }; $sslerr == constant("ERROR_WANT_READ") && do { # operation did not complete, call again later, so do not # set errname and empty err_que since this is a known # error that is expected but, we should continue to try # writing the rest of our data with same io call and params. warn "ERROR_WANT_READ (TLS/SSL Handshake, will continue)\n" if $trace; print_errs('SSL_write(want read)'); last SWITCH; }; $sslerr == constant("ERROR_WANT_WRITE") && do { # operation did not complete, call again later, so do not # set errname and empty err_que since this is a known # error that is expected but, we should continue to try # writing the rest of our data with same io call and params. warn "ERROR_WANT_WRITE (TLS/SSL Handshake, will continue)\n" if $trace; print_errs('SSL_write(want write)'); last SWITCH; }; $sslerr == constant("ERROR_ZERO_RETURN") && do { # valid protocol closure from other side, no longer able to # write, since there is no longer a session... warn "ERROR_ZERO_RETURN($wrote): TLS/SSLv3 Closure alert\n" if $trace; $errname = "SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN"; last SWITCH; }; $sslerr == constant("ERROR_SSL") && do { # library/protocol error warn "ERROR_SSL($wrote): Library/Protocol error occured\n" if $trace; $errname = "SSL_ERROR_SSL"; last SWITCH; }; $sslerr == constant("ERROR_WANT_CONNECT") && do { # according to man page, should never happen on call to # SSL_write, so complain, but handle as known error type warn "ERROR_WANT_CONNECT: Unexpected error for SSL_write\n" if $trace; $errname = "SSL_ERROR_WANT_CONNECT"; last SWITCH; }; $sslerr == constant("ERROR_WANT_ACCEPT") && do { # according to man page, should never happen on call to # SSL_write, so complain, but handle as known error type warn "ERROR_WANT_ACCEPT: Unexpected error for SSL_write\n" if $trace; $errname = "SSL_ERROR_WANT_ACCEPT"; last SWITCH; }; $sslerr == constant("ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP") && do { # operation did not complete: waiting on call back, # call again later, so do not set errname and empty err_que # since this is a known error that is expected but, we should # continue to try writing the rest of our data with same io # call parameter. warn "ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP: (Cert Callback asked for in ". "SSL_write will contine)\n" if $trace; print_errs('SSL_write(want x509'); last SWITCH; }; $sslerr == constant("ERROR_SYSCALL") && do { # some IO error occured. According to man page: # Check retval, ERR, fallback to errno if ($wrote==0) { # EOF warn "ERROR_SYSCALL($wrote): EOF violates protocol.\n" if $trace; $errname = "SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL(EOF)"; } else { # -1 underlying BIO error reported. # check error que for details, don't set errname since we # are directly appending to errs my $chkerrs = print_errs('SSL_write (syscall)'); if ($chkerrs) { warn "ERROR_SYSCALL($wrote): Have errors\n" if $trace; $errs .= "ssl_write_all $$: 1 - ERROR_SYSCALL($wrote,". "$sslerr,$errstr,$!)\n$chkerrs"; } else { # que was empty, use errno warn "ERROR_SYSCALL($wrote): errno($!)\n" if $trace; $errs .= "ssl_write_all $$: 1 - ERROR_SYSCALL($wrote,". "$sslerr) : $!\n"; } } last SWITCH; }; warn "Unhandled val $sslerr from SSL_get_error(SSL,$wrote)\n" if $trace; $errname = "SSL_ERROR_?($sslerr)"; } # end of SWITCH block if ($errname) { # if we had an errname set add the error $errs .= "ssl_write_all $$: 1 - $errname($wrote,$sslerr,". "$errstr,$!)\n"; } } # endif on have SSL_get_error val } # endif on $wrote defined } # endelse on $wrote > 0 $vm = $trace>2 && $linux_debug ? (split ' ', `cat /proc/$$/stat`)[22] : 'vm_unknown'; warn " written so far $wrote:$written bytes (VM=$vm)\n" if $trace>2; # append remaining errors in que and report if errs exist $errs .= print_errs('SSL_write'); return (wantarray ? (undef, $errs) : undef) if $errs; } return wantarray ? ($written, $errs) : $written; } sub tcp_write_all { my ($data_ref, $errs); if (ref $_[0]) { $data_ref = $_[0]; } else { $data_ref = \$_[0]; } my ($wrote, $written, $to_write) = (0,0, blength($$data_ref)); my $vm = $trace>2 && $linux_debug ? (split ' ', `cat /proc/$$/stat`)[22] : 'vm_unknown'; warn " write_all VM at entry=$vm to_write=$to_write\n" if $trace>2; while ($to_write) { warn "partial `$$data_ref'\n" if $trace>3; $wrote = syswrite(SSLCAT_S, $$data_ref, $to_write, $written); if (defined $wrote && ($wrote > 0)) { # write_partial can return -1 $written += $wrote; $to_write -= $wrote; } elsif (!defined($wrote)) { warn "tcp_write_all: $!"; return (wantarray ? (undef, "$!") : undef); } $vm = $trace>2 && $linux_debug ? (split ' ', `cat /proc/$$/stat`)[22] : 'vm_unknown'; warn " written so far $wrote:$written bytes (VM=$vm)\n" if $trace>2; } return wantarray ? ($written, '') : $written; } ### from patch by Clinton Wong <clintdw@netcom.com> # ssl_read_until($ssl [, $delimit [, $max_length]]) # if $delimit missing, use $/ if it exists, otherwise use \n # read until delimiter reached, up to $max_length chars if defined sub ssl_read_until ($;$$) { my ($ssl,$delim, $max_length) = @_; # guess the delim string if missing if ( ! defined $delim ) { if ( defined $/ && length $/ ) { $delim = $/ } else { $delim = "\n" } # Note: \n,$/ value depends on the platform } my $len_delim = length $delim; my ($got); my $reply = ''; # If we have OpenSSL 0.9.6a or later, we can use SSL_peek to # speed things up. # N.B. 0.9.6a has security problems, so the support for # anything earlier than 0.9.6e will be dropped soon. if (&Net::SSLeay::OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x0090601f) { $max_length = 2000000000 unless (defined $max_length); my ($pending, $peek_length, $found, $done); while (blength($reply) < $max_length and !$done) { #Block if necessary until we get some data $got = Net::SSLeay::peek($ssl,1); last if print_errs('SSL_peek'); $pending = Net::SSLeay::pending($ssl) + blength($reply); $peek_length = ($pending > $max_length) ? $max_length : $pending; $peek_length -= blength($reply); $got = Net::SSLeay::peek($ssl, $peek_length); last if print_errs('SSL_peek'); $peek_length = blength($got); #$found = index($got, $delim); # Old and broken # the delimiter may be split across two gets, so we prepend # a little from the last get onto this one before we check # for a match my $match; if(blength($reply) >= blength($delim) - 1) { #if what we've read so far is greater or equal #in length of what we need to prepatch $match = substr $reply, blength($reply) - blength($delim) + 1; } else { $match = $reply; } $match .= $got; $found = index($match, $delim); if ($found > -1) { #$got = Net::SSLeay::ssl_read_all($ssl, $found+$len_delim); #read up to the end of the delimiter $got = Net::SSLeay::ssl_read_all($ssl, $found + $len_delim - ((blength($match)) - (blength($got)))); $done = 1; } else { $got = Net::SSLeay::ssl_read_all($ssl, $peek_length); $done = 1 if ($peek_length == $max_length - blength($reply)); } last if print_errs('SSL_read'); debug_read(\$reply, \$got) if $trace>1; last if $got eq ''; $reply .= $got; } } else { while (!defined $max_length || length $reply < $max_length) { $got = Net::SSLeay::ssl_read_all($ssl,1); # one by one last if print_errs('SSL_read'); debug_read(\$reply, \$got) if $trace>1; last if $got eq ''; $reply .= $got; last if $len_delim && substr($reply, blength($reply)-$len_delim) eq $delim; } } return $reply; } sub tcp_read_until { my ($delim, $max_length) = @_; # guess the delim string if missing if ( ! defined $delim ) { if ( defined $/ && length $/ ) { $delim = $/ } else { $delim = "\n" } # Note: \n,$/ value depends on the platform } my $len_delim = length $delim; my ($n,$got); my $reply = ''; while (!defined $max_length || length $reply < $max_length) { $n = sysread(SSLCAT_S, $got, 1); # one by one warn "tcp_read_until: $!" if !defined $n; debug_read(\$reply, \$got) if $trace>1; last if !$n; # EOF $reply .= $got; last if $len_delim && substr($reply, blength($reply)-$len_delim) eq $delim; } return $reply; } # ssl_read_CRLF($ssl [, $max_length]) sub ssl_read_CRLF ($;$) { ssl_read_until($_[0], $CRLF, $_[1]) } sub tcp_read_CRLF { tcp_read_until($CRLF, $_[0]) } # ssl_write_CRLF($ssl, $message) writes $message and appends CRLF sub ssl_write_CRLF ($$) { # the next line uses less memory but might use more network packets return ssl_write_all($_[0], $_[1]) + ssl_write_all($_[0], $CRLF); # the next few lines do the same thing at the expense of memory, with # the chance that it will use less packets, since CRLF is in the original # message and won't be sent separately. #my $data_ref; #if (ref $_[1]) { $data_ref = $_[1] } # else { $data_ref = \$_[1] } #my $message = $$data_ref . $CRLF; #return ssl_write_all($_[0], \$message); } sub tcp_write_CRLF { # the next line uses less memory but might use more network packets return tcp_write_all($_[0]) + tcp_write_all($CRLF); # the next few lines do the same thing at the expense of memory, with # the chance that it will use less packets, since CRLF is in the original # message and won't be sent separately. #my $data_ref; #if (ref $_[1]) { $data_ref = $_[1] } # else { $data_ref = \$_[1] } #my $message = $$data_ref . $CRLF; #return tcp_write_all($_[0], \$message); } ### Quickly print out with whom we're talking sub dump_peer_certificate ($) { my ($ssl) = @_; my $cert = get_peer_certificate($ssl); return if print_errs('get_peer_certificate'); print "no cert defined\n" if !defined($cert); # Cipher=NONE with empty cert fix if (!defined($cert) || ($cert == 0)) { warn "cert = `$cert'\n" if $trace; return "Subject Name: undefined\nIssuer Name: undefined\n"; } else { my $x = 'Subject Name: ' . X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name($cert)) . "\n" . 'Issuer Name: ' . X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_issuer_name($cert)) . "\n"; Net::SSLeay::X509_free($cert); return $x; } } ### Arrange some randomness for eay PRNG sub randomize (;$$$) { my ($rn_seed_file, $seed, $egd_path) = @_; my $rnsf = defined($rn_seed_file) && -r $rn_seed_file; $egd_path = ''; $egd_path = $ENV{'EGD_PATH'} if $ENV{'EGD_PATH'}; RAND_seed(rand() + $$); # Stir it with time and pid unless ($rnsf || -r $Net::SSLeay::random_device || $seed || -S $egd_path) { my $poll_retval = Net::SSLeay::RAND_poll(); warn "Random number generator not seeded!!!" if $trace && !$poll_retval; } RAND_load_file($rn_seed_file, -s _) if $rnsf; RAND_seed($seed) if $seed; RAND_seed($ENV{RND_SEED}) if $ENV{RND_SEED}; RAND_load_file($Net::SSLeay::random_device, $Net::SSLeay::how_random/8) if -r $Net::SSLeay::random_device; } sub new_x_ctx { if ( $ssl_version == 2 ) { unless ( exists &Net::SSLeay::CTX_v2_new ) { warn "ssl_version has been set to 2, but this version of libssl has been compiled without SSLv2 support"; return undef; } $ctx = CTX_v2_new(); } elsif ( $ssl_version == 3 ) { unless ( exists &Net::SSLeay::CTX_v3_new ) { warn 'ssl_version has been set to 3, but this version of libssl has been compiled without SSLv3 support'; return undef; } $ctx = CTX_v3_new(); } elsif ( $ssl_version == 10 ) { unless ( exists &Net::SSLeay::CTX_tlsv1_new ) { warn 'ssl_version has been set to 10, but this version of libssl has been compiled without TLSv1 support'; return undef; } $ctx = CTX_tlsv1_new(); } elsif ( $ssl_version == 11 ) { unless ( exists &Net::SSLeay::CTX_tlsv1_1_new ) { warn 'ssl_version has been set to 11, but this version of libssl has been compiled without TLSv1.1 support'; return undef; } $ctx = CTX_tlsv1_1_new(); } elsif ( $ssl_version == 12 ) { unless ( exists &Net::SSLeay::CTX_tlsv1_2_new ) { warn 'ssl_version has been set to 12, but this version of libssl has been compiled without TLSv1.2 support'; return undef; } $ctx = CTX_tlsv1_2_new(); } elsif ( $ssl_version == 13 ) { unless ( eval { Net::SSLeay::TLS1_3_VERSION() } ) { warn 'ssl_version has been set to 13, but this version of libssl has been compiled without TLSv1.3 support'; return undef; } $ctx = CTX_new(); unless ( Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_min_proto_version( $ctx, Net::SSLeay::TLS1_3_VERSION() ) ) { warn 'CTX_set_min_proto failed for TLSv1.3'; return undef; } unless ( Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_max_proto_version( $ctx, Net::SSLeay::TLS1_3_VERSION() ) ) { warn 'CTX_set_max_proto failed for TLSv1.3'; return undef; } } else { $ctx = CTX_new(); } return $ctx; } ### ### Standard initialisation. Initialise the ssl library in the usual way ### at most once. Override this if you need differnet initialisation ### SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms is also protected against multiple runs in SSLeay.xs ### and is also mutex protected in threading perls ### my $library_initialised; sub initialize { if (!$library_initialised) { load_error_strings(); # Some bloat, but I'm after ease of use SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms(); # and debuggability. randomize(); $library_initialised++; } } ### ### Basic request - response primitive (don't use for https) ### sub sslcat { # address, port, message, $crt, $key --> reply / (reply,errs,cert) my ($dest_serv, $port, $out_message, $crt_path, $key_path) = @_; my ($ctx, $ssl, $got, $errs, $written); ($got, $errs) = open_proxy_tcp_connection($dest_serv, $port); return (wantarray ? (undef, $errs) : undef) unless $got; ### Do SSL negotiation stuff warn "Creating SSL $ssl_version context...\n" if $trace>2; initialize(); # Will init at most once $ctx = new_x_ctx(); goto cleanup2 if $errs = print_errs('CTX_new') or !$ctx; CTX_set_options($ctx, &OP_ALL); goto cleanup2 if $errs = print_errs('CTX_set_options'); warn "Cert `$crt_path' given without key" if $crt_path && !$key_path; set_cert_and_key($ctx, $crt_path, $key_path) if $crt_path; warn "Creating SSL connection (context was '$ctx')...\n" if $trace>2; $ssl = new($ctx); goto cleanup if $errs = print_errs('SSL_new') or !$ssl; warn "Setting fd (ctx $ctx, con $ssl)...\n" if $trace>2; set_fd($ssl, fileno(SSLCAT_S)); goto cleanup if $errs = print_errs('set_fd'); warn "Entering SSL negotiation phase...\n" if $trace>2; if ($trace>2) { my $i = 0; my $p = ''; my $cipher_list = 'Cipher list: '; $p=Net::SSLeay::get_cipher_list($ssl,$i); $cipher_list .= $p if $p; do { $i++; $cipher_list .= ', ' . $p if $p; $p=Net::SSLeay::get_cipher_list($ssl,$i); } while $p; $cipher_list .= '\n'; warn $cipher_list; } $got = Net::SSLeay::connect($ssl); warn "SSLeay connect returned $got\n" if $trace>2; goto cleanup if $errs = print_errs('SSL_connect'); my $server_cert = get_peer_certificate($ssl); print_errs('get_peer_certificate'); if ($trace>1) { warn "Cipher `" . get_cipher($ssl) . "'\n"; print_errs('get_ciper'); warn dump_peer_certificate($ssl); } ### Connected. Exchange some data (doing repeated tries if necessary). warn "sslcat $$: sending " . blength($out_message) . " bytes...\n" if $trace==3; warn "sslcat $$: sending `$out_message' (" . blength($out_message) . " bytes)...\n" if $trace>3; ($written, $errs) = ssl_write_all($ssl, $out_message); goto cleanup unless $written; sleep $slowly if $slowly; # Closing too soon can abort broken servers Net::SSLeay::shutdown($ssl); # Useful starting with OpenSSL 1.1.1e CORE::shutdown SSLCAT_S, 1; # Half close --> No more output, send EOF to server warn "waiting for reply...\n" if $trace>2; ($got, $errs) = ssl_read_all($ssl); warn "Got " . blength($got) . " bytes.\n" if $trace==3; warn "Got `$got' (" . blength($got) . " bytes)\n" if $trace>3; cleanup: free ($ssl); $errs .= print_errs('SSL_free'); cleanup2: CTX_free ($ctx); $errs .= print_errs('CTX_free'); close SSLCAT_S; return wantarray ? ($got, $errs, $server_cert) : $got; } sub tcpcat { # address, port, message, $crt, $key --> reply / (reply,errs,cert) my ($dest_serv, $port, $out_message) = @_; my ($got, $errs, $written); ($got, $errs) = open_proxy_tcp_connection($dest_serv, $port); return (wantarray ? (undef, $errs) : undef) unless $got; ### Connected. Exchange some data (doing repeated tries if necessary). warn "tcpcat $$: sending " . blength($out_message) . " bytes...\n" if $trace==3; warn "tcpcat $$: sending `$out_message' (" . blength($out_message) . " bytes)...\n" if $trace>3; ($written, $errs) = tcp_write_all($out_message); goto cleanup unless $written; sleep $slowly if $slowly; # Closing too soon can abort broken servers CORE::shutdown SSLCAT_S, 1; # Half close --> No more output, send EOF to server warn "waiting for reply...\n" if $trace>2; ($got, $errs) = tcp_read_all(); warn "Got " . blength($got) . " bytes.\n" if $trace==3; warn "Got `$got' (" . blength($got) . " bytes)\n" if $trace>3; cleanup: close SSLCAT_S; return wantarray ? ($got, $errs) : $got; } sub tcpxcat { my ($usessl, $site, $port, $req, $crt_path, $key_path) = @_; if ($usessl) { return sslcat($site, $port, $req, $crt_path, $key_path); } else { return tcpcat($site, $port, $req); } } ### ### Basic request - response primitive, this is different from sslcat ### because this does not shutdown the connection. ### sub https_cat { # address, port, message --> returns reply / (reply,errs,cert) my ($dest_serv, $port, $out_message, $crt_path, $key_path) = @_; my ($ctx, $ssl, $got, $errs, $written); ($got, $errs) = open_proxy_tcp_connection($dest_serv, $port); return (wantarray ? (undef, $errs) : undef) unless $got; ### Do SSL negotiation stuff warn "Creating SSL $ssl_version context...\n" if $trace>2; initialize(); $ctx = new_x_ctx(); goto cleanup2 if $errs = print_errs('CTX_new') or !$ctx; CTX_set_options($ctx, &OP_ALL); goto cleanup2 if $errs = print_errs('CTX_set_options'); warn "Cert `$crt_path' given without key" if $crt_path && !$key_path; set_cert_and_key($ctx, $crt_path, $key_path) if $crt_path; warn "Creating SSL connection (context was '$ctx')...\n" if $trace>2; $ssl = new($ctx); goto cleanup if $errs = print_errs('SSL_new') or !$ssl; warn "Setting fd (ctx $ctx, con $ssl)...\n" if $trace>2; set_fd($ssl, fileno(SSLCAT_S)); goto cleanup if $errs = print_errs('set_fd'); warn "Entering SSL negotiation phase...\n" if $trace>2; if ($trace>2) { my $i = 0; my $p = ''; my $cipher_list = 'Cipher list: '; $p=Net::SSLeay::get_cipher_list($ssl,$i); $cipher_list .= $p if $p; do { $i++; $cipher_list .= ', ' . $p if $p; $p=Net::SSLeay::get_cipher_list($ssl,$i); } while $p; $cipher_list .= '\n'; warn $cipher_list; } $got = Net::SSLeay::connect($ssl); warn "SSLeay connect failed" if $trace>2 && $got==0; goto cleanup if $errs = print_errs('SSL_connect'); my $server_cert = get_peer_certificate($ssl); print_errs('get_peer_certificate'); if ($trace>1) { warn "Cipher `" . get_cipher($ssl) . "'\n"; print_errs('get_ciper'); warn dump_peer_certificate($ssl); } ### Connected. Exchange some data (doing repeated tries if necessary). warn "https_cat $$: sending " . blength($out_message) . " bytes...\n" if $trace==3; warn "https_cat $$: sending `$out_message' (" . blength($out_message) . " bytes)...\n" if $trace>3; ($written, $errs) = ssl_write_all($ssl, $out_message); goto cleanup unless $written; warn "waiting for reply...\n" if $trace>2; ($got, $errs) = ssl_read_all($ssl); warn "Got " . blength($got) . " bytes.\n" if $trace==3; warn "Got `$got' (" . blength($got) . " bytes)\n" if $trace>3; cleanup: free ($ssl); $errs .= print_errs('SSL_free'); cleanup2: CTX_free ($ctx); $errs .= print_errs('CTX_free'); close SSLCAT_S; return wantarray ? ($got, $errs, $server_cert) : $got; } sub http_cat { # address, port, message --> returns reply / (reply,errs,cert) my ($dest_serv, $port, $out_message) = @_; my ($got, $errs, $written); ($got, $errs) = open_proxy_tcp_connection($dest_serv, $port); return (wantarray ? (undef, $errs) : undef) unless $got; ### Connected. Exchange some data (doing repeated tries if necessary). warn "http_cat $$: sending " . blength($out_message) . " bytes...\n" if $trace==3; warn "http_cat $$: sending `$out_message' (" . blength($out_message) . " bytes)...\n" if $trace>3; ($written, $errs) = tcp_write_all($out_message); goto cleanup unless $written; warn "waiting for reply...\n" if $trace>2; ($got, $errs) = tcp_read_all(); warn "Got " . blength($got) . " bytes.\n" if $trace==3; warn "Got `$got' (" . blength($got) . " bytes)\n" if $trace>3; cleanup: close SSLCAT_S; return wantarray ? ($got, $errs) : $got; } sub httpx_cat { my ($usessl, $site, $port, $req, $crt_path, $key_path) = @_; warn "httpx_cat: usessl=$usessl ($site:$port)" if $trace; if ($usessl) { return https_cat($site, $port, $req, $crt_path, $key_path); } else { return http_cat($site, $port, $req); } } ### ### Easy set up of private key and certificate ### sub set_cert_and_key ($$$) { my ($ctx, $cert_path, $key_path) = @_; my $errs = ''; # Following will ask password unless private key is not encrypted CTX_use_PrivateKey_file( $ctx, $key_path, &FILETYPE_PEM ) == 1 or $errs .= print_errs("private key `$key_path' ($!)"); CTX_use_certificate_file ($ctx, $cert_path, &FILETYPE_PEM) == 1 or $errs .= print_errs("certificate `$cert_path' ($!)"); return wantarray ? (undef, $errs) : ($errs eq ''); } ### Old deprecated API sub set_server_cert_and_key ($$$) { &set_cert_and_key } ### Set up to use web proxy sub set_proxy ($$;**) { ($proxyhost, $proxyport, $proxyuser, $proxypass) = @_; require MIME::Base64 if $proxyuser; $proxyauth = $proxyuser ? $CRLF . 'Proxy-authorization: Basic ' . MIME::Base64::encode("$proxyuser:$proxypass", '') : ''; } ### ### Easy https manipulation routines ### sub make_form { my (@fields) = @_; my $form; while (@fields) { my ($name, $data) = (shift(@fields), shift(@fields)); $data =~ s/([^\w\-.\@\$ ])/sprintf("%%%2.2x",ord($1))/gse; $data =~ tr[ ][+]; $form .= "$name=$data&"; } chop $form; return $form; } sub make_headers { my (@headers) = @_; my $headers; while (@headers) { my $header = shift(@headers); my $value = shift(@headers); $header =~ s/:$//; $value =~ s/\x0d?\x0a$//; # because we add it soon, see below $headers .= "$header: $value$CRLF"; } return $headers; } sub do_httpx3 { my ($method, $usessl, $site, $port, $path, $headers, $content, $mime_type, $crt_path, $key_path) = @_; my ($response, $page, $h,$v); my $len = blength($content); if ($len) { $mime_type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" unless $mime_type; $content = "Content-Type: $mime_type$CRLF" . "Content-Length: $len$CRLF$CRLF$content"; } else { $content = "$CRLF$CRLF"; } my $req = "$method $path HTTP/1.0$CRLF"; unless (defined $headers && $headers =~ /^Host:/m) { $req .= "Host: $site"; unless (($port == 80 && !$usessl) || ($port == 443 && $usessl)) { $req .= ":$port"; } $req .= $CRLF; } $req .= (defined $headers ? $headers : '') . "Accept: */*$CRLF$content"; warn "do_httpx3($method,$usessl,$site:$port)" if $trace; my ($http, $errs, $server_cert) = httpx_cat($usessl, $site, $port, $req, $crt_path, $key_path); return (undef, "HTTP/1.0 900 NET OR SSL ERROR$CRLF$CRLF$errs") if $errs; $http = '' if !defined $http; ($headers, $page) = split /\s?\n\s?\n/, $http, 2; warn "headers >$headers< page >>$page<< http >>>$http<<<" if $trace>1; ($response, $headers) = split /\s?\n/, $headers, 2; return ($page, $response, $headers, $server_cert); } sub do_https3 { splice(@_,1,0) = 1; do_httpx3; } # Legacy undocumented ### do_https2() is a legacy version in the sense that it is unable ### to return all instances of duplicate headers. sub do_httpx2 { my ($page, $response, $headers, $server_cert) = &do_httpx3; X509_free($server_cert) if defined $server_cert; return ($page, $response, defined $headers ? map( { ($h,$v)=/^(\S+)\:\s*(.*)$/; (uc($h),$v); } split(/\s?\n/, $headers) ) : () ); } sub do_https2 { splice(@_,1,0) = 1; do_httpx2; } # Legacy undocumented ### Returns headers as a hash where multiple instances of same header ### are handled correctly. sub do_httpx4 { my ($page, $response, $headers, $server_cert) = &do_httpx3; my %hr = (); for my $hh (split /\s?\n/, $headers) { my ($h,$v) = ($hh =~ /^(\S+)\:\s*(.*)$/); push @{$hr{uc($h)}}, $v; } return ($page, $response, \%hr, $server_cert); } sub do_https4 { splice(@_,1,0) = 1; do_httpx4; } # Legacy undocumented # https sub get_https { do_httpx2(GET => 1, @_) } sub post_https { do_httpx2(POST => 1, @_) } sub put_https { do_httpx2(PUT => 1, @_) } sub head_https { do_httpx2(HEAD => 1, @_) } sub get_https3 { do_httpx3(GET => 1, @_) } sub post_https3 { do_httpx3(POST => 1, @_) } sub put_https3 { do_httpx3(PUT => 1, @_) } sub head_https3 { do_httpx3(HEAD => 1, @_) } sub get_https4 { do_httpx4(GET => 1, @_) } sub post_https4 { do_httpx4(POST => 1, @_) } sub put_https4 { do_httpx4(PUT => 1, @_) } sub head_https4 { do_httpx4(HEAD => 1, @_) } # http sub get_http { do_httpx2(GET => 0, @_) } sub post_http { do_httpx2(POST => 0, @_) } sub put_http { do_httpx2(PUT => 0, @_) } sub head_http { do_httpx2(HEAD => 0, @_) } sub get_http3 { do_httpx3(GET => 0, @_) } sub post_http3 { do_httpx3(POST => 0, @_) } sub put_http3 { do_httpx3(PUT => 0, @_) } sub head_http3 { do_httpx3(HEAD => 0, @_) } sub get_http4 { do_httpx4(GET => 0, @_) } sub post_http4 { do_httpx4(POST => 0, @_) } sub put_http4 { do_httpx4(PUT => 0, @_) } sub head_http4 { do_httpx4(HEAD => 0, @_) } # Either https or http sub get_httpx { do_httpx2(GET => @_) } sub post_httpx { do_httpx2(POST => @_) } sub put_httpx { do_httpx2(PUT => @_) } sub head_httpx { do_httpx2(HEAD => @_) } sub get_httpx3 { do_httpx3(GET => @_) } sub post_httpx3 { do_httpx3(POST => @_) } sub put_httpx3 { do_httpx3(PUT => @_) } sub head_httpx3 { do_httpx3(HEAD => @_) } sub get_httpx4 { do_httpx4(GET => @_) } sub post_httpx4 { do_httpx4(POST => @_) } sub put_httpx4 { do_httpx4(PUT => @_) } sub head_httpx4 { do_httpx4(HEAD => @_) } ### Legacy, don't use # ($page, $respone_or_err, %headers) = do_https(...); sub do_https { my ($site, $port, $path, $method, $headers, $content, $mime_type, $crt_path, $key_path) = @_; do_https2($method, $site, $port, $path, $headers, $content, $mime_type, $crt_path, $key_path); } 1; __END__
Linux 65-254-81-4.cprapid.com 5.14.0-284.11.1.el9_2.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue May 9 05:49:00 EDT 2023 x86_64