Şuanki Dizin: /proc/thread-self/root/usr/share/doc/hunspell/ |
Şuanki Dosya : //proc/thread-self/root/usr/share/doc/hunspell/THANKS |
Many thanks to the following contributors and supporters: Mehmet Akin Göran Andersson Lars Aronsson Ruud Baars Bartkó Zoltán Mathias Bauer Bencsáth Boldizsár Bíró Árpád Ingo H. de Boer Simon Brouwer Jeppe Bundsgaard Ginn Chen Tomáš Chvátal Aaron Digulla Dmitri Gabinski Dvornik László David Einstein Rene Engelhard Frederik Fouvry Flemming Frandsen Serge Gautherie Marek Gleń Gavins at OOo Gefferth András Godó Ferenc Goldman Eleonóra Steinar H. Gunderson Halácsy Péter Chris Halls Khaled Hosny Izsók András Björn Jacke Mike Tian-Jian Jiang Dafydd Jones Ryan Jones Jean-Christophe Helary Kevin Hendricks Martin Hollmichel Pavel Janík John Winters Mohamed Kebdani Kelemen Gábor Shewangizaw Gulilat Kéménczy Kálmán Dan Kenigsberg Pham Ngoc Khanh Khiraly László Koblinger Egmont Kornai András Tor Lillqvist Christian Lohmaier Robert Longson Marot at SF dot net Mark McClain Caolan McNamara Michael Meeks Moheb Mekhaiel Laurie Mercer Ladislav Michnovič Ellis Miller Giuseppe Modugno János Mohácsi Bram Moolenaar Daniel Naber Nagy Viktor John Nisly Noll János S Page Christophe Paris Malcolm Parsons Sylvain Paschein Volkov Peter Bryan Petty Harri Pitkänen Davide Prina Kevin F. Quinn Erdal Ronahi Olivier Ronez Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Sarlós Tamás Thobias Schlemmer Jan Seeger Jose da Silva Paulo Ney de Souza Roland Smith Munzir Taha Timeless at bemail dot org Tímár András Tonal at OOo Török László Trón Viktor Gianluca Turconi Ryan VanderMeulen Varga Dániel Elio Voci Miha Vrhovnik Martijn Wargers Michel Weimerskirch Brett Wilson Friedel Wolff Daniel Yacob Gábor Zahemszky Taha Zerrouki and others (see also MySpell authors bellow) FSF.hu Foundation http://www.fsf.hu LibreOffice community http://www.libreoffice.org MOKK Research Centre Budapest University of Technology and Economics Sociology and Communications Department http://www.mokk.bme.hu Hungarian Ministry of Informatics and Telecommunications IMEDIA Kft. http://www.imedia.hu OpenOffice.org community http://www.openoffice.org OpenTaal Foundation, Netherlands and Dutch Language Union (Nederlandse Taalunie) http://opentaal.org UHU-Linux Kft. Thanks, Németh László nemeth at numbertext org -------------------------- MySpell Developer Credits: Special credit and thanks go to ispell's creator Geoff Kuenning. Ispell affix compression code was used as the basis for the affix code used in MySpell. Specifically Geoff's use of a conds[] array that makes it easy to check if the conditions required for a particular affix are present was very ingenious! Kudos to Geoff. Very nicely done. BTW: ispell is available under a BSD style license from Geoff Kuennings ispell website: http://www.cs.ucla.edu/ficus-members/geoff/ispell.html Kevin Hendricks <kevin.hendricks@sympatico.ca> is the original author and now maintainer of the MySpell codebase. Recent additions include ngram support, and related character maps to help improve and create suggestions for very poorly spelled words. Please send any and all contributions or improvements to him or to dev@lingucomponent.openoffice.org. David Einstein (Deinst@world.std.com) developed an almost complete rewrite of MySpell for use by the Mozilla project. David and I are now working on parallel development tracks to help our respective projects (Mozilla and OpenOffice.org) and we will maintain full affix file and dictionary file compatibility and work on merging our versions of MySpell back into a single tree. David has been a significant help in improving MySpell. Németh László <nemethl@gyorsposta.hu> is the author of the Hungarian dictionary and he developed and contributed extensive changes to MySpell including ... * code to support compound words in MySpell * fixed numerous problems with encoding case conversion tables. * designed/developed replacement tables to improve suggestions * changed affix file parsing to trees to greatly speed loading * removed the need for malloc/free pairs in suffix_check which speeds up spell checking in suffix rich languages by 20% Davide Prina <davideprina@uahoo.com>, Giuseppe Modugno <gppe.modugno@libero.it>, Gianluca Turconi <luctur@comeg.it> all from the it_IT OpenOffice.org team performed an extremely detailed code review of MySpell and generated fixes for bugs, leaks, and speedup improvements. Simon Brouwer <simon.oo.o@xs4all.nl> for fixes and enhancements that have greatly improved MySpell auggestions * n-gram suggestions for an initcap word have an init. cap. * fix for too many n-gram suggestions from specialized dictionary, * fix for long suggestions rather than close ones in case of dictionaries with many compound words (kompuuter) * optionally disabling split-word suggestions (controlled by NOSPLITSUGS line in affix file) Special Thanks to all others who have either contributed ideas or testing for MySpell Thanks, Kevin Hendricks kevin.hendricks@sympatico.ca
Linux 65-254-81-4.cprapid.com 5.14.0-284.11.1.el9_2.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue May 9 05:49:00 EDT 2023 x86_64