�DOgr � @ s� d Z ddgZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddl Z ddl
mZ ddlZdZG dd� d�Zd d
� Zdd� ZG d
d� d�Zdd� Zdd� Zddd�Zdd� ZG dd� d�Zdd� Zedkr�e� dS )a� program/module to trace Python program or function execution
Sample use, command line:
trace.py -c -f counts --ignore-dir '$prefix' spam.py eggs
trace.py -t --ignore-dir '$prefix' spam.py eggs
trace.py --trackcalls spam.py eggs
Sample use, programmatically
import sys
# create a Trace object, telling it what to ignore, and whether to
# do tracing or line-counting or both.
tracer = trace.Trace(ignoredirs=[sys.base_prefix, sys.base_exec_prefix,],
trace=0, count=1)
# run the new command using the given tracer
# make a report, placing output in /tmp
r = tracer.results()
r.write_results(show_missing=True, coverdir="/tmp")
�Trace�CoverageResults� N)� monotonicz#pragma NO COVERc @ s e Zd Zddd�Zdd� ZdS )�_IgnoreNc C s: |s
t � nt |�| _|sg ndd� |D �| _ddi| _d S )Nc S s g | ]}t j�|��qS � )�os�path�normpath��.0�dr r �/usr/lib64/python3.9/trace.py�
<listcomp>H s �z$_Ignore.__init__.<locals>.<listcomp>z<string>� )�set�_mods�_dirs�_ignore)�self�modules�dirsr r r
�__init__F s
�z_Ignore.__init__c C s� || j v r| j | S || jv r,d| j |<