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<?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); require_once("lib/functions.php"); $db = new login_function(); $current_session = session_id(); $order_total_amount = $db->fetch_total_price_by_session_id($current_session); $total_amount = $order_total_amount; /**********************Charges Calculate*************************************/ $delivery_charges = 20; $delivery_charges_text = ""; $min_order_amount = 100; $total_of_selling = $total_amount; if($total_of_selling >= $min_order_amount) { if($total_of_selling >= 500) { $delivery_charges = 0; } //Add delivery charges in selling bill $final_total = $total_of_selling + $delivery_charges; $total_amount = $final_total; } else { header("Location:cart.php"); } /***********************************************************/ if($total_amount == 0) { header("Location:cart.php"); } $admin_email = "sattvic@gmail.com"; // $email = ""; $full_name=""; $address1=""; $user_email=""; if (isset($_GET['mobile_nu'])) { $contact_no1 = $_GET['mobile_nu']; } else { $contact_no1 = ''; } $details = $db->fetch_user_data_by_email_id($contact_no1); // print_r($details); if(!empty($details)) { $id = $details[0]; $full_name = $details[1]; $address1 = $details[2]; $contact_no = $details[3]; $user_email = $details[4]; $pin = $details[5]; $latitude = $details[6]; $longitude = $details[7]; } $flag = 0; $success_msg = 0; $email_id_error = ""; $fetch_total_amount = 0; $contact_no_error =""; $contact_no = ""; $_SESSION['show_total_amount']=$total_amount; if(isset($_POST['checkout_btn'])) { //$total_amount = $_POST['total_amount']; $full_name = $_POST['full_name']; $address = $_POST['address']; $contact_no = $_POST['contact_no']; $user_email = ""; $password="123"; $confirm_password="123"; $gender=""; $dob=""; $wife_name=""; $wife_dob=""; $anniversary_date=""; $child_name=""; $child_dob=""; $status=""; $pin = $_POST['pin']; $latitude = $_POST['latitude']; $longitude = $_POST['longitude']; if(!is_numeric($contact_no)) { $contact_no_error = "Please enter numeric value"; $flag = 1; } else if(strlen($contact_no)<10 OR strlen($contact_no)>10) { $contact_no_error = "Please enter valid 10 digit contact no"; $flag = 1; } if($flag == 0) { $transaction_id = $db->add_record_to_checkout($full_name, $address, $contact_no, $user_email, $total_amount,$latitude,$longitude); $iexist = $db->get_exist_code_for_update($contact_no); if ($iexist == "") { if (!$db->add_user($full_name, $address, $contact_no, $user_email, $password, $confirm_password, $gender, $dob, $wife_name, $wife_dob, $anniversary_date, $child_name, $child_dob,$pin,$latitude,$longitude)) { echo "<script>alert('insert')</script>"; $whatsapp_message = "*Sattvicyug* \n\n*Dear $full_name* \n\n" . "Thank you for Choose Us.\n\n" . "Welcome Message. \n" . "*Link:* https://sattvicyug.com/index.php \n\n" . "*Contact*\n" . "*Sattvicyug*\n" . "*Phone Number* : 7447847000 \n" . "*Address* : solapur \n"; $url = "http://web.cloudwhatsapp.com/wapp/api/send?apikey=bbf183d4fb3d4be7a8cdfd951fda6be1&mobile=$contact_no&msg=" . urlencode($whatsapp_message); $response = file_get_contents($url); // echo $response; } } else { if (!$db->user_update_details($full_name, $address, $contact_no, $user_email,$pin,$latitude,$longitude)) { echo "<script>alert('insert exist')</script>"; $whatsapp_message = "*Sattvicyug* \n\n*Dear $full_name* \n\n" . "Thank you for Choose Us.\n\n" . "Welcome Message. \n" . "*Link:* https://sattvicyug.com/index.php \n\n" . "*Contact*\n" . "*Sattvicyug*\n" . "*Phone Number* : 7447847000 \n" . "*Address* : solapur \n"; $url = "http://web.cloudwhatsapp.com/wapp/api/send?apikey=bbf183d4fb3d4be7a8cdfd951fda6be1&mobile=$contact_no&msg=" . urlencode($whatsapp_message); $response = file_get_contents($url); // echo $response; } } $product_id = $db->fetch_all_temp_cart_data($current_session); if(!empty($product_id)) { $counter = 0; foreach($product_id as $record) { $t_id = $product_id[$counter][0]; $s_id = $product_id[$counter][1]; $p_id = $product_id[$counter][2]; $qty = $product_id[$counter][3]; $actual_price1 = $product_id[$counter][4]; $date = $product_id[$counter][5]; $time = $product_id[$counter][6]; $selling_price1 = $product_id[$counter][7]; $grams = $product_id[$counter][8]; $unit = $product_id[$counter][9]; $cart_data = $db->fetch_product_for_checklist($p_id); if(!empty($cart_data)) { $prod_id = $cart_data[0]; $added_by = $cart_data[1]; $product_name = $cart_data[2]; $tags = $cart_data[3]; $description = $cart_data[4]; $actual_price = $cart_data[5]; $selling_price = $cart_data[6]; } $db->add_items_to_checkout_list($transaction_id,$added_by,$prod_id,$qty,$selling_price1,$actual_price1,$grams,$unit); $counter ++; } } $db->delete_product_from_temp_cart_by_product_id($current_session); unset($_SESSION['return_to_cart_reg']); header("Location:order-success.php"); $success_msg = 1; } } ?> <?php require_once("header.php"); ?> <style> label { font-family:arial; /*font-weight:bold !important;*/ } table tr td { padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:5px; font-weight:bold; font-size:16px; } .txt_val { font-size:14px !important; border:1px solid #DFDFDF; border-radius:4px; width:100%; font-weight:bold; padding:12px; color:#cf5ba3; margin-bottom:9px; font-family:arial; } .verifybutton { height:38px; width:15%; font-size:12px; margin-left:5px; border:none; background-color:#DB0D58; color:white; } .form_container { width:500px; margin:auto; } @media only screen and (max-width: 700px) { .form_container{ width:90%; } } </style> <body> <br /> <div class="spec" style="margin-bottom:1em;"> <h3>Order Your Items</h3> <div class="ser-t"> <b></b> <span><i></i></span> <b class="line"></b> </div> </div> <div> <div id="wrapper" style="background-color:#F6F6F4;"> <form action="checkout-complete.php" method="POST" name="register_mail"> <div class="form_container"> <?php if($success_msg == 1) { ?> <div class="alert alert-success"> Order Placed Successfully. </div> <?php } ?> <br /> <!--<label class="form_title_label">Total Amount : </label>--> <!--<span style="color:green;padding:5px;border:none;font-size:17px; color:#DB0D58;"><?php echo $total_amount; ?>/-</span>--> <!--<input type="hidden" class="txt_val" name="total_amount" value="<?php echo $total_amount; ?>" required readonly>--> <!-- <br />--> <!-- <br />--> <label class="form_title_label">Full Name : </label><br /> <input type="text" placeholder="Full Name" class="txt_val" name="full_name" value="<?php echo $full_name; ?>" required></td> <br /> <?php if($contact_no=="") { $contact_no = $contact_no1; } ?> <label class="form_title_label">Contact No : </label> <input type="number" placeholder="Enter Contact Number" class="txt_val" name="contact_no" value="<?php echo $contact_no; ?>" required> <br /> <label class="form_title_label">Delivery Address</label><label style="font-size:12px;">(Enter The Full And Correct Address For Proper Delivery) :</label> <textarea placeholder="Enter Shipping Address" name="address" class="txt_val" required><?php echo $address1; ?></textarea> <br /> <label class="form_title_label">Enter City PinCode </label> <br /> <input type="number" placeholder="Enter Pin Code" class="txt_val" id="pin" value="<?php echo $pin; ?>" name="pin" required style="width:60%;" maxlength="6" /> <button type="button" id="verifyPinButton" onclick="verifyPinCode()" class="verifybutton" style="width:35%; font-size:14px;">Check Availability</button> <br /> <div id="pinValidationMessage"></div> <div id="message" style="color: red; display: none; margin-top: 10px;"></div> <!-- Latitude and Longitude fields hidden initially --> <br /> <!-------Google Map Location------------> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css"> <script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyCJZ3pJYfmgi5rITkg8B29vbfUOpv5labY&callback=initMap" async defer></script> <style> #map { height: 400px; width: 100%; } .info { margin-top: 20px; } </style> <h4 style="text-align:center; line-height:25px; color:#079744; font-weight:bold;">Select Delivery Location <br /> <label style="color:orangered; font-size:14px;">Click on map to locate pointer, Move the pointer to your exact delivery location.</label></h4> <center><button onclick="getCurrentLocation()" style="background-color:white; border:1px solid #DFDFDF; padding:7px;"> <i class="fa fa-map-marker" style="font-size:16px;color:red"></i> Focus My Current Location</button></center> <br /> <div id="map"></div> <div class="info"> <label>Latitude: <input type="text" id="latitude" name="latitude" readonly required></label><br><br> <label>Longitude: <input type="text" id="longitude" name="longitude" readonly required></label><br><br> <!--<button type="button" onclick="saveLocation()">Submit</button>--> <div id="response"></div> </div> <script> let map; let marker; function initMap() { const defaultLocation = { lat: 17.6599, lng: 75.9064 }; // Default location (Solapur, India) map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), { zoom: 13, center: defaultLocation, }); // Add click event to place marker map.addListener("click", (event) => { placeMarker(event.latLng); }); } function placeMarker(location) { if (marker) { marker.setPosition(location); } else { marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: location, map: map, }); } // Set latitude and longitude in input fields document.getElementById("latitude").value = location.lat(); document.getElementById("longitude").value = location.lng(); } function getCurrentLocation() { if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( (position) => { const currentLocation = { lat: position.coords.latitude, lng: position.coords.longitude, }; // Center map on current location and place marker map.setCenter(currentLocation); placeMarker(currentLocation); }, (error) => { alert("Error getting location: " + error.message); } ); } else { alert("Geolocation is not supported by this browser."); } event.preventDefault(); } function saveLocation() { const latitude = document.getElementById("latitude").value; const longitude = document.getElementById("longitude").value; if (latitude && longitude) { // Send data to PHP via AJAX const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("POST", "save_location.php", true); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) { document.getElementById("response").innerHTML = xhr.responseText; } }; xhr.send(`latitude=${latitude}&longitude=${longitude}`); } else { alert("Please select a location on the map."); } } </script> <!-------Google Map Location------------> <!--<label class="form_title_label">Enter Latitude </label><br />--> <!--<input type="number" placeholder="Enter Latitude" class="txt_val" value="<?php echo $latitude; ?>" name="latitude" style="width:220px;padding:5px;" required>--> <!--<br />--> <!--<br />--> <!--<label class="form_title_label">Enter Longitude </label><br />--> <!--<input type="number" placeholder="Enter Longitude" class="txt_val" name="longitude" style="width:220px;padding:5px;" value="<?php echo $longitude; ?>" required>--> <br /> <br /> <center><input type="submit" name="checkout_btn" onclick="check_location_fetched()" id="place_order_btn" value="Place My Order" class="btn_new" style="border:none;"></center> </div> </form> </div> <br /><br /> </center> <hr style="border-bottom:1px solid #DFDFDF" /> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script> <script> function check_location_fetched() { const latitude = document.getElementById("latitude").value; const longitude = document.getElementById("longitude").value; // alert(latitude + "=" + longitude); if(latitude=="" || longitude=="") { event.preventDefault(); alert("Please select location on google map"); } } </script> <script> function showCoordinates() { $('#latitude-row').show(); $('#longitude-row').show(); $('#Register').show(); } function verifyPinCode() { var pin = document.getElementById("pin").value; var messageDiv = document.getElementById("message"); if (pin === "") { messageDiv.style.display = "block"; messageDiv.innerHTML = "Please enter the pin code first."; $('#latitude-row').hide(); $('#longitude-row').hide(); $('#Register').hide(); $('#pinValidationMessage').text('').css('color', ''); } else { messageDiv.style.display = "none"; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "api/fetch_pin_code.php", data: { pin: pin }, success: function(response) { var result = JSON.parse(response); if (result.valid) { $('#latitude-row').show(); $('#longitude-row').show(); $('#Register').show(); $('#pinValidationMessage').text('Delivery Available').css('color', 'green'); // showCoordinates(); } else { $('#pinValidationMessage').text('Delivery Not Available').css('color', 'red'); $('#latitude-row').hide(); $('#longitude-row').hide(); $('#Register').hide(); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { toastr.error("An error occurred while verifying the PIN code. Please try again.", "Error"); $('#latitude-row').hide(); $('#longitude-row').hide(); $('#Register').parent().hide(); } }); } } </script> <?php require_once("footer.php"); ?> </body></html>
Linux 65-254-81-4.cprapid.com 5.14.0-284.11.1.el9_2.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue May 9 05:49:00 EDT 2023 x86_64