Şuanki Dizin: /home/wwwdreamtechnolo/www/bprisk.online/strongergenadmin/ |
Şuanki Dosya : /home/wwwdreamtechnolo/www/bprisk.online/strongergenadmin/bravemy8_strongergen.sql |
-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version 4.9.11 -- https://www.phpmyadmin.net/ -- -- Host: localhost:3306 -- Generation Time: May 31, 2023 at 12:10 PM -- Server version: 5.7.23-23 -- PHP Version: 7.4.33 SET SQL_MODE = "NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"; SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0; START TRANSACTION; SET time_zone = "+00:00"; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */; -- -- Database: `bravemy8_strongergen` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `add_exercise_content` -- CREATE TABLE `add_exercise_content` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `level_one_category` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `level_two_category` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `title` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `vedio` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `image` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `description_one` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `description_two` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `audio_file` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `week_level` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `level_day` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `excercise_time` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `rest_time` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `add_exercise_content` -- INSERT INTO `add_exercise_content` (`id`, `level_one_category`, `level_two_category`, `title`, `vedio`, `image`, `description_one`, `description_two`, `audio_file`, `date`, `time`, `week_level`, `level_day`, `excercise_time`, `rest_time`) VALUES (5, '1', '1', 'Arm Raise - warm Up', '-', 'eMVPsob0Yz.gif', 'Raise your arm front to warm your body up', '', '-', '2023-05-17', '11-15-12 AM', '1', '1', '10', '5'), (2, '1', '1', 'AAAA', '-', '7EbaO62CGa.png', 'DESCRIPTION ABC', 'DESCRIPTION PQR', '-', '2023-05-16', '20-41-18 PM', '1', '1', '20', '10'), (4, '1', '1', 'ABC NNN', '-', 'tUrLBA5Mae.gif', 'sssss', 'description', '-', '2023-05-16', '21-02-56 PM', '1', '1', '60', '40'), (6, '1', '1', 'Sit Ups - Core ', '-', 'lHLUfixw2h.gif', 'Lay down face up. Breath out as you go up and breath in on way back', '', '-', '2023-05-17', '11-17-01 AM', '1', '1', '20', '10'), (7, '1', '1', 'Push Ups - Strength', '-', 'KYejexG2dn.gif', 'Keep your arms shoulder distance. Breath out as you push your body up. ', '', '-', '2023-05-17', '11-18-26 AM', '1', '1', '20', '10'), (8, '1', '1', 'Lunge Walk - Strength', '-', 'y9cYhvgZ8i.gif', 'take a comfortable step front and bend your knee down, get up then walk other step front and bend your other knee down.', '', '-', '2023-05-17', '11-20-48 AM', '1', '1', '20', '10'), (9, '1', '1', 'Squat Jump- Conditioning', '-', '2DfHPJQUGK.gif', 'keep your legs as wide as your shoulder. Squat down and jump as you come up. Focus on landing and continue to squat down', '', '-', '2023-05-17', '11-22-47 AM', '1', '1', '15', '5'), (10, '1', '1', 'Knee Hug - Cool Down Stretch', '-', 'eE7IxaY0be.gif', 'hold your knee laying down and bring it near your chest and hug it.', '', '-', '2023-05-17', '11-24-17 AM', '1', '1', '10', '5'), (11, '1', '1', 'Knee Hug - Cool Down Stretch', '-', 'vlikS8lIyu.gif', 'hold your knee laying down and bring it near your chest and hug it.', '', '-', '2023-05-17', '11-24-53 AM', '1', '1', '5', '5'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `admin` -- CREATE TABLE `admin` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `admin_name` text NOT NULL, `password` text NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -- Dumping data for table `admin` -- INSERT INTO `admin` (`id`, `admin_name`, `password`) VALUES (1, 'admin', '12345'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `assigned_site` -- CREATE TABLE `assigned_site` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `site_id` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `engineer_id` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `assigned_site` -- INSERT INTO `assigned_site` (`id`, `site_id`, `engineer_id`, `date`, `time`) VALUES (2, '7', '3', '2023-03-10', '21-58-00 PM'), (3, '7', '3', '2023-03-10', '21-59-13 PM'), (4, '7', '3', '2023-03-10', '21-59-39 PM'), (5, '7', '3', '2023-03-10', '21-59-56 PM'), (6, '7', '3', '2023-03-10', '22-01-04 PM'), (7, '7', '3', '2023-03-10', '22-01-24 PM'), (8, '7', '3', '2023-03-10', '22-02-17 PM'), (9, '7', '3', '2023-03-10', '22-02-35 PM'), (10, '7', '3', '2023-03-10', '22-07-58 PM'), (11, '7', '3', '2023-03-10', '22-08-25 PM'), (13, '7', '3', '2023-03-10', '22-08-55 PM'), (14, '7', '3', '2023-03-10', '22-09-00 PM'), (15, '7', '3', '2023-03-15', '12-21-59 PM'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `bank_details` -- CREATE TABLE `bank_details` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `bank_name` text NOT NULL, `account_name` text NOT NULL, `account_no` text NOT NULL, `ifsc_code` text NOT NULL, `branch_name` text NOT NULL, `other_info` text NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -- Dumping data for table `bank_details` -- INSERT INTO `bank_details` (`id`, `bank_name`, `account_name`, `account_no`, `ifsc_code`, `branch_name`, `other_info`, `date`, `time`) VALUES (1, 'Bank of india', 'Dream technology', '071020110000236', 'Bkid0000710', 'Hotgi road', '-', '2020-11-26', '18-30-57 PM'), (2, 'Axis bank', 'DREAM TECHNOLOGY', '919020072188043', 'UTIB0000266', 'Daffarin chowk', '-', '2020-11-26', '18-31-55 PM'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `client_projects` -- CREATE TABLE `client_projects` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `cust_id` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `project_title` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `deadline_date` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `quotation_id` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `project_description` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `project_place` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `client_projects` -- INSERT INTO `client_projects` (`id`, `cust_id`, `project_title`, `deadline_date`, `quotation_id`, `project_description`, `date`, `time`, `project_place`) VALUES (4, '7', 't', '01-07-2021', '21', '0-', '2021-08-03', '11-39-55 AM', ''), (5, '7', 'GST APP', '31-08-2021', '23', '-', '2021-08-03', '14-11-11 PM', 'Solapur'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `construction_sites` -- CREATE TABLE `construction_sites` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `name` text NOT NULL, `office_name` text NOT NULL, `email` text NOT NULL, `address` text NOT NULL, `primary_contact_no` text NOT NULL, `other_contact_no` text NOT NULL, `logo` text NOT NULL, `description_box` text NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -- Dumping data for table `construction_sites` -- INSERT INTO `construction_sites` (`id`, `name`, `office_name`, `email`, `address`, `primary_contact_no`, `other_contact_no`, `logo`, `description_box`, `date`, `time`) VALUES (1, 'Shree--', 'DREAm TECHNOLOGY99', 'Select', 'Solapur 6666', '9595775120', '4567891235', '2y2ptJ7Wgz.png', 'Building', '2023-03-09', '20-03-57 PM'), (3, 'ssss', 'dddd', 'Select', '', '1112223331', '', 'm39IJrHOjL.png', '', '2023-03-09', '20-48-54 PM'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `create_link` -- CREATE TABLE `create_link` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `p_id` text NOT NULL, `security_code` text NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `customers` -- CREATE TABLE `customers` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `name` text NOT NULL, `office_name` text NOT NULL, `email` text NOT NULL, `address` text NOT NULL, `primary_contact_no` text NOT NULL, `other_contact_no` text NOT NULL, `logo` text NOT NULL, `password` text NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -- Dumping data for table `customers` -- INSERT INTO `customers` (`id`, `name`, `office_name`, `email`, `address`, `primary_contact_no`, `other_contact_no`, `logo`, `password`, `date`, `time`) VALUES (7, 'SHREE', 'fdgdfgfg', '', '', '1234567890', '', '', '', '2020-10-18', '14-55-31 PM'), (8, 'YYY', 'FGFG', 'SSS@GMAIL.COM', 'SOLAPUR', '1122334455', '4455667777', 'AUDRaaEuSY.png', '5454', '2022-12-23', '14-01-19 PM'), (9, 'Shrikant Kadam', 'Male', 'shree@gmail.com', '', '9595775120', '', '', 'shree', '2023-05-21', '13-53-41 PM'), (10, 'Shrikant Kadam', 'Male', 'shree@gmail.com', '', '9595775120', '', '', 'shree', '2023-05-21', '13-53-52 PM'), (11, 'Shrikant Kadam', 'Male', 'shree@gmail.com', '', '9595775121', '', '', 'shree', '2023-05-27', '19-41-25 PM'), (12, 'Shrikant Kadam', 'Male', 'shree@gmail.com', '', '9595775122', '', '', 'shree', '2023-05-29', '21-32-05 PM'), (13, 'Shrikant Kadam', 'Male', 'shree@gmail.com', '', '9595775123', '', '', 'shree', '2023-05-29', '23-16-40 PM'), (14, 'Shrikant Kadam', 'Male', 'shree@gmail.com', '', '9595775124', '', '', 'shree', '2023-05-29', '23-25-50 PM'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `customer_services` -- CREATE TABLE `customer_services` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `customer_name` text NOT NULL, `service` text NOT NULL, `project_name` text NOT NULL, `amount` text NOT NULL, `status` text NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -- Dumping data for table `customer_services` -- INSERT INTO `customer_services` (`id`, `customer_name`, `service`, `project_name`, `amount`, `status`, `date`, `time`) VALUES (8, '7', '1', 'GST', '0', 'don\'t show in company profile', '2020-10-18', '15-09-00 PM'), (9, '11', '1', 'DP BOSS', '0', 'don\'t show in company profile', '2020-10-18', '15-09-15 PM'), (10, '12', '1', 'NEW APSARA TRADERS', '0', 'don\'t show in company profile', '2020-10-18', '15-09-30 PM'), (11, '13', '2', 'BLUEMIND', '0', 'don\'t show in company profile', '2020-10-18', '15-09-48 PM'), (12, '14', '1', 'PATH FINDERS ACADEMY', '0', 'don\'t show in company profile', '2020-10-18', '15-10-02 PM'), (13, '15', '1', 'SBP COLLEGE MANDRUP', '0', 'don\'t show in company profile', '2020-10-18', '15-10-18 PM'), (14, '16', '1', 'JANANI GARBH SANSKAR', '0', 'don\'t show in company profile', '2020-10-18', '15-10-39 PM'), (15, '17', '1', 'HARI OM MART', '0', 'don\'t show in company profile', '2020-10-18', '15-10-51 PM'), (16, '17', '1', 'SAMARTH CROP CARE', '0', 'don\'t show in company profile', '2020-10-18', '15-11-06 PM'), (17, '18', '1', 'ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY', '0', 'don\'t show in company profile', '2020-10-18', '15-11-25 PM'), (18, '18', '1', 'AYUSH BHARAT', '0', 'don\'t show in company profile', '2020-10-18', '15-11-36 PM'), (19, '19', '1', 'BARSHI BAZAR', '0', 'don\'t show in company profile', '2020-10-18', '15-11-46 PM'), (20, '20', '1', 'ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE MADHA', '0', 'don\'t show in company profile', '2020-10-18', '15-12-19 PM'), (21, '21', '1', 'SPM POLYTECHNIC KUMTHE', '0', 'don\'t show in company profile', '2020-10-18', '15-12-45 PM'), (22, '23', '1', 'SHANTI ENGLISH MEDIUM SCHOOL', '0', 'don\'t show in company profile', '2020-10-18', '15-13-09 PM'), (23, '25', '1', 'PRECISION BD AND PM SOFTWARES', '0', 'don\'t show in company profile', '2020-10-18', '15-13-27 PM'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `day_completion_status` -- CREATE TABLE `day_completion_status` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `user_mobile_no` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `category_id` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `level_id` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `week_id` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `day_id` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `day_completion_status` -- INSERT INTO `day_completion_status` (`id`, `user_mobile_no`, `category_id`, `level_id`, `week_id`, `day_id`, `date`, `time`) VALUES (1, '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '2023-05-21', '18-58-03 PM'), (2, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '2023-05-21', '20-52-06 PM'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `employees` -- CREATE TABLE `employees` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `full_name` text NOT NULL, `email` text NOT NULL, `contact` text NOT NULL, `address` text NOT NULL, `gender` text NOT NULL, `dob` text NOT NULL, `city` text NOT NULL, `state` text NOT NULL, `country` text NOT NULL, `pincode` text NOT NULL, `aadhar_no` text NOT NULL, `id_size_photo` text NOT NULL, `aadhar_attachment` text NOT NULL, `attachment1` text NOT NULL, `attachment2` text NOT NULL, `attachment3` text NOT NULL, `designation` text NOT NULL, `joining_date` text NOT NULL, `working_technology` text NOT NULL, `salary` text NOT NULL, `remark` text NOT NULL, `job_location` text NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `expences_list` -- CREATE TABLE `expences_list` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `transaction_type` text NOT NULL, `expence` varchar(200) NOT NULL, `amount` varchar(15) NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` varchar(15) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `expenses_mgt` -- CREATE TABLE `expenses_mgt` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `expenses` text NOT NULL, `amount` text NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -- Dumping data for table `expenses_mgt` -- INSERT INTO `expenses_mgt` (`id`, `expenses`, `amount`, `date`, `time`) VALUES (1, 'AAAAA', '222', '2020-10-22', '17-46-17 PM'), (2, 'dfgdfgfd', '555', '2022-12-23', '14-17-17 PM'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `experience_certificate` -- CREATE TABLE `experience_certificate` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `emp_id` text NOT NULL, `emp_name` text NOT NULL, `date_of_letter` date NOT NULL, `duration_from` text NOT NULL, `duration_to` text NOT NULL, `text1` text NOT NULL, `text2` text NOT NULL, `letter_attachment` text NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `internship_students` -- CREATE TABLE `internship_students` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `name` text NOT NULL, `office_name` text NOT NULL, `email` text NOT NULL, `address` text NOT NULL, `primary_contact_no` text NOT NULL, `other_contact_no` text NOT NULL, `logo` text NOT NULL, `password` text NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text NOT NULL, `certificate_id` int(11) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -- Dumping data for table `internship_students` -- INSERT INTO `internship_students` (`id`, `name`, `office_name`, `email`, `address`, `primary_contact_no`, `other_contact_no`, `logo`, `password`, `date`, `time`, `certificate_id`) VALUES (1, 'Roshanbi Naimoddin Shaikh', 'SPM Polytechnic Kumathe', 'cash@gmail.com', 'Solapur', '9529841398', '2000', '', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-06-23', '15-07-15 PM', 97), (2, 'Ziya Mobin Shaikh', 'SPM Polytechnic Kumathe', 'ziya156shaikh@gmail.com', 'Solapur', '7410002969', '2000', '', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-06-23', '15-47-44 PM', 0), (3, 'Rashmi Rakeshkumar Prajapati', 'SPM Polytechnic Kumathe', 'prashmi549@gmail.com', 'Solapur', '7028311442', '2000', '', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-06-23', '15-48-40 PM', 62), (4, 'Vijay Popat Mule', 'Sanjay Ghodawat Polytechnic , Kolhapur', 'vijaymule758@gmail.com', 'Solapur', '8956335355', '2000', '', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-06-23', '15-49-41 PM', 4), (5, 'Pawan Devidas Pawar', 'SPM Polytechnic Kumathe', 'pawanpawar4369@gmail.com', 'Solapur', '7030683086', '2000', '', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-06-23', '15-57-57 PM', 78), (6, 'Kamble Priyanka Shridhar', 'SPM Polytechnic Kumathe', 'kamblepriyanka8592@gmail.com', 'Solapur', '7385249482', '2000', '', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-06-24', '11-41-57 AM', 81), (7, 'Dhale Sandhya Chandrakant', 'SPM Polytechnic Kumathe', 'dhalesandhya03@gmail.com', 'Solapur', '9075748052', '2000', '', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-06-24', '11-45-16 AM', 60), (8, 'Tejas Kekade', 'SPM Polytechnic Kumathe', 'tejaskekade0220@gmail.com', 'Solapur', '9373364998', '2000', '', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-06-27', '14-22-05 PM', 0), (9, 'Mahek Siraj Maniyar', 'Government Polytechnic, Solapur', 'DT@DT.COM', 'Solapur', '9322826282', '1500', '', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-06-27', '19-10-46 PM', 1), (10, 'Parth Bhimashankar Jamadar', 'Government Polytechnic, Solapur', 'parthjamadar09@gmail.com', 'Solapur', '9294939377', '2000', '', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-06-28', '11-25-04 AM', 0), (11, 'Pradipsing Bhimsen Rajput', 'SPM Polytechnic Kumathe', 'pradipsingr235@gmail.com', 'Solapur', '9673086577', '2000', '', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-06-28', '12-41-55 PM', 0), (12, 'Akash Vhanmane', 'SPM Polytechnic Kumathe', 'akashvhanmane90@gmail.com', 'Solapur', '8010772291', '2000', '', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-06-29', '10-48-19 AM', 0), (13, 'DARSHAN KISHOR JUNAVANE', 'SPM Polytechnic Kumathe', 'DARSHANJUNAVANE007@GMAIL.COM', '208,bHARATMATA NAGAR', '8668858317', '2000', '', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-01', '12-33-50 PM', 0), (14, 'Prathamesh Ingale', 'SPM Polytechnic Kumathe', 'sharaningale81@gmail.com', 'Solapur', '8530904601', '2000', '', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-01', '17-10-48 PM', 83), (15, 'Muktarhusen Jamkhandi', 'SPM Polytechnic Kumathe', 'MUKTARHUSENJAMKHANDI@gmail.com', 'Solapur', '9545294052', '2000', '', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-01', '17-11-41 PM', 82), (16, 'Yash Dinesh Narayankar', 'SPM Polytechnic Kumathe', 'yashnarayankar4094@gmail.com', 'Solapur', '8805001749', '2000', '', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '10-45-09 AM', 0), (17, 'Ishwari Santosh Dharane', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'dharaneishwari@gmail.com', 'Solapur', '7774070422', '1500', '', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '12-20-45 PM', 24), (18, 'Prem Anandrao Sawant', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'premsawant600@gmail.com', 'Solapur', '9371289064', '1500', '', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '13-55-43 PM', 33), (26, 'Tushar sagar dhole ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'tushardhole2004@gmail.com', 'Shingoli at post thire tal mohol dist Solapur ', '9702800858', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '14-54-15 PM', 95), (27, 'Nikita Mahadev pawar ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'meetnikita2003@gmail.com', 'At post kurul', '9881973047', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '14-54-26 PM', 11), (28, 'Kandakur Srushti Pandappa ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'srushtikandkur@gmail.com', '27/5 , 122 nirale wasti murarji peth Solapur ', '8308886496', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '14-55-17 PM', 9), (30, 'Alok Siddharam Barmane', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'baramanealok@gmail.com', '335 nitin nagar akkalkot road solapur ', '9325780590', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '14-57-12 PM', 16), (31, 'Muskan Kazi ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'muskankazi5504@gmail.com', 'Degavn Naka, Solapur ', '9834419520', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '14-58-29 PM', 42), (32, 'muskan Kazi ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'muskankazi5504@gmail.com', 'Degavn Naka, Solapur ', '9168801001', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '15-00-27 PM', 0), (33, 'Pravin Rajkumar Vaidyagam', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'pravinvaidyagam@gmail.com', 'Plot no. 19, Venkatesh Nagar MIDC road, Solapur ', '7057760186', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '15-00-29 PM', 45), (34, 'Pratik Deepak pawar ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'pawarpratik96k@gmail.com', '198 north kasba near salai maruthi mandir Solapur ', '9960595968', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '15-00-42 PM', 21), (35, 'Pratik Deepak pawar ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'pawarpratik96k@gmail.com', '198 north kasba near salai maruthi mandir Solapur ', '9890435961', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '15-01-47 PM', 0), (36, 'Varprasad Muralikrishna Kairamkonda ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'kairamkondavarprasad@gmail.com', 'Laxmi nagar, nakka vasti MIDC Solapur ', '9730689018', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '15-02-20 PM', 49), (37, 'Jay Rahul Vankar ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'jayvankar96k@gmail.com', 'Plot no 30 padmavti nagar bale solapur', '9860220524', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '15-06-06 PM', 23), (38, 'Siddhant Ambadas kanaki', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'siddhantkanaki2@gmail.com', 'H.no.68 aadharsh nagar Solapur ', '9765053931', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '15-12-41 PM', 46), (39, 'Navinkumar Vinod Kongari ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'navinkumarkongari5846@gmail.com', '545/1.B New Vidi Gharkul Kumbhari , Solapur ', '7397986400', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '15-13-06 PM', 47), (40, 'Viresh tambake.', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'tmbkviresh2005@gmail.com', '404,chatigalli paschim mangalwar peth solapur-413002', '9322655542', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '15-15-05 PM', 17), (41, 'Prem Anandrao Sawant', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'premsawant600@gmail.com', 'Block 1, Namrata Society, Vijapur road, Solapur-413004', '9371289064', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '15-17-37 PM', 53), (42, 'prasad laxmikant rokade ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'prasadrokade169@gmail.com', '220 east manglwar solapur ', '9595225533', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '15-18-00 PM', 22), (43, 'Snehal Waghmare ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'waghmaresnehal708@gmail.com', 'Utar sadar bazar lashkar solapur ', '8600860423', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '15-19-30 PM', 43), (44, 'Yash Ambure ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'yashambure8177@gmail.com', '577/4B vidi gharkul kumbhari solapur ', '8600863589', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '15-25-07 PM', 41), (45, 'Shubham Hari Umbare', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'astronomylover0112@gmail.com', '2208/76 west mangalwar peth, solapur', '9373365985', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '15-36-52 PM', 40), (46, 'Divyarani mane', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'manedivyarani83.@gamil.com', 'Saat rasta dagadi building ', '9518505313', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '15-54-26 PM', 54), (47, 'Vaishnavi vishnu pasale ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'vvpasale@gmail.com', 'At post wadwal. tal - mohol . dist solapur ', '8010234899', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '16-06-15 PM', 8), (48, 'Shelake Rishikesh Sanjay', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'rushikeshshelke7777@gmail.com', 'A/P Dongaon tal. Solapur, north. Solapur pin code. 413002', '9022529541', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '16-07-11 PM', 31), (49, 'Suhas Vilas Amane', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'suhasamane3@gmail.com', 'Plot no.84 Vidya Nagar shelgi near Juna Janta Bank Solapur', '7249400812', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '16-16-10 PM', 37), (50, 'Tadaval Shweta Irappa', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'shwetatadaval@gmail.com', 'At post - shawal , tal. akkalkot , dist. solapur', '8263999051', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '16-16-39 PM', 19), (51, 'Rampure Soundarya Sidram ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'soundaryarampurr@gmail.com', '96 Avinash nagar akkalkotche rod Solapur ', '9172286528', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '16-25-15 PM', 13), (52, 'Waghmode Yashraje Deepak ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'waghmodeyashraje@gmail.com', '', '8605797629', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '16-28-52 PM', 18), (53, 'Basavaraj Rajshekhar Maddi', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'basavarajmaddi158@gmail.com', 'At post babalad, tal-Akkalakot, Dist-Solapur', '9322463484', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '16-34-13 PM', 32), (54, 'Amar Sudhakar Misal', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'amarmisal270@gmail.com', 'A/P Virwade bk;Tal:-Mohol; Dist:-Solapur', '9373919072', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '16-36-18 PM', 26), (55, 'Loman Sameer Shaikh ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'lomanshaikh0@gmail.com', '142 Gajanan Nagar Hotgi Raod Majrewadi Solapur ', '7385636206', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '16-37-05 PM', 58), (56, 'Loman Sameer Shaikh ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'lomanshaikh0@gmail.com', '142 Gajanan Nagar Hotgi Raod Majrewadi Solapur ', '8390927306', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '16-43-00 PM', 0), (57, 'Yogesh suresh Randive ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'yogeshrandive2004@gmail.com', 'AT post tungat TEHSIL pandharpur DIST solapur ', '9322205955', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '16-45-31 PM', 25), (58, 'Soham Shashikant Kore', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'sohamkore.sk@gmail.com', 'Solapur, Maharashtra, Pakani Tal. N. Solapur-413255', '9175262116', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '16-46-57 PM', 0), (59, 'Lakhan Pandurang Kumbhar', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'kumbharlakhan92@gmail.com', 'Sathe Patil Wasti,Old Degaon Naka, Solapur', '8767615824', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '17-01-02 PM', 94), (60, 'Zaheer ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'Mangulizaheer@gmail.com', '21,Vishnu nagar nai zindagi Solapur', '8805785607', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '17-05-14 PM', 0), (61, 'Sagar Dnyandev Lavate ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'lavatesagar933@gmail.com', 'A.P.pokharapur ', '7972917133', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '17-14-31 PM', 27), (62, 'Sanjana Shridhar Vaddepalli ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'vaddepallidhananjay@gmail.com', '11/41 New Rangraj Nagar, Hyderabad Road Solapur ', '8788519369', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '17-15-27 PM', 15), (63, 'Nikita Nagnath Ganji ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'nikitaganji2004@gmail.com', '44/1\'A\' Godutai Parulekar Vidi Gharkul Kumbhari, Solapur ', '8080852148', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '17-46-21 PM', 14), (64, 'Shinde Akash Santosh ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'akashshinde0775@gmail.com', '18, Laxmi Nagar, Hatture Vasti, Airport, Solapur ', '7218860775', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '18-08-10 PM', 34), (65, 'kirti Shridhar pasnur', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'kirtipasnur@gmail.com', '44/4 A godhutai vidi gharkul kumbhari solapur', '9175328315', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '19-15-58 PM', 12), (66, 'Vaishnavi Sunil Zambare ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'vaishuzambare2004@gmail.com', 'Nirale wasti , gaura Nagar, solapur ', '9028563453', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '19-48-57 PM', 10), (67, 'Vaishnavi Balkrishna Mane', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'vaishnavimane.0202@gmail.com', 'Sata rasat dominos bhagat singh market gov building A block', '8237817617', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '20-19-21 PM', 55), (68, 'Sushant Siddharam Kore', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'koresushant193@gmail.com', 'Sunil Nagar MIDC Akkalkot Road,Solapur', '7887571722', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '20-26-49 PM', 51), (69, 'Sanket Shrirang Homkar ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'sankethomkar04@gmail.com', '57/A Laxmi Nagar Bale,Solapur ', '7741960277', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '20-42-41 PM', 30), (70, 'Mahesh Shamrao Lamkane ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'lamkanemahesh176@gmail.com', 'Akolekati ,tal North solapur ,dist Solapur -413222', '9284456528', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '21-04-56 PM', 29), (71, 'PavanKumar Vitthal Dhyavarkonda ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'tukaram051295@gmail.com', '35, Vyankateshwar Nagar daji Peth Solapur ', '9834545784', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-02', '21-38-50 PM', 48), (72, 'Arayan anil goski', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'arayangoski570@gmail.com', '101 venugopal Nagar khumta naka Solapur', '8087547520', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-03', '10-36-31 AM', 50), (73, 'Dharane Ishawari Santosh ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'dharaneishwari@gmail.com', 'New Ambika Nagar ', '7774070422', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-03', '12-44-24 PM', 0), (74, 'AFFAN RIJWAN PEERJADE', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'dexxon5647@gmail.com', '205 S b icon asara chowk solapur', '9284020317', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-03', '12-45-07 PM', 57), (75, 'Siddhi Raju more', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'siddhimore5342@gmail.com', 'begampur ', '8793763297', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-03', '14-00-18 PM', 86), (76, 'Sumit Subhash manee', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'sumitmane30418@gmail.com', 'Kumthe', '8390712174', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-03', '14-22-43 PM', 20), (77, 'Shrikrishna Mahavir Aadki', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'shriaadki1645@gmail.com', '30, Kuchan Nagar , Solapur ', '9146607856', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-03', '15-37-48 PM', 44), (78, 'Shahid Shaikh', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'shahidshaikh0704@gmail.com', '20 aashiyana nagar, Jule solapur', '7276991414', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-03', '16-36-22 PM', 59), (79, 'Sawant Muktai Vikas', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'Sawantmuktai2003@gmail.com', 'At post Kumathe, Airport, Solapur ', '9049682299', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-03', '20-39-12 PM', 0), (80, 'Dhavale Dhananjay santosh', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'dhananjaydhavale3435@gmail.com', '2208/20 west manglwar peath near shivganga temple solapur', '8999870271', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-03', '21-27-18 PM', 38), (81, 'Ashwini pathan gaikwad', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'ganeshgaikwad5000@gmail.com', 'Salgarvasti dongav road Solapur', '8956319500', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-04', '09-54-32 AM', 0), (82, 'Asmita pramod Lokhande ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'asmitalokhande2004@gmail.com', 'Uttar Sadar bazar lashkar solapur ', '9359879765', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-07-04', '09-59-35 AM', 0), (83, 'Uzma Ab. Qadeer shaikh', 'Government Polytechnic, Solapur', 'uzmashaikhu45@gmail.com', 'Brahma madeve nager hotgi road solapur', '8767662961', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-08-08', '11-35-39 AM', 3), (84, 'Naziya Rasheed Pathan ', 'Government Polytechnic, Solapur', 'naziyapathan2003@gmail.com', 'Moulali Chowk Keshav Nagar Solapur ', '9420489914', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-08-08', '11-35-53 AM', 2), (85, 'ALMAS A WAHAB AMBILKHICHADE ', 'Government Polytechnic, Solapur', 'almasambilkhichadey2001@gmail.com', '198, Basveshwar nager Naizindagi Solapur ', '9970768019', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-08-08', '11-41-16 AM', 5), (86, 'Pallavi brahmadev fulmali', 'Government Polytechnic, Solapur', 'pallavifulmali13@gmail.com', 'Solapur air port near kumathe gave', '8483870806', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-08-10', '11-31-58 AM', 0), (87, 'Ajay Padmanna Choukhande ', 'N B Navale Sinhgad College of Engineering, Kegaon-Solapur', 'ajaychoukhande45@gmail.com', 'Samarth Nagar, Mandrup. Tal: south solapur, Dist : Solapur ', '9145703098', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-08-10', '11-32-01 AM', 0), (88, 'Sutkar Shruti Vikas', 'Government Polytechnic, Solapur', 'shrutisutkar37@gmail.com', 'Siddharth nagar kumthe, solapur. ', '8459185789', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-08-10', '11-32-04 AM', 0), (89, 'Rupali Mallikarjun Gadekar ', 'Government Polytechnic, Solapur', 'rupaligadekar2003@gmail.com', 'Santosh Nagar Bale Solapur ', '9529554595', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-08-13', '11-49-26 AM', 7), (90, 'Aishwarya Chandrakant Bhaganagare ', 'Government Polytechnic, Solapur', 'aishwaryabhaganagre@gmail.com', '56A Markendey Nagar Kumatha Naka Solapur ', '9322012361', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-08-13', '11-49-41 AM', 6), (91, 'Vaishnavi Tanaji Charate .', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'vaishnavicharate25@gmail.com', '130,Damani nagar laxmi nivas ,solapur .', '9960140421', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-08-20', '12-38-10 PM', 28), (92, 'Sumit subhash mane', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'sumitmane30418@gmail.com', 'Solapur kumthe', '8623963583', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-08-20', '12-47-36 PM', 36), (93, 'Aditya vijaykumar kapure', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'adityakapure8@gmail.com', 'Deshmukh patil wasti near amrai laxmi pati solapur', '9049919581', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-08-20', '12-52-14 PM', 35), (94, 'Zaheer Hashampir Mangoli', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'Mangulizaheer@gmail.com', 'Nai zindagi Solapur', '7522985607', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-08-20', '12-58-48 PM', 39), (95, 'Deepak Ram Gaddam', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'gaddamdeepak2234@email', '5/1/1 kuchan nagar Solapur ', '8668965086', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-08-22', '17-24-24 PM', 52), (96, 'Sutar Vishakha Devendra', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'vishakhasutar7766@gmail.com', 'At post Bankalgi,Tal south solapur', '9767319974', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-08-27', '16-42-08 PM', 56), (97, 'Pradipsing Bhimsing Rajput', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'pradipsingr235@gmail.com', 'At post Kumathe', '9673086577', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-02-11 AM', 0), (98, 'Roshanbi naimoddin shaikh ', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'roshanbishaikh04@gmail.com', 'Satnam chowk solapur ', '9529841398', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-02-44 AM', 75), (99, 'Dhale sandhya Chandrakant', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'dhalesandhya03@gmail.com', 'Kumathe , Solapur ', '9075748052', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-02-56 AM', 0), (100, 'Taiseen Momin', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'taiseenmomin175@gmail.com', '311/4 \'c\' Vidi Gharkul Kumbhari, Solpaur.', '8010216124', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-03-31 AM', 69), (101, 'Ziya Mobin Shaikh', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'ziya156shaikh@gmail.com', 'B no 9 kasturba nagar hotgi road Solapur', '9822893703', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-04-37 AM', 61), (102, 'Yash Narayankar ', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'yashnarayankar9049@gmail.com', 'New Sanjay Nagar Komtha Naka Solapur', '8805001749', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-05-38 AM', 0), (103, 'Nauman Kasim Ghodake', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'naumanghodke8788@gmail.com', '175 A/4,Godutai Parulekar Vidi Gharkul Kumbhari,Solapur', '9850990207', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-07-26 AM', 0), (104, 'Gauspak Mirzagalib Bahirudgi', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'gauspakbhairudgi@gmail.com', '186, sidheshwar nagar-4, majrewadi, solapur', '7796854203', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-07-40 AM', 0), (105, 'Ratikant Ramesh Mangrule ', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'ratikantmangrule@gmail.com', 'At-Bankalgi, Post-Aherwadi, Bankalgi, Aherwadi, Solapur, South Solapur, Maharastra, 413215', '8766726100', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-08-19 AM', 80), (106, 'Amita Chavan', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'amitaschavan.07@gmail.com', 'Plot 7A near new RTO office Bijapur road', '7066042612', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-08-53 AM', 77), (107, 'Yatiraj Ashok Repal', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'yatirajrepal1999@gamil.com', '206 priy Darshani nagar North Sholapur', '9146319384', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-12-50 AM', 79), (108, 'Mayuri Naresh Channa', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'channamayuri3@gmail.com', '800/1\"A\" Godutai vidi garkul kumbhari', '9527904465', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-13-46 AM', 72), (109, 'Computer science', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'prashmi549@gmail.com', 'Flat no.602, 6th floor panhala apt near killedar mangal karyalay asara chowk solapur', '7028311442', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-13-51 AM', 0), (110, 'Naval yangandul', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'yangandulnaval@gmail.com', 'Khamgar vasat Sunil nagar solapur', '9960152415', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-15-07 AM', 0), (111, 'Mane Riya Laxmikant', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'maneriya56@gmail.com', 'Kumtha naka hudko colony3', '9423051699', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-16-16 AM', 0), (112, 'Kamble Priyanka Shridhar', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'priyankakamble8592@gmail.com', 'Kumathe ', '7385249482', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-16-33 AM', 0), (113, 'Vaishnavi Vijay Surwase', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'vaishnavisurwase04@gmail.com', 'Kumathe', '9421975325', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-21-13 AM', 63), (114, 'Yemul Monika Suresh', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'monikayemul5@gmail.com', '961/3 vidhi gharkul kumbhari solapur', '8766713938', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-23-01 AM', 65), (115, 'Bhavana Dattu Kadagi', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'kadagiashwini3@gmail.com', '278/2 A Vidi Garkul kumbhari Solapur ', '7620378120', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-23-11 AM', 67), (116, 'Pandhe Pallavi Sudhakar', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'pandhepallavi375@gmail.com', 'Kumathe', '9850301723', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-23-32 AM', 64), (117, 'Varsha Ambadas Kundaram', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'kundaramvarsha@gmail.com', '987/2 \'A\' group new Gharkul Kumbhari , Solapur', '9359937823', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-24-25 AM', 68), (118, 'Kamble Aarti Balbhim', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'aartikamble481@gmail.com', 'MS-9 minakashitai sane Navin vidi gharkul kumbhari road solapur', '8421735347', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-24-59 AM', 66), (119, 'Vaishnavi Shrinivas Koppul', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'vaishnavikoppul15@gmail.com', '188/3(B) group vidi gharaku kumbhari.solapur', '8623059106', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-26-58 AM', 74), (120, 'Nagarjun Budharam ', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'budharamnagarjun4862@gmail.com', '128/2 \'A\' Group New Vidi Gharkul Kumbhari Solapur ', '7498052475', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-29-24 AM', 93), (121, 'Pawan Devidas Pawar', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'pawanpawar4369@gmail.com', '29, Rohan recidency, opp. Aishwarya recidency, solapur', '7030683086', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-33-00 AM', 0), (122, 'Anuja Gurunath Kale', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'kaleanuja31@gemail.com', '164 aatmvishwas nagar vijapur road solapur', '8010469118', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-33-31 AM', 71), (123, 'Shweta', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'shwetavhankamble@gmail.com', 'Maddi Wasti Kumathe Solapur', '9322513227', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-34-26 AM', 0), (124, 'Salape Usha Laxman ', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'ushasalape6@gmail.com', 'Maddi vasti,kumathe.', '8180941766', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-35-14 AM', 70), (125, 'Shweta Vhankamble ', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'shwetavhankamble@gmail.com', 'Maddi Wasti Kumathe Solpaur', '8625853064', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-39-32 AM', 73), (126, 'Shaikh Najmin Javed', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'najminshaikh82@gmail.com', 'Near SPM college,kumathe,solapur,mahalakshmi nagar', '9503582167', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '11-49-55 AM', 76), (127, 'Tehas suraj kekade', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'tejaskekade0220@gmail.com', 'Raghvendr nugar house no 24 hotgi road , manjrewadi solapur, 413223', '9373364998', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '12-18-39 PM', 84), (128, 'Mukhtar husain jamkhandi', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'mukhtarhusainjamkhandi@gmail.com', '641,north sadar bazar lashkar, solapur', '9545294052', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '12-19-38 PM', 0), (129, 'PRATHMESH SHARANAPPA INGALE', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'premingale2112@gmail.com', '161, Kalyan Nagar 2, Near Mhetre Tower Solapur ', '9960620460', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '12-19-54 PM', 0), (130, 'Akash vhanmane ', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'Akashvhanmane90@gmail.com', 'At madre post kumathe ', '8010772291', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '12-23-21 PM', 0), (131, 'Muktai Vikas Sawant', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'muktaisavant@gmail.com', 'Kumathe', '9850332195', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '12-25-17 PM', 85), (132, 'Nagare Bhagyashri kashinath ', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'Nagarebhagyashri178@giml.com', 'Aherwadi ', '9322694033', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-04', '12-43-44 PM', 0), (133, 'Prathamesh Bagalkote ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'prathmeshbagalkote10@gmail.com', '90A, Swami Vivekanand Nagar, Saiful, Solapur ', '9370326260', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-06', '17-06-52 PM', 87), (134, 'Shreyash Chandrakant Dhulrao', 'SVERI College Of Engineering, Pandharpur', 'shreyashdhularao@gmail.com', 'B no. 17 Harallayya nagar vijapur road solapur ', '7057070480', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-06', '17-26-53 PM', 88), (135, 'Prathamesh Bagalkote ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Institute Of Technology, Solapur', 'prathmeshbagalkote10@gmail.com', 'Swami Vivekanand Nagar, Saiful, Solapur', '9370326261', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-06', '17-27-09 PM', 89), (136, 'Akash Audumbar vhanmane ', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'akashvhanmane90@gmail.com', 'At madre post kumathe south solapur district solapur ', '9922280347', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-08', '11-15-42 AM', 0), (137, 'Sabale Shruti Nagnath', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'shrutisabale2@gmail.com', 'shurtisabale@gmail.com', '7378544567', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-09', '08-43-54 AM', 0), (138, 'Pravin vaggu', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'vaggupravin903@gmail.com', '253/3 \'A\' group new vidhi Gharkul Kumbhari Solapur ', '8793329001', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-11', '10-20-54 AM', 92), (139, 'Darshan Kishor Junavane ', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'darshanjunavane007@gmail.com', '208, Bharat mata nagar, hotagi road Solapur 413224', '8668858317', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-11', '12-08-05 PM', 91), (140, 'Pradipsing Bhimsing Rajput', 'SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe', 'pramodsingr856@gmail.com', 'At post kumathe', '7385519419', '2000', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-11', '12-08-08 PM', 90), (141, 'Subhash kalyani birajdar ', 'Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic', 'subhashbirajdar360@gmail.com', 'At post mugali tal akkalakot dist solapur ', '8483870513', '1500', 'Online Auto Registration', 'Industrial Inplant Training 2022', '2022-09-16', '16-51-21 PM', 96); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `invoice` -- CREATE TABLE `invoice` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `customer_id` text NOT NULL, `total_amount` text NOT NULL, `discount_amount` text NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text NOT NULL, `comment` text NOT NULL, `bill_type` text NOT NULL, `invoice_no` int(11) NOT NULL, `invoice_note` text NOT NULL, `other_details` text NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `invoice_cart` -- CREATE TABLE `invoice_cart` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `transaction_id` text NOT NULL, `customer_id` text NOT NULL, `service` text NOT NULL, `actual_amount` text NOT NULL, `discount_amount` text NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text NOT NULL, `comment` text NOT NULL, `bill_type` text NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `my_story` -- CREATE TABLE `my_story` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `user_id` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `title` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `msg_description` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `status` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `image_one` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `image_two` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` time NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `my_story` -- INSERT INTO `my_story` (`id`, `user_id`, `title`, `msg_description`, `status`, `image_one`, `image_two`, `date`, `time`) VALUES (4, 'user id12', 'title12', 'desc12', 'Pending12', 'imgae before12', 'imge after12', '2023-04-10', '00:00:10'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `offer_letters` -- CREATE TABLE `offer_letters` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `text1` text NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `packages` -- CREATE TABLE `packages` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `category` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `title` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `amount` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `days` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `description` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `payment_report` -- CREATE TABLE `payment_report` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `services_id` text NOT NULL, `cust_id` text NOT NULL, `cust_name` text NOT NULL, `service_no` text NOT NULL, `service_name` text NOT NULL, `project_name` text NOT NULL, `opening_amount` text NOT NULL, `paid_amount` text NOT NULL, `bal_amount` text NOT NULL, `sms` text NOT NULL, `email` text NOT NULL, `status` text NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `product_category` -- CREATE TABLE `product_category` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `category` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `product_category` -- INSERT INTO `product_category` (`id`, `category`) VALUES (1, 'aaaaaaaBBBBBBB'), (3, 'Dumbles'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `projects` -- CREATE TABLE `projects` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `project_name` text NOT NULL, `language` text NOT NULL, `c_name` text NOT NULL, `fees` text NOT NULL, `student1_name` text NOT NULL, `student1_email` text NOT NULL, `student1_contact` text NOT NULL, `student2_name` text NOT NULL, `student2_email` text NOT NULL, `student2_contact` text NOT NULL, `student3_name` text NOT NULL, `student3_email` text NOT NULL, `student3_contact` text NOT NULL, `student4_name` text NOT NULL, `student4_email` text NOT NULL, `student4_contact` text NOT NULL, `student5_name` text NOT NULL, `student5_email` text NOT NULL, `student5_contact` text NOT NULL, `reg_date` date NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `project_payment` -- CREATE TABLE `project_payment` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `project_id` text NOT NULL, `project_name` text NOT NULL, `amount` text NOT NULL, `sms` text NOT NULL, `email` text NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `project_updates` -- CREATE TABLE `project_updates` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `customer_id` text NOT NULL, `project_id` text NOT NULL, `update_details` text NOT NULL, `attachment` text NOT NULL, `status` text NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `quotation` -- CREATE TABLE `quotation` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `cust_id` text NOT NULL, `actual_amount` text NOT NULL, `discount_amount` text NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text NOT NULL, `bill_type` text NOT NULL, `quotation_no` int(11) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `quotation_cart` -- CREATE TABLE `quotation_cart` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `transaction_id` text NOT NULL, `cust_id` text NOT NULL, `cust_name` text NOT NULL, `service_id` text NOT NULL, `service_name` text NOT NULL, `comment` text NOT NULL, `actual_amount` text NOT NULL, `discount_amount` text NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text NOT NULL, `bill_type` text NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `salary` -- CREATE TABLE `salary` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `emp_id` text NOT NULL, `emp_name` text NOT NULL, `payment` text NOT NULL, `payment_date` text NOT NULL, `payment_mode` text NOT NULL, `attachment` text NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `save_project` -- CREATE TABLE `save_project` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `update_title` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `description` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `status` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `completed_by` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `save_project` -- INSERT INTO `save_project` (`id`, `update_title`, `description`, `status`, `completed_by`, `date`, `time`) VALUES (9, 'dsfdf', 'dgffg', 'pending', '-', '2021-09-05', '01:08:23'), (10, 'demoasasa', 'trail', 'pending', '-', '2021-09-05', '01:28:47 AM'), (11, 'dfgfgfdg', 'fgfdg', 'pending', '-', '2021-09-05', '01:28:19 AM'), (12, 'demo', 'trail', 'pending', '-', '2021-09-07', '13:03:14 PM'), (15, 'Shrikant', 'Demo', 'pending', '-', '2021-09-08', '13:54:28 PM'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `services` -- CREATE TABLE `services` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `services` text NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -- Dumping data for table `services` -- INSERT INTO `services` (`id`, `services`) VALUES (26, 'Stone'), (27, 'Crusher'), (28, 'dsfdfsdf'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `sms_panel` -- CREATE TABLE `sms_panel` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `customer_id` text NOT NULL, `language` text NOT NULL, `message` text NOT NULL, `date` date NOT NULL, `time` text NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -- Indexes for dumped tables -- -- -- Indexes for table `add_exercise_content` -- ALTER TABLE `add_exercise_content` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `admin` -- ALTER TABLE `admin` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `assigned_site` -- ALTER TABLE `assigned_site` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `bank_details` -- ALTER TABLE `bank_details` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `client_projects` -- ALTER TABLE `client_projects` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `construction_sites` -- ALTER TABLE `construction_sites` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `create_link` -- ALTER TABLE `create_link` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `customers` -- ALTER TABLE `customers` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `customer_services` -- ALTER TABLE `customer_services` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `day_completion_status` -- ALTER TABLE `day_completion_status` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `employees` -- ALTER TABLE `employees` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `expences_list` -- ALTER TABLE `expences_list` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `expenses_mgt` -- ALTER TABLE `expenses_mgt` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `experience_certificate` -- ALTER TABLE `experience_certificate` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `internship_students` -- ALTER TABLE `internship_students` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `invoice` -- ALTER TABLE `invoice` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `invoice_cart` -- ALTER TABLE `invoice_cart` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `my_story` -- ALTER TABLE `my_story` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `offer_letters` -- ALTER TABLE `offer_letters` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `packages` -- ALTER TABLE `packages` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `payment_report` -- ALTER TABLE `payment_report` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `product_category` -- ALTER TABLE `product_category` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `projects` -- ALTER TABLE `projects` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `project_payment` -- ALTER TABLE `project_payment` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `project_updates` -- ALTER TABLE `project_updates` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `quotation` -- ALTER TABLE `quotation` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `quotation_cart` -- ALTER TABLE `quotation_cart` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `salary` -- ALTER TABLE `salary` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `save_project` -- ALTER TABLE `save_project` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `services` -- ALTER TABLE `services` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `sms_panel` -- ALTER TABLE `sms_panel` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for dumped tables -- -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `add_exercise_content` -- ALTER TABLE `add_exercise_content` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=12; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `admin` -- ALTER TABLE `admin` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=2; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `assigned_site` -- ALTER TABLE `assigned_site` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=16; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `bank_details` -- ALTER TABLE `bank_details` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=3; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `client_projects` -- ALTER TABLE `client_projects` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=6; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `construction_sites` -- ALTER TABLE `construction_sites` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=4; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `create_link` -- ALTER TABLE `create_link` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `customers` -- ALTER TABLE `customers` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=15; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `customer_services` -- ALTER TABLE `customer_services` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=24; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `day_completion_status` -- ALTER TABLE `day_completion_status` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=3; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `employees` -- ALTER TABLE `employees` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `expences_list` -- ALTER TABLE `expences_list` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `expenses_mgt` -- ALTER TABLE `expenses_mgt` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=3; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `experience_certificate` -- ALTER TABLE `experience_certificate` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `internship_students` -- ALTER TABLE `internship_students` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=142; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `invoice` -- ALTER TABLE `invoice` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `invoice_cart` -- ALTER TABLE `invoice_cart` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `my_story` -- ALTER TABLE `my_story` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=5; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `offer_letters` -- ALTER TABLE `offer_letters` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `packages` -- ALTER TABLE `packages` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `payment_report` -- ALTER TABLE `payment_report` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `product_category` -- ALTER TABLE `product_category` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=4; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `projects` -- ALTER TABLE `projects` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `project_payment` -- ALTER TABLE `project_payment` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `project_updates` -- ALTER TABLE `project_updates` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `quotation` -- ALTER TABLE `quotation` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `quotation_cart` -- ALTER TABLE `quotation_cart` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `salary` -- ALTER TABLE `salary` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `save_project` -- ALTER TABLE `save_project` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=16; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `services` -- ALTER TABLE `services` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=29; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `sms_panel` -- ALTER TABLE `sms_panel` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; COMMIT; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */;
Linux 65-254-81-4.cprapid.com 5.14.0-284.11.1.el9_2.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue May 9 05:49:00 EDT 2023 x86_64