Şuanki Dizin: /home/wwwdreamtechnolo/www/spmsolapur.org/insert/user/js/ |
Şuanki Dosya : /home/wwwdreamtechnolo/www/spmsolapur.org/insert/user/js/chartinator.js |
/** * Chartinator * Version: 0.3.8 * URL: http://chartinator.com * Description: Chartinator transforms data contained in HTML tables, Google Sheets and js arrays into charts using Google Charts * Requires: jQuery, Google Charts * Author: jbowyers * Copyright: 2014-2015 jbowyers * License: This file is part of Chartinator. * Chartinator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Chartinator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ * * ABOUT CHARTINATOR =========================================================================== * Chartinator transforms data contained in HTML tables, Google Sheets and js arrays into charts using Google Charts. * * Apply the jQuery Chartinator plugin to the chart canvas(es) * or select the table(s) and Chartinator will insert a new chart canvas(es) after the table * or define the Google Sheet key id * or create js data arrays * * The header cells (th elements) in HTML table must be in the first row (or first column if transposing table) * and should have one of the following: * 'data-type' attributes: 'string' 'number' 'boolean' 'date' 'datetime' 'timeofday' * or 'data-role' attributes: 'tooltip','annotation' * The caption element's text is used as a title for the chart * See the readme file for more info */ ; (function ($, window, document, Math, undefined) { 'use strict'; var chartinator = function (el, options) { // The chartinator object var o = this; // Define table and chart elements var $tableS = $(el); var $chartS = $tableS; // Define fonts o.fontFamily = $('body').css('font-family').replace(/["']{1}/gi, "") || 'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'; // Initialize option defaults ------------------------------------------------------------ o.optionsInit = { // The path to the Google AJAX API urlJSAPI: 'https://www.google.com/jsapi', // The Google Sheet key // The id code of the Google sheet taken from the public url of your Google Sheet // Default: false googleSheetKey: false, // The data columns js array // An array of object literals that define each column // Default: false columns: false, // Column indexes array - An array of column indexes defining where // the data will be inserted into any existing data extracted from an HTML table or Google Sheet // Default: false - js data array columns replace any existing columns // Note: when inserting more than one column be sure to increment index number // to account for previously inserted indexes colIndexes: false, // Rows - The rows data-array // If colIndexes array has values the row data will be inserted into the columns // defined in the colindexes array. Otherwise the row data will be appended // to any existing row data extracted from an HTML table or Google Sheet // Default: false rows: false, // The jQuery selector of the HTML table element to extract the data from. // Default: false - Checks if the element this plugin is applied to is an HTML table tableSel: false, // The data title // A title used to identify the set of data // Used as a caption when generating an HTML table dataTitle: false, // Create Table // Create an HTML table from chart data // Note: This table will replace an existing HTML table createTable: false, // Ignore row indexes array - An array of row index numbers to ignore // Default: [] // Note: Only works on data extracted from HTML tables or Google Sheets // The headings row is index 0 ignoreRow: [], // Ignore column indexes array // An array of column indexes to ignore in the HTML table or Google Sheet // Default: [] // Note: Only works on data extracted from HTML tables or Google Sheets ignoreCol: [], // Transpose data Boolean - swap columns and rows // Default: false // Note: Only works on data extracted from HTML tables or Google Sheets transpose: false, // The tooltip concatenation - Defines a string for concatenating a custom tooltip. // Keywords: 'domain', 'data', 'label' - these will be replaced with current values // 'domain': the primary axis value, 'data': the data value, 'label': the column title // Default: false - use Google Charts tooltip defaults // Note: Only works when extracting data from HTML tables or Google Sheets // Not supported on pie, calendar charts tooltipConcat: false, // The annotation concatenation - Defines a string for concatenating a custom annotation. // Keywords: 'domain', 'data', 'label' - these will be replaced with current values // 'domain': the primary axis value, 'data': the data value, 'label': the column title // Default: false - use Google Charts annotation defaults // Note: Only works when extracting data from HTML tables or Google Sheets. // Not supported on pie, geo, calendar charts annotationConcat: false, // The chart type - String // Derived from the Google Charts visualization class name // Default: 'BarChart' // Use TitleCase names. eg. BarChart, PieChart, ColumnChart, Calendar, GeoChart, Table. // See Google Charts Gallery for a complete list of Chart types // https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery chartType: 'BarChart', // Chart Id - The id applied to the chart container element as an id and a class // This is overridden if the chart element has an id or is user defined chartId: 'c24_chart_' + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9), // The class to apply to the chart container element chartClass: 'chtr-chart', // Table Id - The id applied to the table element as an id and a class // This is overridden if the table element has an id or is user defined tableId: 'c24_table_' + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9), // The class to apply to the table element tableClass: 'chtr-table', // The chart aspect ratio custom option - width/height // Used to calculate the chart dimensions relative to the width or height // this is overridden if the Google Chart's height and width options have values // Default: false - not used chartAspectRatio: false, // The chart zoom factor - number // A scaling factor for the chart - uses CSS3 transform // To prevent tooltips from displaying off canvas while zooming, set tooltip.isHtml: true // Default: 0 chartZoom: 0, // The chart offset - Array of numbers // An array of x and y offset percentage values // Used to offset the chart by percentages of the height and width - uses CSS3 transform // To prevent tooltips from displaying off canvas while offsetting, set tooltip.isHtml: true // Default: false chartOffset: false, // Google Bar Chart Default Options barChart: { // The font size in pixels - Number // Or use css selectors as keywords to assign font sizes from the page // For example: 'body' // Default: false - Use Google Charts defaults fontSize: false, // the body font-family fontName: o.fontFamily, chartArea: { left: '20%', top: 40, width: '75%', height: '85%' }, legend: { position: 'bottom' } }, // Google Pie Chart Default Options pieChart: { // The font size in pixels - Number // Or use css selectors as keywords to assign font sizes from the page // For example: 'body' // Default: false - Use Google Charts defaults fontSize: false, // the body font-family fontName: o.fontFamily, chartArea: { left: '6%', top: 40, width: '94%', height: '100%' } }, // Google Column Chart Default Options columnChart: { // The font size in pixels - Number // Or use css selectors as keywords to assign font sizes from the page // For example: 'body' // Default: false - Use Google Charts defaults fontSize: false, // the body font-family fontName: o.fontFamily, chartArea: { left: '15%', top: 40, width: '85%', height: '70%' }, legend: { position: 'bottom' } }, // Google line Chart Default Options lineChart: { // The font size in pixels - Number // Or use css selectors as keywords to assign font sizes from the page // For example: 'body' // Default: false - Use Google Charts defaults fontSize: false, // the body font-family fontName: o.fontFamily, chartArea: { left: '15%', top: 40, width: '80%', height: '70%' }, legend: { position: 'bottom' } }, // Google Area Chart Default Options areaChart: { // The font size in pixels - Number // Or use css selectors as keywords to assign font sizes from the page // For example: 'body' // Default: false - Use Google Charts defaults fontSize: false, // the body font-family fontName: o.fontFamily, chartArea: { left: '15%', top: 40, width: '80%', height: '70%' }, legend: { position: 'bottom' } }, // Google Calendar Chart Default Options calendar: { // The cell scaling factor custom option - Not a Google Chart option // Used to refactor the cell size in responsive designs // this is overridden if the calendar.cellSize option has a value cellScaleFactor: 0.017, titleTextStyle: { // Note: Support for this option has been added by Chartinator // but is not supported by Google Charts for this chart type color: '#000', fontWeight: 'bold', fontName: o.fontFamily, // The font size in pixels - Number // Or use css selectors as keywords to assign font sizes from the page // For example: 'body' // Default: false - Use Google Charts defaults fontSize: 'h3' }, calendar: { monthLabel: { // The font size in pixels - Number // Or use css selectors as keywords to assign font sizes from the page // For example: 'body' // Default: false - Use Google Charts defaults fontSize: false, fontName: o.fontFamily }, dayOfWeekLabel: { // The font size in pixels - Number // Or use css selectors as keywords to assign font sizes from the page // For example: 'body' // Default: false - Use Google Charts defaults fontSize: false, fontName: o.fontFamily } }, tooltip: { // Note: Support for this option has been added by Chartinator // but is not supported by Google Charts for this chart type textStyle: { color: '#000', fontName: o.fontFamily, fontSize: 16 } } }, // Google Table Chart Default Options table: { // Format a data column in a Table Chart formatter: { // Formatter type - Options: 'none', 'BarFormat' type: 'none', // The index number of the column to format. Options: 0, 1, 2, etc. column: 1 }, // Allow HTML in cells. default: false allowHtml: true, cssClassNames: { headerRow: 'headerRow', tableRow: 'tableRow', oddTableRow: 'oddTableRow', selectedTableRow: 'selectedTableRow', hoverTableRow: 'hoverTableRow', headerCell: 'headerCell', tableCell: 'tableCell', rowNumberCell: 'rowNumberCell' } }, // Show table along with chart. String, Options: 'show', 'hide', 'remove' showTable: 'hide', // The CSS to apply to show or hide the table and chart showTableCSS: { 'position': 'static', 'top': 0, 'width': '' }, hideTableCSS: { 'position': 'absolute', 'top': '-99999px', 'width': $tableS.width() }, showChartCSS: { }, hideChartCSS: { 'opacity': 0 } }; // o.optionsInit close // The Google Chart options object o.chartOptions = {}; // The Google Chart options object clone o.cchartOptions = {}; // Window resize event timer function o.timer = false; // Chart Id - The id to apply to the chart container element o.chartId = o.optionsInit.chartId; // Table Id - The id to apply to the table element o.tableId = o.optionsInit.tableId; // The table has data boolean o.tableHasData = false; o.tableCaption = false; // The Google Sheet data object - Data returned o.googleSheetData = false; // Data array - the array of collected data to send to Google Charts o.dataArray = []; // Set chartPackage - Default: corechart - The Google Chart Package to load. o.chartPackage = 'corechart'; // Array of chart types included in the Google Charts corechart package o.coreCharts = ['BarChart','ColumnChart','PieChart','AreaChart','BubbleChart','CandlestickChart','ComboChart','Histogram', 'LineChart', 'ScatterChart', 'SteppedAreaChart']; // Init chart parent o.chartParent = false; // Init the window width o.windowWidth = false; // Init chart parent width o.chartParentWidth = false; // Initiate Chart ====================================================================== o.init = function (el, options) { // Merge options o.options = $.extend( true, {}, o.optionsInit, options ); // Update chartId o.chartId = options.chartId || $chartS.attr('id') || o.options.chartId ; // Define table and chart elements -------------------------------------------------- // Set table element if (o.options.tableSel) { $tableS = ($(o.options.tableSel + ' td').length) ? $(o.options.tableSel) : $tableS; } // Check table for data o.tableHasData = $tableS.find('td').length; if ($chartS[0] === $tableS[0]) { // table and chart are the same element if (o.tableHasData) { // chart element does not exist // Reset Chart id o.chartId = o.options.chartId ; // Insert a new chart element after the table $chartS = $( '<div id="' + o.chartId + '" class="' + o.chartId + ' ' + o.options.chartClass + '"></div>' ).insertAfter( $tableS ); } else { // table does not exist $tableS = false; } } // Add chart class and id $chartS .addClass( o.chartId + ' ' + o.options.chartClass ) .attr( 'id', o.chartId ); // Add table class and id and get caption if (o.tableHasData) { // Update tableId o.tableId = options.tableId || $tableS.attr('id') || o.options.tableId ; // Apply id and classes to table $tableS .addClass( o.tableId + ' ' + o.options.tableClass ) .attr( 'id', o.tableId ); o.tableCaption = $tableS.find( 'caption' ); } else { // Update tableId o.tableId = o.options.tableId ; } // Get chart parent element o.chartParent = $chartS.parent(); // Get data ---------------------------------------------------------- if ( o.options.googleSheetKey ) { // Get Google Sheets data o.getGoogleSheet( o.options.googleSheetKey, o.setupChart ); } else { o.setupChart(); } }; // o.init close // Get Google Sheet data - CSV format o.getGoogleSheet = function ( key, callBack ) { $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: 'https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=' + key + '&output=csv', dataType: 'text' }) .done(function (data) { o.googleSheetData = data; callBack(); }) .fail(function (e) { o.googleSheetData = e; callBack(); // Google Sheet failed console.log('Google Sheet failed'); }) ; }; // Set the chart - get Google Chart o.setupChart = function ( ) { // Get data o.dataArray = o.collectData(); if ( !o.dataArray.length ) { // No data // Show table remove chart o.showTableChart('show', 'remove'); console.log('No data found in data array'); return; } // Set chart package if ( o.coreCharts.indexOf(o.options.chartType) === -1 ) { // not a core chart // Get chart package from chart type o.chartPackage = o.options.chartType.toLowerCase(); } // Construct Chart options ------------------------------------------- // Set the Google chart options if ( o.options.chartOptions ) { // Use chartOptions object if it exists o.chartOptions = o.options.chartOptions; } else if (o.options[o.camelCase(o.options.chartType)]) { // Use options specific to the chart type if they exist o.chartOptions = o.options[o.camelCase(o.options.chartType)]; } // Clone Google Chart options so we don't overwrite original values o.cchartOptions = $.extend( true, {}, o.chartOptions ); // Create table ------------------------------------------------------- if ( o.options.createTable ) { // The caption text var tableTitle = o.options.dataTitle || o.cchartOptions.title || 'The Chart Data'; if ( o.tableHasData ) { $tableS.replaceWith( o.generateTable( o.dataArray, tableTitle, o.tableId, o.options.tableClass ) ); } else { $tableS = o.generateTable( o.dataArray, tableTitle, o.tableId, o.options.tableClass ).insertBefore( $chartS ); } } else if ( o.tableHasData && o.options.dataTitle ) { o.tableCaption.text( o.options.dataTitle ); } // Load Google Chart -------------------------------------------------- // Hide chart and HTML table o.showTableChart('hide', 'hide'); try { $.ajax({ url: o.options.urlJSAPI, dataType: 'script', cache: true }) .done(function () { // Create and draw Chart google.load('visualization', '1', { packages: [o.chartPackage], callback: o.drawChart }); // Add Window Resize event o.addResize(); }) .fail(function () { // Chart failed - Show HTML table and remove chart o.showTableChart('show', 'remove'); }) ; } catch (e) { // Chart failed - Show HTML table and remove chart o.showTableChart('show', 'remove'); console.log(e); } }; // Collect data - Assemble data from the HTML table, js array and Google Sheet // Returns an Array of data o.collectData = function () { var dataArray = []; // Format Google Sheet data if ( o.googleSheetData && !o.googleSheetData.statusText ) { dataArray = o.formatSheet( o.googleSheetData ); } else if ( o.googleSheetData ) { console.log(o.googleSheetData); } // Get HTML table data // Note: this overwrites any data extracted from A Google Sheet if ( o.tableHasData ) { dataArray = o.getTableData( $tableS ); } // Add/overwrite with js data-array columns if ( o.options.columns ) { if (dataArray[0] && dataArray[0][0] && dataArray[0][0].label) { // header data exists if ( o.options.colIndexes ) { // insert columns for (var i = 0; i < o.options.colIndexes.length; i++) { dataArray[0].splice(o.options.colIndexes[i], 0, o.options.columns[i]); } } else { // Overwrite columns array as first row dataArray[0] = o.options.columns; } } else { // header data does not exists // Insert columns array as first row dataArray.unshift(o.options.columns); } } // Add js data-array rows if ( o.options.rows && dataArray.length ) { // js data array exists if ( o.options.colIndexes ) { // colIndexes array exists for (var i = 0; i < o.options.rows.length; i++) { // loop through each row in js data array for (var j=0; j < o.options.colIndexes.length; j++) { // loop through colIndexes // Insert new data into dataArray dataArray[i+1].splice(o.options.colIndexes[j], 0, o.options.rows[i][j]); } } } else { // colIndexes array does not exist // Add rows to end of dataArray $.merge( dataArray, o.options.rows ); } } return dataArray; }; // Draw the chart o.drawChart = function ( ) { // Create dataTable ----------------------------------------------------------- o.data = new google.visualization.arrayToDataTable( o.dataArray ); if ( !o.data || !o.data.getNumberOfRows() ) { // No data // Show table remove chart o.showTableChart( 'show', 'remove' ); console.log( 'Google Charts data table failed' ); return; } // Format data ---------------------------------------------------------------- if ( o.cchartOptions.formatter && o.cchartOptions.formatter.type !== 'none' ) { var formatter = new google.visualization[o.cchartOptions.formatter.type](o.cchartOptions.formatter); formatter.format( o.data, o.cchartOptions.formatter.column ); // Apply formatter to column } // Adjust options ------------------------------------------------------------- // Set chart Title if ( o.tableHasData ) { o.cchartOptions.title = o.cchartOptions.title || o.tableCaption.text() || ''; } // Set the Calendar cell size if a calendar chart if ( o.options.chartType === 'Calendar' ) { o.cchartOptions.calendar.cellSize = o.cchartOptions.calendar.cellSize || $chartS.width() * o.cchartOptions.cellScaleFactor; } // Set font sizes if (o.cchartOptions.fontSize && isNaN(parseInt(o.cchartOptions.fontSize, 10))) { o.cchartOptions.fontSize = o.getFontSize(o.cchartOptions.fontSize, 16); } if (o.cchartOptions.titleTextStyle && o.cchartOptions.titleTextStyle.fontSize && isNaN(parseInt(o.cchartOptions.titleTextStyle.fontSize, 10))) { o.cchartOptions.titleTextStyle.fontSize = o.getFontSize(o.cchartOptions.titleTextStyle.fontSize, 16); } if (o.cchartOptions.calendar) { if ( o.cchartOptions.calendar.monthLabel && o.cchartOptions.calendar.monthLabel.fontSize && isNaN( parseInt( o.cchartOptions.calendar.monthLabel.fontSize, 10 ) ) ) { o.cchartOptions.calendar.monthLabel.fontSize = o.getFontSize( o.cchartOptions.calendar.monthLabel.fontSize, 16 ); } if (o.cchartOptions.calendar.dayOfWeekLabel && o.cchartOptions.calendar.dayOfWeekLabel.fontSize && isNaN(parseInt(o.cchartOptions.calendar.dayOfWeekLabel.fontSize, 10))) { o.cchartOptions.calendar.dayOfWeekLabel.fontSize = o.getFontSize(o.cchartOptions.calendar.dayOfWeekLabel.fontSize, 16); } } // Set Chart dimensions o.setDimensions(); // Revise Chart Options ------------------------------------------------------------- if ( o.options.chartType === 'BarChart' && !o.options.chartAspectRatio && !o.chartOptions.height) { // Height not set var fontSize = o.cchartOptions.fontSize || o.getFontSize('body', 16); // Define height based on font size and number of rows o.cchartOptions.height = fontSize * 2 * o.data.getNumberOfRows(); } // Draw chart ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create and draw the visualization. o.chart = new google.visualization[o.options.chartType]($chartS.get(0)); // Add ready and error event listeners google.visualization.events.addListener( o.chart, 'ready', function (e) { // Show chart o.showTableChart(o.options.showTable, 'show'); // Store the window width o.windowWidth = $( window ).width(); // Store the chart parent width o.chartParentWidth = o.chartParent.width(); // Zoom and offset chart if ( o.options.chartZoom || o.options.chartOffset ) { // The CSS3 transform value var transform = ''; // The chart canvas object var $chartCanvas = $chartS.children( ':last' ); // The top and left css values to be applied to the tooltip var top = 0; var left = 0; // The zoom and offset values var zoom = parseFloat(o.options.chartZoom) || 0; var tooltipZoom = 1/zoom || 1; var offsetX = parseInt(o.options.chartOffset[0]) || 0; var offsetY = parseInt(o.options.chartOffset[1]) || 0; offsetX = offsetX*$chartS.width()*zoom/100; offsetY = offsetY*$chartS.height()*zoom/100; // Zoom if ( zoom ) { transform = 'scale(' + zoom + ')'; top = ((($chartS.height()*zoom) - $chartS.height())/2)/zoom; left = ((($chartS.width()*zoom) - $chartS.width())/2)/zoom; } // Offset if ( offsetX || offsetY ) { transform += ' translate(' + offsetX + 'px,' + offsetY + 'px)'; top -= offsetY; left -= offsetX; } // Transform chart and prevent overflow $chartCanvas.css( 'transform', transform ); $chartS.css( 'overflow', 'hidden' ); // Add style to head to Adjust tooltip $('<style> .' + o.chartId +' .google-visualization-tooltip { ' + 'top: ' + top + 'px !important; ' + 'left: ' + left + 'px !important; ' + 'transform: scale(' + tooltipZoom + ')} </style>').appendTo('head'); } //Style calendar chart if ( o.options.chartType === 'Calendar') { $chartS.find( 'text:contains("' + o.cchartOptions.title + '")' ).css({ fill: o.cchartOptions.titleTextStyle.color, fontWeight: o.cchartOptions.titleTextStyle.fontWeight, fontSize: o.cchartOptions.titleTextStyle.fontSize, fontFamily: o.cchartOptions.titleTextStyle.fontName }); // Add style to head to style tooltip $('<style> .' + o.chartId +' .google-visualization-tooltip span { ' + 'color: ' + o.cchartOptions.tooltip.textStyle.color + ' !important; ' + 'font-size: ' + o.cchartOptions.tooltip.textStyle.fontSize + 'px !important; ' + 'font-family: "' + o.cchartOptions.tooltip.textStyle.fontName + '" !important; ' + '} </style>').appendTo('head'); } }); google.visualization.events.addListener( o.chart, 'error', function (e) { // Show table remove chart o.showTableChart('show', 'remove'); console.log(e); }); //google.visualization.events.addListener( o.chart, 'select', function () { // // Review tooltip object // console.log( $( '.google-visualization-tooltip' ) ); //}); // Draw chart o.chart.draw( o.data, o.cchartOptions ); }; // o.drawChart close // Format Google Sheets csv data // Returns an array of formatted data o.formatSheet = function( data ) { // The array of data to return var dataArray = []; // Format Google Sheet csv data if ( data && !data.statusText ) { try { // The array of all rows var rows = data.split(/\r\n|\n/); // The Array of column headings var columns = []; // Create cells for (var i=0; i<rows.length; i++) { // Each row var row = rows[i].split(','); rows[i] = row; } if ( o.options.transpose ) { rows = o.transpose(rows); } columns = rows[0]; // Get and format columns for ( var i=0; i<columns.length; i++ ) { if ( columns[i].toUpperCase() === 'TOOLTIP' ) { columns[i] = { type: 'string', role: 'tooltip' }; } else if ( columns[i].toUpperCase() === 'ANNOTATION' ){ columns[i] = { type: 'string', role: 'annotation' }; } else { columns[i] = { label: columns[i] }; } } // Add data to dataArray dataArray = rows; dataArray[0] = columns; // Format data dataArray = o.formatData(dataArray); } catch (e) { // Formatting of sheet data failed console.log(e); } } return dataArray; }; // Get data from an HTML table // Accepts a jQuery html table object // Returns a formatted data array o.getTableData = function ( $tableHTML ) { // The data table Array - The array of column and row data extracted from the HTML table var dataTable = []; try { // The rows - The collection of HTML table rows var $rows = $tableHTML.find( 'tr' ).not( $tableHTML.find( 'tfoot tr') ); // The array of data collected from all rows var rowsArr = []; // Add cells as objects to rowsArr $rows.each(function (row) { rowsArr.push([]); $( this ).find( 'td, th' ).each( function (col) { var $cell = $( this ); var cellObj = {}; // Construct the cell object if ( $cell.attr( 'data-type' ) ) { cellObj.type = $cell.attr( 'data-type' ); } if ( $cell.attr( 'data-role' ) ) { cellObj.role = $cell.attr( 'data-role' ); } cellObj.label = $cell.text(); // add cell object to rowsArr rowsArr[row].push(cellObj); }); }); // Transpose data if ( o.options.transpose ) { rowsArr = o.transpose(rowsArr); } // Add columns to dataTable dataTable.push(rowsArr[0]); // Change cell data back to values - excluding headings for ( var i=1; i<rowsArr.length; i++ ) { // each row // The Array of row data var rowData = []; for ( var j=0; j<rowsArr[i].length; j++ ) { // each cell // Add cell to row var cellData = rowsArr[i][j].label || ''; rowData.push( cellData ); } // add row to dataTable if ( rowData.length > 0 ) { dataTable.push(rowData); } } // Format data dataTable = o.formatData(dataTable); } catch (e) { // Could not extract data console.log(e); return []; } return dataTable; }; // Format the data - infer data types and add and remove columns // Returns an array of formatted data o.formatData = function( data ) { // The formatted data array - The array of reformatted data var formattedData = data; try { // Array of columns to remove var removeColArr = []; // Dynamic column types array - An array listing the active dynamic column types var dynColTypesArr = []; // The dynamic columns Array - An array of objects containing dynamic column metadata var dynColumns = []; // Remove ignore rows filter function var filterRows = function( n, i ) { return (o.options.ignoreRow.indexOf(i) === -1); }; // Remove ignore columns filter function var filterCols = function( n, i ) { return (o.options.ignoreCol.indexOf(i) === -1); }; // Remove dynamic columns filter function var filterDynamic = function( n, i ) { return (removeColArr.indexOf(i) === -1); }; // Get active dynamic column types if ( o.options.tooltipConcat ) { dynColTypesArr.push('tooltip'); } if ( o.options.annotationConcat ) { dynColTypesArr.push('annotation'); } // Remove ignored rows formattedData = $.grep(formattedData, filterRows); // Remove ignored columns for (var j=0; j<formattedData.length; j++) { // each row // Remove columns formattedData[j] = $.grep(formattedData[j], filterCols); } // If dynamic tooltip or annotation remove existing tooltip and annotation columns // and add dynamic columns if ( dynColTypesArr.length ) { // The primary axis heading - used to construct dynamic tooltips and annotations var domain = ''; // Get column indexes to remove for ( var i = 0; i < formattedData[0].length; i++ ) { // each column heading var role = formattedData[0][i].role || ''; // Add annotation and tooltip column indexes to remove to removeColArr if ( role && dynColTypesArr.indexOf(role) !== -1 ) { removeColArr.push(i); } } // Remove selected annotation and tooltip columns for (var j=0; j<formattedData.length; j++) { // each row // Remove columns formattedData[j] = $.grep(formattedData[j], filterDynamic); } // Add dynamic tooltip and annotation col headers for (var i=0; i<formattedData[0].length; i++) { // each header col var role = formattedData[ 0 ][ i ].role || ''; var label = formattedData[ 0 ][ i ].label || ''; // Get domain for use with tooltip and annotation if ( role === 'domain' || i === 0 ) { domain = formattedData[0][i]; } if ( (!role || dynColTypesArr.indexOf(role) === -1) && i > 0 ) { // not a dynamic column // Add dynamic column if needed for (var j=0; j<dynColTypesArr.length; j++) { // each dynamic col type i++; // Insert the dynamic column formattedData[ 0 ].splice( i, 0, { type: 'string', role: dynColTypesArr[j] }); // Add column metadata to dynColumns dynColumns.push( { index: i, domain: domain, role: dynColTypesArr[j], label: label } ); } } } // Add dynamic columns data for (var i=1; i<formattedData.length; i++) { // each data row for (var j=0; j<dynColumns.length; j++) { // each dynamic column var dynData = ''; // Get dynamic column type if ( dynColumns[j].role === 'toolip' ) { dynData = o.options.tooltipConcat; } else if ( dynColumns[j].role === 'annotation' ) { dynData = o.options.annotationConcat; } // Replace keywords dynData = dynData.replace( new RegExp( 'domain', 'g' ), dynColumns[j].domain ); dynData = dynData.replace( new RegExp( 'label', 'g' ), dynColumns[j].label ); dynData = dynData.replace( new RegExp( 'data', 'g' ), formattedData[i][dynColumns[j].index] ); // Insert into formattedData formattedData[ i ].splice( dynColumns[j].index, 0, dynData); } } } // Format row data according to data types for ( var i=1; i<formattedData.length; i++ ) { // each row // The Array of row data var rowData = []; for ( var j = 0; j < formattedData[ i ].length; j++ ) { // each cell // Initiate cell metadata var colType = formattedData[ 0 ][ j ].type || ''; var colRole = formattedData[ 0 ][ j ].role || ''; var cellData = formattedData[ i ][ j ] || ''; // Format data and add to cellData array if ( [ 'tooltip', 'annotation' ].indexOf( colRole ) === -1 ) { // Not a tooltip/annotation if ( colType === 'date' || colType === 'datetime' ) { cellData = new Date( cellData ); } else if ( colType === 'number' ) { cellData = parseFloat( cellData ); } else if ( colType === 'boolean' ) { var str = cellData.toLowerCase(); cellData = (str !== 'false' && str !== '0' && str !== 'no' && str !== '' ); } else if ( colType === 'timeofday' ) { cellData = cellData.getTime(); } else if ( j !== 0 ) { // not the first column if ( !isNaN( parseFloat( cellData ) ) ) { cellData = parseFloat( cellData ); } else if ( new Date( cellData ) !== 'Invalid Date' && !isNaN( new Date( cellData ) ) ) { cellData = new Date( cellData ); } } } // Add cell to row rowData.push( cellData ); } // Replace row with formatted data if (rowData.length > 0) { formattedData[i] = rowData; } } } catch (e) { // Could not extract data console.log(e); return []; } return formattedData; }; // Generate HTML table jQuery object from chart data // Returns a jQuery object defining the table o.generateTable = function ( data, tableTitle, tableId, tableClass ) { // The html string var html = '<table id="' + tableId + '" class="' + tableId + ' ' + tableClass + '"><caption>' + tableTitle + '</caption><thead><tr>'; // Add header columns to html for (var i = 0; i < data[0].length; i++) { if ( data[0][i].role && data[0][i].role === 'tooltip' ) { html += '<th>Tooltip</th>'; } else if ( data[0][i].role && data[0][i].role === 'annotation' ) { html += '<th>Annotation</th>'; } else if ( data[0][i].label ) { html += '<th>' + data[0][i].label + '</th>'; } } html += '</tr></thead><tbody>'; // Add rows to html for (var i = 1; i < data.length; i++) { html += '<tr>'; for (var j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) { var align = isNaN(data[i][j]) ? 'left': 'right'; html += '<td align="' + align + '">' + data[i][j] + '</td>'; } html += '</tr>'; } html += '</tbody></table>'; return $( html ); }; // Add window resize event o.addResize = function () { // Window event handlers $( window ).on({ // Reset on screen resize 'resize': function() { // Adjust layout clearTimeout( o.timer ); o.timer = setTimeout( function() { // Test if width has resized - as opposed to height if ( $( window ).width() !== o.windowWidth ) { // Save the chart style var elStyle = $chartS.attr( 'style' ); // Remove js styles from chart $chartS.removeAttr( 'style' ); // Test if chart parent has changed width if ( o.chartParent.width() !== o.chartParentWidth ) { // Recalculate calculated option values --------------------- // Recalculate calendar cellSize if ( o.cchartOptions.calendar && !o.options.calendar.calendar.cellSize ) { o.cchartOptions.calendar.cellSize = $chartS.width() * 0.017; } // Set Chart dimensions o.setDimensions(); // Redraw chart --------------------------------------------- o.chart.draw( o.data, o.cchartOptions ); } else { // parent has not changed width // Re-apply the chart style $chartS.attr( 'style', elStyle ); } } }, 500 ); } }); }; // Show, hide or remove chart and table o.showTableChart = function ( table, chart ) { // Values: 'show', 'hide', or 'remove' var tableLen = $tableS ? $tableS.length : false; var chartLen = $chartS ? $chartS.length : false; // Table if ( table === 'show' && tableLen ) { $tableS.css( 'opacity', 0 ); $tableS.css( o.options.showTableCSS ); $tableS.fadeTo( 400, 1 ); } else if ( table === 'hide' && tableLen ) { $tableS.css( o.options.hideTableCSS ); } else if ( table === 'remove' && tableLen ) { $tableS.css( 'display', 'none' ); } // Chart if ( chart === 'show' && chartLen ) { $chartS.css( 'opacity', 0 ); $chartS.css( o.options.showChartCSS ); $chartS.fadeTo( 400, 1 ); } else if ( chart === 'hide' && chartLen ) { $chartS.css( o.options.showChartCSS ); } else if ( chart === 'remove' && chartLen ) { $chartS.css( 'display', 'none' ); } }; // Get font size function // Returns an integer o.getFontSize = function ( selector, dSize ) { return parseInt( $( selector ).css( 'fontSize' ), 10 ) || dSize; }; // Transpose data array function // Returns the transposed array of data o.transpose = function (arr) { var tArr = new Array( arr[0].length ); for ( var i = 0; i < arr[0].length; i++ ) { tArr[i] = new Array( arr.length ); for ( var j = 0; j < arr.length; j++ ) { tArr[i][j] = arr[j][i]; } } return tArr; }; // Set chart width and height values o.setDimensions = function () { // Store the chart parent width o.chartParentWidth = o.chartParent.width(); // Set chart width and height if ( o.options.chartAspectRatio ){ if ( o.chartOptions.width && !o.chartOptions.height ){ o.cchartOptions.height = o.chartOptions.width / o.options.chartAspectRatio; } else if ( !o.chartOptions.width && o.chartOptions.height ){ o.cchartOptions.width = o.chartOptions.height * o.options.chartAspectRatio; } else if (!o.chartOptions.width && !o.chartOptions.height) { o.cchartOptions.width = $chartS.width(); o.cchartOptions.height = $chartS.width() / o.options.chartAspectRatio; } } else if (!o.chartOptions.width && !o.chartOptions.height) { o.cchartOptions.width = $chartS.width(); } }; // camelCase function - converts text to camelCase // Returns a camelCased string o.camelCase = function ( str ) { return str.replace(/(?:^\w|[A-Z]|\b\w|\s+)/g, function(match, index) { if (+match === 0) return ''; // or if (/\s+/.test(match)) for white spaces return index === 0 ? match.toLowerCase() : match.toUpperCase(); }); }; // initialize -------------------------------------------------------------------------- o.init(el, options); return this; }; // chartinator close // Create the plugin ====================================================================== $.fn.chartinator = function (options) { // Enable multi-element support return this.each(function () { var $el = $( this ); if (!$el.data('chartinator')) { $( this ).data( 'chartinator', new chartinator( this, options ) ); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document, Math);
Linux 65-254-81-4.cprapid.com 5.14.0-284.11.1.el9_2.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue May 9 05:49:00 EDT 2023 x86_64